[Page [754]] [Page 755]- Abbott, George M., 23n, 25
- Agroville program in Vietnam, 285, 368, 383–384, 500, 533
- Alsop, Joseph, 429
- Amory, Robert, Jr., 446–447
- Anderson, Daniel Virden, 236n, 250, 272–275, 412n, 451–453, 458, 465n, 498n, 514, 524n, 705, 711–713
- Anderson, Dillon, 138–140, 171
- Anderson Committee, Vietnam visit by, 138–144
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN):
- Anti-guerrilla training, 283, 286, 290
- Can Lao Party influence in, 163, 534
- Casualties, 318–319
- Commando school, termination of, 402, 477–478
- Commando units, personnel for, 325–326, 353, 379
- Communications capabilities, 474
- Communist infiltration of, 307
- Counter-insurgency operations, 354, 358
- Coup, possible reaction to, 562–563
- Coup attempt (1954), 534–535
- Desertions, 383
- Failures in combat, 305–306
- Firepower of, 473
- General officers of, 132
- Headquarters and staff personnel, 628, 630, 701
- Mobility of personnel and equipment, 473
- Morale in, 294
- Officer corps, 294, 533–534
- Populace, treatment of, 532
- Promotions in, 294
- Reorganization of, 401, 687
- U.S. intelligence re, 293
- Arneson, R. Gordon, 85–86
- ARVN. See Army of the Republic of Vietnam.
- Askew, Laurin B., 407n, 409n
- Assistance programs, U.S., to Vietnam (see also
Economic assistance, U.S.; Military assistance, U.S.; Technical
assistance programs, U.S.):
- Congressional interest in, 225–227, 289, 382
- Delays in, 127, 351
- Devaluation of piaster, relation to, 519n
- Economic dependence through, 128, 207–208
- Economic-military balance in, 13–15, 237, 241
- FY 1960, 74–77
- FY 1961, 673
- Objectives of, 119–120
- Political reforms tied to, 672–676, 685
- Political situation and, 268
- Vietnamese cooperation and, 42
- Australia, 418–419
- Ba Cut, 531
- Bao An. See Civil Guard.
- Bao Dai, 726
- Barbour, Robert E., 4–5, 17–20, 114n
- Barnes, Thomas J., 485n
- Barrows, Leland, 10, 31, 61, 127–128
- Bayar, Celal, 438n
- Bell, John O., 672–673
- Binh Xuyen, 72, 531
- Black, Col. Edwin F., 410n, 439n, 653
- Boggs, Marion W., 448
- Bonesteel, Maj. Gen. Charles H., III, 91n, 93n, 279
- Bourguiba, Habib, 8
- Bowie, Thomas D., 109n, 113
- Brandstatter, Arthur F., 586
- Brucker, Wilber M., 93–94
- Bui Van Luong, 724, 726
- Bunting, Frederick H., 37
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh, 325n, 390
- Buttinger, Joseph, 430
- Buu Hoi, 726
- Ca Le, Madame, 160
- Calhoun, John A., 408n, 457n
- Camau Peninsula, 214–217
- Cambodia:
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 455, 529
- Communist insurgency from, 43–44, 121, 529, 571
- Communist political activities in, 24–25
- Counter-insurgency operations, cooperation re, 378
- French presence in, 529
- Political situation, 99
- United States, relations with, 529–530
- U.S. military assistance, 641, 705
- Vietnam, relations with, 9, 11, 193
- Vietnamese attack on, 433–437, 439–441, 448–449, 452–453
- Cambodian minority in Vietnam, 416
- Campbell, Alan L., 30n
- Can. See Ngo Dinh Can.
- Can Lao Party (see also
National Revolutionary Movement):
- Administrative Bureau, 154
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam, influence in, 163, 534
- Business activities, 146, 156
- Cassia exports, 88–89, 160–161, 184, 222–223, 244
- Corruption in, 90, 295–296, 375–377, 385, 455–456
- Diem’s assessment of, 375–377
- Embassy Club, 159
- Export license sales, 158
- Investment arrangements with the government, 223–224, 244
- Investment committee, 160
- Lime operations, 245
- Misinformation re, 224–225
- Monopolization of business and industry, 224
- Nhu’s comments re, 220–225
- Oil imports, 159–160, 295
- Phosphate deposits, exploitation of, 158–159
- Profits from, 157
- Ship purchases, 161–162
- U.S. position, 88–90, 168–169, 184, 385
- Villahermosa case, 157–158
- In Central Vietnam, 151, 160–162, 165, 727
- Clandestine character of, 264
- Democracy, role in movement toward, 264
- Diem’s assessment of, 150–151, 375–377, 434–435, 455–456
- Factions:
- Government officials, campaigns against, 114–115
- Government officials criticism of, 29–30
- Government officials in, 154–155
- Industrialist and businessmen’s section, 376
- Internal conflicts, 165–168
- Kuomintang, similarity to, 155–156
- Leadership problem, 146–147, 164–165
- Members, duties of, 263–264
- Military Committee, 154
- Military establishment, relations with, 154, 163–164, 167–169, 266
- Organization Bureau, 153–154
- Organization of, 89–90, 145–146, 149–150, 537n
- Origins of, 148–149
- Peasants, insensitivity toward, 189
- Personalism philosophy, 89–90, 145
- Political operations, corruption in, 296–298
- Political power of, 84–85, 87, 116
- Reform proposals re, 577, 582–583, 593, 600
- In southern Vietnam, 152–155, 165
- Statutes of, 150–151
- Surveillance of U.S. personnel, 116
- Training and Indoctrination Bureau, 153
- Unification proposals, 149–150, 166–167
- U.S. influence on, 169–170
- U.S. policies re, 147
- Vietnamese people, assistance to, 162–163, 243–245
- Canada, 137, 334n
- Canal reconstruction, 214, 216, 350–351
- Cao Dai, 530–531
- Cao Van Luan, 151
- Cao Xuan Vy, 727
- Caravelle Group, 725
- Caravelle Manifesto, 404n, 435n
- Carr, Paul E., 255n
- Cassia exports, 88–89, 160–161, 184, 222–223, 244
- Catholics, 561–562, 727
- Central Intelligence Agency:
- Central Vietnam (see also Ngo Dinh Can):
- Chau. See Nguyen Huu Chau.
- Chen Yi, 455n
- Cherne, Leo, 429–430
- China, People’s Republic of, 92, 455, 511, 529
- China, Republic of, 155–156, 367, 380
- Chinese minority in Vietnam, 5, 44, 535
- Choi, General, 684
- Chou En-lai, 434, 455
- Chuong. See Tran Van Chuong.
- CINCPAC. See Felt, Adm. Harry D.
