52. Telegram From the Secretary of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1

1065. Joint State–ICA message.

We recognize continued seriousness Viet-Nam’s internal security problem. Particular concern arises from continued high rate Communist and dissident assassinations, particularly of local government officials, and efforts disrupt Viet-Nam’s economic and social progress, such as rubber plantation attacks.
We note that after more than a year of negotiation Diem has acceded to Country Team position by placing Civil Guard under Ministry Interior rather than Defense Department. We pleased during course negotiations Diem induced drop proposal for supplying tanks and other heavy equipment to Civil Guard.
In light above following guidance furnished re proposed Civil Guard project:
Subject deobligation/deallotment Civil Police project and reallotment/reobligation for new Civil Guard project, you are authorized use $3.6 million in FY 57 funds to initiate separate Civil Guard project. Dealloment/reallotment action will be taken by ICA/W immediately on USOM notification deobligation.
While Toica 10392 under review, decision has been taken not to request supplemental DS appropriation from Congress and any FY 59 funding will, under present circumstances, have to be within existing DS aid level. Within this limitation, you are requested submit for Washington review proposed amount FY 59 CG funding and uses thereof.
No expansion of commitments shall be entered into beyond those in plans already generally discussed.
In using 3.6 million and in proposing uses for FY 1959 funds USOM requested bear in mind following: ICA presently unwilling [Page 135] use ICA funds finance equipment of type not normally associated Civil Police operations or for general program replacing French with American arms. General question of internal security programs and their financing currently under high-level review. In view your assessment that priority should be given development communications facilities for CG and to provision most urgently needed transportation and communications equipment, plus availability French arms, believe should be possible evolve rational program for immediate implementation pending further policy decisions.
Agree now timely establish USOM Public Safety Division to coordinate public safety program including Civil Guard project. Suggest initially USOM establish positions for chief and deputy chief of division within limitations para 6 Icato 595. Ultimate size and composition of division subject to further development of public safety program. Establishing this division however contingent upon USOM having responsibility implement this project.
Washington agencies visualize Civil Guard program aimed at increasing effectiveness this organization as Civil Police unit. Urge that GVN take prompt action institute personnel procedures described Toica 3933 in order improve morale as desirable concomitant to U.S. assistance.
ICA policy is work toward reduction public safety programs to TC operations as rapidly as possible. At same time Washington agencies recognize desirability Vietnamese upgrading Civil Guard to point that it can handle current internal security problem and in case of external aggression provide security of rear areas behind combat troops.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 851G.501/1–1659. Secret. Drafted by Mendenhall, M.J. Fox, and Theo E. Hall, the latter two of ICA. Cleared by ICA, the Department of Defense, and W/MSC in draft; cleared by SEA and approved by Palmer. Repeated for information to CINCPAC.
  2. Not found.
  3. See footnote 4, Document 31.