- Civil Guard in Vietnam:
- Anti-guerrilla training, 493–494, 628–629
- Casualties, 318–319
- Command structure, 678
- Communications training, 505
- Counter-insurgency operations, role in, 323, 339, 406–407
- Equipment for, 32–34, 37–38, 59, 78–79, 552–553
- Force level reductions, 58–60, 78
- Military control of:
- National organization to supervise, proposal re, 489–491, 498n
- Reorganization, MAAG plan for, 701–702
- U.S. Operations Mission, problems with, 503–505
- U.S.-Vietnamese program for (Jan. 1959), 128–131, 134–135, 218
- Cleveland, Robert G., 236n, 451n, 633n, 720n, 751n
- Colby, William E., 255n, 632, 660–663, 671n
- Colegrove, Albert M., 220n, 226, 405–406, 429
- Colegrove newspaper articles, 220–221, 225
- Collins, Gen. J. Lawton, 138–141, 681
- Commando units. See under Counter-insurgency operations.
- Communist insurgency in Vietnam:
- Aircraft, use of, 305–306
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam, infiltration of, 307
- Assassinations, 72, 304–305, 317, 539
- Attack units, size of, 320–321
- Bien Hoa attack (July 1959), 220
- From Cambodia, 43–44, 121, 529, 571
- Casualties, 318–320
- In Central Vietnam, 12–13, 19, 83, 247–249, 308–309
- Communist cells in Vietnam, 469–470
- Coup, intentions re, 301, 310
- Decrease in, 215
- Dissidents, surrender of, 83, 85
- Elections, activities during, 232
- Guerrilla tactics, 283, 299, 372–373
- Hit and run tactics, 342–343
- Increase in, 176–177, 300–301, 310, 336, 345, 538–539, 743
- Infiltration routes, 309
- International Supervisory and Control Commission refusal to acknowledge, 408
- Kidnappings, 304–305, 317, 539, 590
- From Laos, 361–362, 510
- Methods, determination of, 218–219
- Military assistance to Vietnam, relation to, 97–98
- Military-type operations, 305–307, 424
- Peasants, intimidation of, 368
- People’s Army of Vietnam, 309–310
- Political and psychological activities, 526–527
- Popular support for, 205, 532–533, 616
- Propaganda operations, 307
- Rubber plantation attacks, 72
- Rural areas, control of, 43–44, 129, 406–407, 716, 718
- Status through April 1960, 303–304
- Subversion attempts, failure of, 7–8
- Supply lines, 368
- Tay Ninh attack (Jan. 1960), 296n, 303, 343–344
- Terrorism, use of, 215–216, 615–616
- Troop strength, 301
- Vietnamese fabrications in reporting, 428–429
- Communist invasion of Vietnam, possible, 700, 717–718, 750
- Comstock, Col. Richard H., 64n, 396–400
- Congress, U.S., 101–102, 225–227, 273–274, 289, 382, 382n, 441–442, 467–469
- Corcoran, Thomas J., 3n, 20n
- Coster, Donald Q., 495–496, 503–508
- Counter-insurgency operations in Vietnam:
- Aircraft, use of, 390
- Anti-guerrilla training (see also under
Army of the Republic of Vietnam; Civil Guard):
- British trainers for, 349, 386–387, 410–411
- Competitive exercises, 481–482
- Durbrow–Williams misunderstanding re, 396–404, 474–483, 493, 524
- International Supervisory and Control Commission interest in, 287
- Locations for, 394–395
- MAAG involvement in, 291–293, 394–395, 474–483
- Need for, 406–407
- Obstacles to, 478–481
- Officer training, 216, 218
- Okinawa as base for, 331–332
- Personnel for, 394
- Results of, 482
- Rotation for, 337–338, 354–356, 363, 479, 546
- Time requirements, 475–476
- U.S. instruction manuals, 360, 398, 401–402, 475
- U.S. Special Forces, for, 206, 218, 281–282, 287–289, 290, 322–324, 346–347, 354, 393, 407n
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam used for, 121, 310, 354, 358
- Border control system, 450–451, 454–456, 719–720
- In Camau Peninsula, 214–217
- Cambodian cooperation, 378
- Centralized command, 310–311, 315–316, 321–322, 324, 336–337, 339–340, 356, 429
- Coastal surveillance, 323, 327
- Commando training school, 64–65, 402, 477–478
- Commando units:
- Communist bases, attacks on, 369–371, 378
- Coup attempt of Nov. 1960, effects of, 651
- Emergency Operations Control System, 573–574
- Equipment for, 321–322, 328, 353, 452, 570, 590
- Equipment used to attack Cambodia, 433–435
- Farmers’ Associations, 250–251, 260n
- French contribution to, 543
- Helicopters for, 703–704, 710, 746
- Hoa Hao, possible use of, 295, 349
- Hot pursuit, rights of, 571
- Intelligence reports, 315, 374, 378–379
- Intelligence system, 321–322, 348, 356–358, 363, 378, 384, 389–390, 571, 590–591, 606, 623–624, 733
- Jungle teams, 605n–606n
- Lansdale to assist with:
- Logistics in, 390
- MAAG plan (Oct. 1960), 613–620
- Military installations, inadequacy of, 91–92
- Military methods, reliance on, 188–189
- Military Tribunals, use of, 216
- National course of action:
- Pacification timetable, 372
- Peasants(see also Agroville program), 194–195, 285–286, 302–303, 311–316, 326–328, 351–352, 379
- Phuoc Thanh Province operations, 305–306
- Populace, control of, 574–575, 619
- Psychological warfare, 205–206, 321, 323, 347, 571–572
- Regimental camps, construction of, 370
- Road and canal construction, 12–13, 214, 216, 236n, 350–351, 505–507
- Rural areas, control of, 388
- Sweep operations, 308–309, 320–321
- Training camps, 371–372
- U.S. advisers in the field, possibility of, 178–180, 182–183
- U.S. policies re, 53–54, 362, 414–415
- U.S. troops involved in, possibility of, 570
- U.S.-Vietnamese joint effort, proposal re, 69–70, 71n, 85–86
- U.S.-Vietnamese military conferences, 533
- Vietnamese Air Force, use of, 323
- Villages, protection of, 371, 378
- Coup, possible:
- Coup attempt, 1954, 534–535, 667–668
- Coup attempt, Nov. 1960, 631
- Cessation of hostilities, 658
- Communist capitalization on, 647, 652, 658
- Communist support of, 687
- Counter-insurgency operations, effect on, 651
- Coup attempt of 1954, similarity to, 667–668
- Durbrow’s reaction to, 635–637, 649–650, 662–663, 669
- Eisenhower letter to Diem re, 682–683
- Felt trip in response to, possible, 640–641
- First-hand accounts, 638–639, 660–663
- Investigation of, 690
- Junior officers’ role in, 645–646
- Leaders of, 632–633
- Lessons of, 653–655
- Marines, Diem’s request for, 634–635
- Military, effects on, 659–660
- Military control of government, 651–652
- Minh, role of, 646
- Negotiations, 637–638, 643, 647
- Objectives of, 633–635, 642–643
- Political reforms, effects on, 658–659
- Popular reaction to, 639, 647, 652
- Provisional government, 644–645, 648, 650
- Rebellious troops, identification of, 665–666
- Revolutionary Committee, 635, 642
- Surrender of rebels, 648, 664
- U.S. backing of, alleged:
- U.S.-Vietnamese relations, effect on, 688
- Vengeance re rebels, 655–657, 664–666, 678
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., 69, 71n, 438, 717–718
- Cunningham, H. Francis, J., 330–331
- Cutler, Robert, 40n
- Dabney, Lt. Gen. John A., 670n
- Dai Ta Loc, Lt. Col., 639
- Dai Viets Party, 725
- Dan. See Phan Quang Dan.
- Dang Duc Khoi, 726
- Dang Van Sung, 725
- Dap Chhuon, Gen., 299, 529–530
- De Gaulle, Charles, 544n
- De Jaegher, Raymond J., 634
- Defense, U.S. Department of (see also
Joint Chiefs of Staff):
- Cambodia, Vietnamese attack on, 439–441
- Civil Guard, 26–29, 37–38, 387n–388n, 571
- Counter-insurgency operations, 332,
342n, 357–359, 466, 572–575
- U.S. troops involved in, 570
- Coup attempt, Nov. 1960, 640–641, 667–668, 681–682
- Jet facility construction, 187–188
- Military assistance, U.S., 233n, 422–423
- MAAG personnel ceiling, 274–276
- Political situation, 549
- Thuan, meeting with, 387–390
- Vietnamese Air Force, 63–64, 73–74, 135–136, 196n, 359
- Vietnamese military students, training of, 53
- Development Loan Fund Corporation, 76, 186, 237, 242
- Diem. See Ngo Dinh Diem.
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 118n, 128, 187–188, 225, 237–238, 273–274, 352n, 382–383, 388n, 437–438, 461–462, 466, 672
- Do Cao Minh, 727
- Do Cao Tri, Maj., 639
- Do Mau, Col., 727
- Douglas, James H., 279, 336, 439n, 457–458, 549, 572n, 667, 730
- Draper Committee (see also Anderson Committee), 138n, 172–174
- Dulles, Allen W., 40n, 412n, 585–586
- Dulles, John Foster, 39n, 55, 79–80, 96, 98–100, 134–135, 210
- Dung. See Tran Trung Dung.
- Duong Van Duc, Gen., 164, 726
- Duong Van Minh, Maj. Gen., 267, 348–349, 531, 562, 639, 646, 659, 662, 667, 722
- Durbrow, Elbridge:
- Agroville program, 302, 485–486, 589–591
- Anderson Committee visit to Vietnam, 138–144
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam:
- Assistance programs, U.S., 225
- Cambodia:
- Can Lao Party, 84–85, 87–90, 184, 221–225, 375–377
- Chau resignation, 15–16
- Civil Guard:
- Communist insurgency, increase in, 176–177, 300–301
- Communist invasion, possible, 750
- Counter-insurgency operations:
- Anti-guerrilla training, 283–288, 290, 331, 354–356, 393, 406–407, 409, 462–463
- Border control, 719–720
- Centralized command, 356
- Coastal surveillance, 327
- Commando units, 325–326, 352–354, 379
- Equipment for, 325–326, 328, 350–351, 393
- Intelligence reports, 378–379
- Intelligence system, 356–357, 590–591
- Lansdale to assist with, 409, 462–463
- Military methods, reliance on, 188–189
- Misunderstanding with Williams re, 396–404, 474, 524
- Peasants, 194–195, 302–303, 326–327, 351–352
- U.S.-Vietnamese joint effort, 69–70, 71n, 85
- Vietnamese-Cambodian relations and, 450–451
- Village protection, 378
- Coup, possible, 560–563, 709–710
- Coup attempt, Nov. 1960, 632–638, 640–645, 649–650, 654, 662–663, 665–672, 676, 681–683, 705–708, 716
- Diem, relations with, 193–194, 662
- Diem, U.S. popular opinion re, 86–87
- Diem, U.S. support for, 483n, 495–497
- Economic development, 12–13, 131n, 240
- Economic situation:
- Effectiveness of, 580
- Elections (1959), 227–233
- Jet facility construction, 105–107
- Lansdale visit to Vietnam, possible, 691–692
- Laos, 543–544
- Leadership alternatives to Diem, 749
- McGarr, relations with, 524–525
- Military assistance, U.S.:
- MAAG personnel ceiling, 3, 211–213, 273–274
- Military budget, Vietnamese contribution to, 181–182
- Personalism philosophy, 109–113
- Political reforms, 575–579, 598, 622–625, 683–686, 688–691, 707–708, 710–711, 740–741
- Political situation, 4
- Recall of, proposed, 653
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces force level increase, 172, 392, 557–558, 566–567, 621–622, 626–631, 694, 737–739, 749–750
- Secretary of State for Southeast Asia proposal, 70–71
- Self-Defense Corps, 82–84
- Technical assistance programs, U.S., 240–241
- Temporary Equipment Recovery Mission, 1–2
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, report re, 509–512
- Vietnam situation, assessment of, 741–745
- Vietnamese Air Force, 66–69, 73, 175, 176n, 196–198, 250, 731–732
- Vietnamese attitude toward, 569
- Williams, relations with, 444–445
- Williams, retirement of, 170–172, 492
- Youth groups, 732–733
- Durdin, Tillman, 432
- Economic assistance, U.S., to Vietnam:
- Economic development in Vietnam:
- Agricultural development, 236–237
- China, Republic of, agreements with, 380
- Construction projects, Vietnamese initiative re, 251–252
- Education and, 248
- French credits for, 380
- Government attitude toward, 242, 262
- Industrial development, 76, 364, 365, 380–381
- Military personnel used for, 18–19
- Political situation and, 15–16, 191, 262–263
- Popular support for government through, 15–16, 191
- Public works programs, 11
- Rice exports, 76, 128, 242, 381
- Road construction, 12–13, 214, 216, 236n, 252–253, 350–351, 505–507
- Rubber replantation, 381
- Rural development programs, 50, 122
- Three-year plan, 519–521
- U.S. policies re, 419–420
- U.S. support, need for, 505–506
- Vietnamese financing of, 240
- Economic situation in Vietnam (see also
Business activities under
Can Lao Party):
- Budget, 10–12, 76–77
- Counterpart funds, 141, 185
- Deficit financing, 240
- Devaluation of piaster, 174, 181, 186, 519–520
- Development Loan Fund loans, 76, 186, 237, 242
- Entrepreneur class, formation of, 223–224
- Foreign exchange rates on piaster, 141, 173–174, 241, 363–364
- Government involvement in businesses, 238, 242, 253–254
- Local currency resources, 366–367
- Long-range planning, 367
- Military assistance, U.S., relation to, 241
- Mixed economy (third way), 5–7
- Monetary reforms, 381–382
- National Economic Council, proposed, 607, 624, 686, 689
- Private investment:
- Standard of living, 368
- Taxation, 237, 284, 520–521, 545n, 740
- U.S. assistance, dependence on, 128, 207–208
- U.S. policies re, 47–50, 122–123, 270–271
- Eden, Anthony, 210
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 12, 138n, 255n, 407, 447, 489n, 507, 641, 705n
- Eisenhower, John S.D., 220, 408n, 664, 705n
- Elections in Vietnam (1959):
- Elting, Howard, Jr., 6, 29–34, 58–59, 92–96, 103–105, 220–221, 243
- Erichsen-Brown, 309
- Erskine, Gen. Graves B., 26–27, 713
- Eurasia, 162
- Evans, Col. Robert F., 26, 36–37, 63–64, 81, 124–127, 209–212
- Fall, M. Bernard, 428–429
- Farmers’ Associations, 250–251, 260n
- Felt, Adm. Harry D.,
83–84, 387
- Counter-insurgency operations:
- Coup attempt, Nov. 1960, 640–641, 645, 648, 650, 657
- Lansdale visit to Vietnam, possible, 729, 730n
- Military assistance, U.S., 93–94
- MAAG personnel ceiling, 272, 275
- Political situation, 549
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces force level increase, 328–329, 621, 695
- Vietnamese Air Force, 103, 124–126, 366
- Williams, retirement of, 171
- Fine, Sherwood M., 514, 516–518, 673n
- Fink, Andrew J., III, 300n
- Fippin, William H., 486
- Fishel, Wesley R., 426–433, 589n
- FitzGerald, D.A., 673–676
- Fitzgerald, Desmond, 568
- Flesch, Lt. Col. Joseph M., 332, 338, 342, 357, 387n, 391, 572n
- Foster, Lt. Col., 444n
- Fox, M. J., 134n
- France, 137, 613
- Frechtling, L. E., 187n
- Free Khmer Radio, 433–436, 497
- French, Jerome T., 339, 669–670, 692–693, 713–717
- Fruit, Melville M., 218
- Fulbright, J. William, 225, 427
- Garcia, Carlos P., 184
- Gardiner, Arthur Z., 142, 176–177, 185–186, 226, 445, 455, 633n
- Gates, Thomas S., Jr., 387n–388n, 447, 501, 547, 641, 653, 703
- Geneva Accords, 65–66, 198n, 209, 334n–335n
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 172n, 408
- Gore, Albert E., 274n, 444
- Grant, William B., 509n
- Gray, Gordon, 118n, 412n, 451n
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Green, Marshall, 65
- Ha Thuc Luyen, 151–152, 246–247
- Ha Van Vuong, 158, 284
- Hall, Thomas E., 134n
- Hannah, John A., 586, 589n
- Hare, Raymond A., 451n
- Heavner, Theodore J. C, 243–250, 308
- Helble, John, 589n
- Herter, Christian A., 40n
- Assistance programs, U.S., 225
- Cambodia, Vietnamese attack on, 448–449
- Civil Guard, 118n, 493–494
- Communist insurgency, 218–219
- Communist invasion, possible, 717
- Counter-insurgency operations, 217–218, 604–605
- Coup attempt, Nov. 1960, 633
- Diem, U.S. support for, 609
- MAAG personnel ceiling, 23, 334–335, 441–442
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces force level increase, 720–721
- Thuan’s U.S. visit, 236n, 384–386
- Ho Van Nhut, 330, 725
- Hoa Hao, 295, 331, 349, 531
- Hoang. See Thai Quang Hoang, Gen.
- Hoang Co Thuy, 227, 635, 637, 642, 644, 666, 690, 725
- Hoang Hung, 115
- Hohler, H.A.F., 456n
- Houghton, Amory, 114–117
- Hutchinson, Maj. Gen. Donald R., 125–126
- Huynh Van Lang, 153, 727
- ICC. See International Supervisory and Control Commission.
- Inagaki, René-Georges, 687
- India, 7, 137, 334n
- Information and cultural programs, U.S., 52–53, 75–76, 241, 271, 412, 420–421
- Internal security. See Civil Guard; Counter-insurgency operations; Self-Defense Corps.
- Internal Security Council, 600, 623
- International Cooperation Administration, U.S., 26, 53, 37–38, 367
- International Education Exchange Service, 53
- International Supervisory and Control Commission (ICC):
- Civil Guard, 130–131
- Communist insurgency, refusal to acknowledge, 408
- Counter-insurgency operations, interest in, 287
- Function of, 210
- Influence of, 418
- MAAG personnel ceiling, 211–212, 272, 334–335, 408, 469
- Temporary Equipment Recovery Mission, interest in, 1n, 2–3, 21, 202
- Termination of, U.S. position, 136–137
- U.S. policies re, 43, 120, 418
- Vietnamese Air Force, jets for, 66–69
- Irwin, John N., II, 80, 118n, 135, 172n, 187, 198n, 288, 328, 387–390, 412n, 489, 498n, 572–575, 621, 640–641
- Japanese Reparations Agreements, 380
- Jenkins, Albert leS., 459n
- Jet facility construction in Vietnam:
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 611–613
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S.:
- Jonas, Gilbert, 431
- Katay Don Sasorith, 8
- Kattenburg, Paul M., 25
- Kennan, George F., 502
- Kent, Sherman, 293, 526
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 423
- Knight, Robert H., 106n–107n, 410n, 439n, 458, 465–466, 670n, 682
- Kocher, Eric, 3n, 55n, 71–74, 87, 90n, 136–137, 175–176, 196n
- Korea, Republic of, 438
- Kossamak, Queen of Cambodia, 373
- Kuomintang, 155–156
- Ladejinsky, Wolf, 69–71, 86–88, 90n, 103–105, 188–190, 294–296, 400, 450–451, 495, 514–518, 591n, 612, 734
- Lalouette, Roger, 456n, 483n, 484, 613
- Lam Le Trinh, 15, 154, 215
- Lampert, Brig. Gen. J. B., 193–194, 349, 387n
- Lansdale, Col. Edward G., 442
- Agroville program, 411
- Cambodia, Vietnamese attack on, 439n, 463
- Civil Guard, military control of, 26–29, 62, 691
- Counter-insurgency operations, 320, 324n–325n, 338, 570–572
- Coup attempt, Nov. 1960, 653–654, 659, 667–669
- Draper Committee, 138n
- McGarr, briefing for, 528–536
- Ngo Dinh Nhu, Madame, 568–569
- Political reforms, 579–585
- Political situation, 279–281
- Self-Defense Corps, 80–81
- Special National Intelligence Estimate, background information for, 526–528
- Vietnam visit, possible, 691–693, 729–730
- Williams, retirement of, 501–502
- Lao Dong Party, 301, 309
- Laos:
- Lausche, Frank J., 226
- Le Dinh Hue, 244
- Le Khac Quyen, 247
- Le Quang Tung, Lt. Col., 727
- Le Truong Quat, 624
- Le Van Dong, 153–154, 188–189, 228, 294, 561, 726
- Le Van Kim, Gen., 642
- Le Van Ty, Gen., 64, 65n, 266–267, 315, 353, 393, 633n, 644–646, 666, 722
- LeMay, Gen. Curtis E., 704
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman Louis, 345–348, 389–390, 501, 682
- Liberty and Progress Party, 438
- Lien Minh, 530–531
- MAAG. See Military Assistance Advisory Group.
- McElroy, Neil H., 93
- McGarr, Lt. Gen. Lionel C., 492, 501
- Briefing for, 528–536
- Civil Guard, military control of, 691
- Communist invasion, possible, 750
- Coup attempt, Nov. 1960, 635–637, 645–648, 650–652, 657–660, 663, 668, 676–678
- Diem, relations with, 525
- Durbrow, relations with, 524–525
- Leadership alternatives to Diem, 749
- Political situation, 556, 564–566
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces force level increase, 621, 695–696
- McGee, Gale, 274n, 385, 444
- McIntosh, Frank, 367
- McKnown, Col. William K., 390
- Macmillan, Harold, 55n, 58
- Macomber, William B., Jr., 289
- Manac’h, Etienne M., 483–484
- Mansfield, Michael J., 225–226, 273–274, 382, 427, 429, 441, 467, 525
- Maritain, Jacques, 110n
- Mau. See Vu Van Mau.
- Mehlert, Calvin E., 109n
- Mendenhall, Joseph A., 36, 39n, 55n, 64, 71n, 73n, 79n, 127n, 128n, 134n, 136n, 147n, 175n, 217n, 255n, 300n, 444, 579n, 589, 625n, 677n, 722n, 745n, 746n
- Menderes, Adnan, 438n
- Menon, Gopala, 683–684
- Merchant, Livingston, 447, 498n, 640–641, 682, 711, 751–752
- Michigan State University Vietnam Advisory Group, 588–589
- Military assistance, U.S., to Vietnam, 51
- Administration of, Vietnamese position, 251–252
- Civil commodities purchased with, 235–236
- Communications equipment, 94–95
- Communist insurgency, relation to, 97–98
- Congressional interest in, 273–274
- Defense, U.S. Department of, summary of, 422–423
- Diem’s preference for, 140–141, 181–182
- Economic situation, relation to, 241
- Equipment needs, 91, 93–96
- FY 1960, 233–236
- FY 1961, 422
- Increase in:
- Reduction in, 176–177
- State, U.S. Department of, control of, 273–274
- Vietnamese-Cambodian relations and, 193
- Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) (see also MAAG subheadings under other subjects):
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam reorganization, 443–444, 471–474
- Audits of military expenditures, 140–141
- Civil Guard:
- Counter-insurgency operations:
- Establishment of, 45
- Logistic advice by, 57, 468
- Military assistance, increase in, 554–555
- Personnel ceiling, establishment of, 55
- Personnel ceiling increase, 3
- Congressional interest in, 441–442, 467–469
- Foreign governments, explanations for, 57–58
- International Supervisory and Control Commission interest in, 211–212, 272, 334–335, 408, 469
- Process of, 467–469
- Subterfuges re, 210–211
- Temporary Equipment Recovery Mission personnel for, 212–213
- U.S. figures re, 272–276
- U.S. plan for, 211–213
- U.S. position, 20–23, 36–37, 56–58
- Reduction in, possible, 470–471
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces force level increase, 695–703
- Stability of Diem government, proposals re, 550–560, 564–567
- Temporary Equipment Recovery Mission, relation to, 210–211
- Training responsibilities of, 209–210, 324
- Vietnamese attitude toward, 444
- Military budget, Vietnamese:
- Military forces in Vietnam. See Army of the Republic of Vietnam; Civil Guard; Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces; Self-Defense Corps; Vietnamese Air Force.
- Military situation in Vietnam (see also Communist insurgency; Counter-insurgency operations), U.S. policies re, 50–52, 271
- Miller, George P., 93
- Minh. See Duong Van Minh, Maj. Gen.
- Montagnards, 46, 83, 308, 416
- Morse, Wayne, 226
- Moyer, Raymond, 226
- Murphy, Lt. Col. J. A., 339
- Musolf, Lloyd D., 586–589
- Myers, Maj. Gen. Samuel L., 64–65, 342, 400n, 402, 477
- National Assembly, reform proposals re, 577, 583, 601, 624, 686, 736, 740, 747
- National Economic Council, 607, 624, 686, 689
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Police and Security Service, 320
- National Revolutionary Movement, 12–13, 83, 115–116, 166, 244–245, 260n
- National Security Council:
- Natsios, Nicholas A., 77n
- Navy, Vietnamese, 358–359, 554
- Ngo Dinh Can, 217
- Alternative to Diem, possible, 724
- Americans, contact with, 19–20
- Can Lao Party, 150–152, 163, 165–167, 243
- Communist insurgency, 19, 247–249
- Economic development, 18–19
- Elections (1959), 227
- Peasants, concern for, 195
- Personal life, 17–18, 246–247
- Policies of, 4–5
- Political power of, 90, 117, 248–250
- Ngo Dinh Diem:
- Advice received by, 302, 312, 315
- Agroville program, 487–489, 506, 590–591, 623
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam reorganization, 443–444
- Assistance programs, U.S. (see also Military assistance, U.S., below), 140, 351
- Cambodia:
- Can Lao Party, 89, 149–151, 155, 165, 167–169, 296, 298, 375–377, 434–435, 455–456
- Civil Guard:
- Communist insurgency, 83, 85, 372–373
- Counter-insurgency operations:
- Anti-guerrilla training, 283–286, 290, 410–411
- Border patrols, 454–456
- Centralized command, 316, 321–322, 340
- Coastal surveillance, 327
- Commando units, 325–326, 348–349, 373–374, 379
- Communist bases, attacks on, 369–371
- Equipment for, 325–326, 328, 350–351, 358
- Hoa Hao, use of, 295
- Intelligence reports, 374, 378–379
- Intelligence system, 590–591
- Jungle teams, use of, 605n–606n
- Lansdale to assist with, 409n, 425–426, 440, 457–459, 462–463
- Military installations, inadequacy of, 91–92
- Peasants, 302–303, 313–315, 326–327, 341, 351–352
- Training camps, 371–372
- U.S. advisers in the field, 203–204
- U.S.-Vietnamese joint effort, 69–70, 71n
- Village protection, 371, 378
- (Coup attempt, Nov. 1960, 634, 649–650, 653, 655–657, 665–666, 677–678, 682–683, 690, 705–708
- Durbrow, relations with, 193–194, 662
- Economic development:
- Economic situation:
- Eisenhower letters to, 39–40, 578–579, 585, 594n, 609–611
- Elections (1959), 231–232
- Farmers’ Associations, 250–251
- Fishel letter to, 426–433
- Foreign press treatment of, 733–734, 739–740
- French, attitude toward, 506–507
- Health of, 93
- Ladejinsky, relations with, 103–105
- McGarr, relations with, 525
- Military assistance, U.S.:
- Military budget, Vietnamese contribution to, 181–182, 254
- Nhu, defense of, 679
- Personality of, 114, 142, 587, 742–743
- Political philosophy, 258
- Political reforms, 595–596, 678, 684–685, 740–741
- Political situation:
- Popular attitudes toward, 84–85
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces force level increase, 254, 328–329, 605n, 621–622, 731–732, 739
- Secretary of State for Southeast Asia proposal, 70–71
- Self-Defense Corps, 82–84, 150–151
- U.S. popular opinion re, 86–87
- U.S. support for. See Diem, U.S. support for under Political situation in Vietnam.
- Vietnamese Air Force, 731–732
- Williams, retirement of, 171, 172n, 445, 501
- Youth groups, 732–733
- Ngo Dinh Luyen, 116, 148–149, 519n, 724
- Ngo Dinh Nhu:
- Alternative to Diem, possible, 724
- Ambassadorship, proposed appointment to, 577, 579n, 581–582, 592–593, 596, 603–604, 684–685
- Cambodia, 9
- Vietnamese attack on, 433
- Can Lao Party, 116, 150, 152–155, 157–158, 165, 189, 243–244, 297–298
- Communist insurgency, 7–8, 25, 215
- Counter-insurgency operations, 315
- Coup attempt, Nov. 1960, 635, 637, 643, 663
- Diem, relations with, 297, 679
- Economic assistance, U.S., 141
- Economic development, 131–134
- Economic situation, 5–7
- Elections (1959), 227, 229
- Laos, 8–9, 543n
- Military, interest in, 265–266
- Personalism philosophy, 110–112
- Political situation, role in, 7, 90, 117, 258, 622, 624
- Succession question, 267
- Ngo Dinh Nhu, Madame, 568–569, 679
- Ngo Khac Tinh, 727
- Ngo Trong Hieu, 229
- Nguyen Bao Toan, 726
- Nguyen Chanh Thi, Col., 633, 642, 644, 658, 665–666
- Nguyen Cong Vien, 115
- Nguyen Dinh Quat, 161
- Nguyen Dinh Thuan,
23, 400n, 503
- Agroville program, 316, 368, 383–384
- Alternative to Diem, possible 724
- Cambodia:
- Can Lao Party, 154, 295, 377n, 385, 434n
- Civil Guard, military control of, 24–25, 78, 387n–388n
- Communist insurgency, 176–177
- Counter-insurgency operations:
- Coup attempt, Nov. 1960, 632, 634–635, 642, 646, 648, 659, 671n, 680
- Diem, attitude toward, 495–497, 714, 716
- Economic development, 236–238, 380–381, 519–520
- Economic situation, 366–367, 381–382
- Elections (1959), 232–233
- Laos, 383
- Military assistance, U.S., 361–362, 384
- Personality of, 533
- Political reforms, 684, 686–688
- Political situation, 215, 385–386
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces force level increase, 343, 628
- U.S. visit, 349, 352n, 361–369, 380–390, 426, 431
- Williams, retirement of, 501n
- Nguyen Huu Chau, Col., 15–16, 29–30, 33, 99–100, 114–117, 531
- Nguyen Huu Hanh, 16
- Nguyen Khanh, Brig. Gen., 284, 316, 321–322, 337, 349, 637–638, 645, 648, 651–652, 658, 662, 690, 722
- Nguyen Ngoc Tho:
- Advice for Diem, 312, 315
- Agroville program, 487
- Alternative to Diem, possible, 723
- Cambodia, Vietnamese relations with, 450–451
- Can Lao Party, 377n
- Counter-insurgency operations, 188–189, 286, 294–295, 349
- Coup attempt, Nov. 1960, 633n, 636n, 637, 642–643
- Economic situation, 519n
- As Interior Minister, proposal re, 577, 580–581, 593
- Michigan State University Group, relations with, 588
- Political reforms, 591n
- Political situation, 16, 115
- Succession question, 266–267, 517
- Nguyen Phu Due, 430–431
- Nguyen Thai, 624, 724
- Nguyen Thanh Toai, 154
- Nguyen Thanh Nguyen, 148–149
- Nguyen Thanh Phuong, Gen., 531
- Nguyen Tran, 269
- Nguyen Van Ban, 160
- Nguyen Van Buu, 19, 88, 116, 152, 159–162, 166, 295, 376
- Nguyen Van Can, 727
- Nguyen Van Chau, Col., 154, 727
- Nguyen Van Dong, 151, 245
- Nguyen Van Hinh, Gen., 530, 534, 726
- Nguyen Van Le, 562
- Nguyen Van Tarn, 726
- Nguyen Van Tat, 309
- Nguyen Van Thuan, 662
- Nguyen Van Vuu, 521–522
- Nhu. See Ngo Dinh Nhu.
- Nitze, Paul H., 502
- Nixon, Richard M., 501
- O’Connor, Jeremiah J., 451
- O’Daniel, Lt. Gen. John Wilson, 430, 531
- O’Donnell, Rear Adm. Edward J., 124, 204, 209, 272–274, 338, 342n, 366, 386, 391, 425, 489–492, 570, 572n, 579, 692
- Opal, Chester H., 77n
- Operations Coordinating Board:
- Oram, Harold, 430–431, 734
- Pakis, Sue S., 640n
- Pakse–Kontum highway, 236n, 252–253
- Palmer, Lt. Gen. Williston B., 590
- Paracel Islands, 158–159
- Parker, Guy J., 255n
- Parkes, Roderick W., 33, 306
- Parsons, J. Graham, 69, 100
- Assistance programs, U.S., 225–227, 351
- Cambodia, Vietnamese relations with, 190–191, 362–363
- Counter-insurgency operations, 396, 465–466, 524
- Coup attempt, Nov. 1960, 633n, 654–655, 679–681
- Diem, U.S. support for, 594n
- Economic situation, 363, 523n
- Lansdale visit to Vietnam, possible, 692
- MAAG personnel ceiling, 212, 272
- Political reforms, 624
- Political situation, 40n, 385, 484–485, 564, 608
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces force level increase, 626, 694, 711
- Thuan’s U.S. visit, 352n, 361–363, 384–386
- Vietnamese Air Force, 198n
- Williams, retirement of, 170, 492–493
- Pathet Lao, 510
- People’s Army of Vietnam, 309–310
- People’s Committee Against Rebels and Communists, 670n–671n, 680
- People’s Liberation Movement, 310
- Personalism philosophy:
- Peterson, Avery F., 365–366, 368
- Pham Dang Lam, 116
- Pham Quang Dan, 725
- Pham Thu Duong, 154
- Pham Van Dong, 301, 309, 423
- Pham Van Nhu, 154
- Pham Xuan Chieu, Gen., 348, 642
- Phan Khac Suu, 230, 435, 725
- Phan Quang Dan, 227–228, 230–232, 268–269, 608, 644
- Philippines, 28–29
- Pho Proeung, 455n
- Picher, Lt. Gen. Oliver S., 126
- Political reforms in Vietnam:
- Asian ambassadors’ position, 683–684
- Coup attempt of Nov. 1960, effects of, 658–659
- Diem’s position, 595–596, 606–609, 612–613, 622–625, 678, 740–741
- Effectiveness of, 708
- “Frank and friendly” talk with Diem re, 576–578, 580, 591n–592n
- Institution of, 686
- Memorandum for Diem (Dec. 1960), 745–748
- MAAG position, 555–556
- Propaganda efforts re, 578, 584
- Proposals:
- Can Lao Party, surfacing of, 577, 582–583, 593, 600
- Censorship, relaxation of, 578, 584, 601, 624, 686, 736, 747–748
- National Assembly debates and investigations, 577, 583, 601, 624, 686, 736, 740, 747
- National Defense Minister, appointment of, 577, 581, 593, 600
- Nhu appointment to ambassadorship, 577, 579n, 581–582, 592–593, 596, 603–604, 684–685
- Opposition party members appointed to cabinet, 577, 582, 600, 624
- Peasants, efforts re, 578, 584, 593–594, 602, 624, 688–689, 736, 748
- Press conferences, 748
- Public declarations of property by officials, 577–578, 583, 601
- Text of, 589–604
- Tho as Interior Minister, 577, 580–581, 593
- Tuyen, transfer of, 577, 582, 592–593, 596, 603–604
- Youth programs, 607–609, 625, 732–733
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces troop increase tied to, 694, 710–711, 720–721
- State, U.S. Department of, position, 147n–148n, 735–737, 745–748
- U.S. assistance programs tied to, 672–676, 685
- U.S. position, 118
- Political situation in Vietnam (see also
Can Lao Party; Coup,
possible; Coup attempt, Nov. 1960; Elections (1959); Political reforms):
- Assistance programs, U.S., importance of, 268
- Authoritarian emphasis, 40n, 255, 257–259, 385–386
- Cabinet ministers, 427
- Civil rights, 105
- Communist parties, outlawing of, 257
- Corruption, 312n
- Democracy, movement toward, 260–261, 264
- Deterioration of, 541
- Diem, U.S. support for (see also Leadership alternatives to Diem and Opposition to Diem, below), 77, 447, 461–462, 483n, 484, 495–497
- Economic development and, 15–16, 191, 262–263
- Elections, U.S. position re, 41
- “Forced march” concept, 258–259
- Foreign press coverage, 733–734
- Foreign travel restrictions, 270, 602
- French position, 456, 483–485, 541–543
- History of, 741–742
- Leadership alternatives to Diem, 256, 266–268, 517
- Military, role of, 256, 265–266
- Minorities, role of, 416
- Neutralism option, 7
- NSC consideration of, 446–447
- Opposition parties, 81, 143, 168, 452
- Opposition to Diem, 531–532, 743–744
- Political arrests, 587
- Political parties, open recognition of, 279–281
- Popular support, Diem’s efforts re, 214–217, 261, 296–297, 515, 522, 545n
- Public order and security, 259
- Sects, 530–531
- Trade unions, 262, 561
- U.S. policies re, 46–47, 123–124, 256–257, 269–271, 413–414
- U.S. role, popular expectations re, 744
- U.S.-French discussions, 541–543
- Public relations effort by Vietnam, 430–431, 734
- Radio Hanoi, 206
- Rahman, Tunku Abdul, 5
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces (RVNAF) (see also
Army of the Republic of Vietnam; Civil Guard; Self-Defense Corps; Vietnamese Air Force):
- Force level increase:
- Air support, 699
- Combat and logistic units, correction of imbalance, 699
- Diem’s position, 254, 621–622, 695–696, 731–732, 739
- Durbrow’s position, 392, 566–567, 626–631, 749–750
- Felt’s position, 328–329, 621
- French position, 613
- Intelligence capability, increase in, 699
- Laos border concerns, 605n
- MAAG position, 695–703
- Opposing argument, 566–567, 626–631
- Political reforms tied to, 694, 710–711, 720–721
- Rotation purposes, 553–554, 557–559, 564–565, 698–699
- State, U.S. Department of, position, 711–713, 720–721, 737–738
- Surveillance purposes, 699
- Training time requirements, 702
- Reduction in, U.S. position re, 172–173, 185–186
- Reorganization of, proposed, 142–144
- Force level increase:
- Reunification of Vietnam:
- Revolutionary Workers’ Party. See Can Lao Party.
- Rhee, Syngman, 438n, 460
- Rice exports, 76, 128, 242, 381
- Riddleberger, James W., 225
- Riley, Vice Adm. H. D., 178–180, 182, 200–201
- Road construction in Vietnam, 12–13, 214, 216, 236n, 252–253, 350–351, 505–507
- Robbins, Capt. B.A., Jr., 36–38
- Robertson, Walter S., 23n, 104
- Anderson Committee visit to Vietnam, 138
- Assistance programs, U.S., 101–102, 127–128
- Civil Guard, 24, 128–131
- Communist insurgency, 71
- Economic situation, 173–174, 186
- International Supervisory and Control Commission, termination of, 136
- Jet facility construction, 107n
- MAAG personnel ceiling, 20–23, 55–58
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces force level reduction, 172–173, 185–186
- Temporary Equipment Recovery Mission, 20–23
- Robinson, James, 733
- Roseman, Alvin, 366–368
- Rousseau, James T., 82n, 156, 300n
- Roux, Jacques, 541n
- RVNAF. See Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces.
- Saccio, Leonard J., 93, 118n, 289
- Salan, Gen. Raoul, 535
- Sam Sary, 433, 497
- Sarris, Louis G., 717n
- Savang Vatthana, Crown Prince of Laos, 8
- Scott, Rob, 70
- Sects (see also Binh Xuyen; Hoa Hao) 480, 530–531, 562, 727
- Seelye, Alfred, 586
- Self-Defense Corps in Vietnam:
- Service des Etudes Politiques et Sociales, 152–153
- Shuff, Charles H., 81n, 102, 125–127, 175, 176n, 192–193
- Sihanouk, Norodom, Prince, 9, 24–25, 191, 364, 496–497, 529
- Smith, James H., Jr., 128, 130–131
- Smith, Bromley, 118n, 412n, 498n
- Son, Major, 646n–647n, 648, 651
- Souphanouvong, Prince, 9
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 45
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 83–84, 416–417
- Vietnamese participation in, 415
- Special Forces, U.S., 206, 218, 281–282, 287–289, 290, 322–324, 346–347, 354, 393, 407n
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Sprague, Mansfield D., 27, 40n
- Sriyanon Phao, 8
- Staats, Elmer B., 40n
- Steeves, John M., 65–66, 342n, 387n, 448n, 457–458, 737–738
- Sterling Oil Company, 295
- Stevenson, Adlai, 502
- Stump, Adm. Felix B., 29n, 445
- Sûreté, 214, 216
- Taggart, Glen L., 586
- Taiwan. See China, Republic of.
- Taiwan Straits crisis, 82n, 92, 94
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 91–92, 93, 109, 125, 170–171
- Technical assistance programs, U.S., in Vietnam 48–49, 122–123, 240–241, 417
- Temporary Equipment Recovery Mission (TERM):
- TERM. See Temporary Equipment Recovery Mission.
- Thai Quang Hoang, Gen., 633n, 658, 722
- Thailand:
- Thanh. See Tran Chanh Thanh.
- Tho. See Nguyen Ngoc Tho.
- Thuan. See Nguyen Dinh Thuan.
- Tinh Than Spirit Group, 148
- Toland, Lt. Col. Butler B., 638–639
- Ton That Dinh, 723
- Ton That Huon, 160, 245
- Ton That Thien, 726
- Training Relations Instruction Mission, 209
- Tran Chanh Thanh, 148, 154–155, 232–233, 306
- Tran Cuu Thien, 485, 487–489
- Tran Huu The, 111–112
- Tran Kim Tuyen:
- Tran Le Quang, 154
- Tran Ngoc Lien, 409n, 724
- Tran Quoc Buu, 148, 561, 726
- Tran Sanh Buu, 230
- Tran Trung Dung, 16, 28, 148, 154–155, 291, 348, 393, 399–400
- Tran Van Chuong, 87, 116, 365, 430–431, 679–681
- Tran Van Dinh, 726
- Tran Van Do, 148, 149, 725
- Tran Van Don, Gen., 348, 533, 722
- Tran Van Huu, 726
- Tran Van Lam, 726
- Tran Van Ngan, 230
- Tran Van Soai, 531
- Tran Van Tho, 727
- Tran Van Trai, 158–159, 727
- Tran Van Tung, 116
- Tran Van Van, 330, 345, 725
- Trigg, William R., III, 486
- Trimble, William C., 720
- Trinh Minh The, 530
- Truong Chinh, 423
- Truong Vinh Le, 151, 165, 608, 624, 723–724
- Turkey, 438, 461
- Turner, Ralph, 586
- Tuyen. See Tran Kim Tuyen.
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 548
- Ty. See Le Van Ty, Gen.
- United Kingdom, 136, 456
- U.S. assistance to Vietnam. See Assistance programs, U.S.; Economic assistance, U.S.; Military assistance, U.S.; Technical assistance programs, U.S.
- U.S. personnel overseas, attitudes toward, 44, 421–422
- Usher, Richard E., 331–333, 342n, 387n, 390, 392, 412n
- Valeo, Francis, 251–254, 385n
- Van Houten, Maj. Gen. John G., 171
- Viet Cong (see also Communist insurgency in Vietnam), 537n
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 417
- Vietnam Airport Program, 106
- Vietnam Radio Network, 367
- Vietnamese Air Force (VNAF):
- Vietnamese Oil Company, 159–160
- Village Defense Corps, 37–38
- Villahermosa, Don Paolo Manca di, 157–158
- VNAF. See Vietnamese Air Force.
- Vo Nguyen Giap, Gen., 309
- Vo Nhu Nguyen, 153
- Vo Van Hai, 296, 450, 659, 662–663, 666, 714, 716, 727
- Voice of America, 52
- Vu Tinh Huan, 116
- Vu Van Mau, 96–102, 190, 433n, 608, 733
- Vu Van Thai, 142, 352n, 361, 364–366, 368–369, 377n, 426, 518, 520
- Vuong Van Dong, Lt. Col., 632, 637–638, 642, 644, 646–647, 658, 665–666, 690
- Walton, Frank E., 218, 503–508
- Weinel, Captain, 63
- Wellons, Alfred E., 717n
- White, Lt. Gen. Isaac D., 290, 329, 443, 638
- Williams, F. Hayden, 386
- Williams, John, 228
- Williams, Lt. Gen. Samuel T.,
181n, 508n
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam:
- Assistance programs, U.S., 226
- Cambodia, Vietnamese attack on, 463–464
- Civil Guard, 77–79
- Communist insurgency, 176, 342–344, 469–470
- Counter-insurgency operations, 91–92
- Anti-guerrilla training, 291–293, 355, 358–360
- Centralized command, 321–322, 324
- Commando units, 323–324, 343, 348–349, 373–374
- Communist bases, attacks on, 370
- Equipment for, 321–323, 328, 351
- Lansdale to assist with, 425
- Misunderstanding with Durbrow re, 397–404, 474–483
- Pacification timetable, 372
- Sweep operations, 320–321
- Training camps, 372
- U.S. advisers in the field, 178–179, 182–183, 199–200, 203–204
- Village protection, 371
- Diem’s health, 93n
- Durbrow, relations with, 444–445
- Jet facility construction, 106
- Leadership alternatives to Diem, 464
- Military assistance, U.S., 193, 251–252, 276n, 278n, 373
- Military Assistance Advisory Group:
- Retirement of, 170–172, 344, 445, 492–493, 501–502
- Self-Defense Corps, 81n
- Vietnamese Air Force, 176n
- Vietnamese attitude toward, 569
- Witman, William, II, 117
- Wolf, Charles, Jr., 138n, 141
- Wood, Chalmers B., 88, 90, 144n, 148, 217, 272n, 332, 334, 338, 341, 383, 385, 390–392, 412n, 448n, 451n, 457n, 483n, 493n, 591n, 604n, 679n, 681, 705–707, 711n, 735n, 745, 751n
- Young, Kenneth T., 36, 385n
- Youth programs in Vietnam, 607–608, 625, 732–733
- Zablocki, Clement J., 226