251. Telegram From the Ambassador in Vietnam (Durbrow) to the Department of State1

1130. Department telegram 821.2 At this juncture I believe Lansdale visit may be useful from two viewpoints, despite possible Hanoi blasts: [Page 692]

If he follows Department’s instructions and cooperates fully and openly with me, including reporting accurately to me on talks with and advice given Diem and other top Vietnamese, he may help in persuading Diem to take necessary political and economic as well as military measures, and
It should be useful to Pentagon for Lansdale to obtain first hand reading of current situation and problems here.

I concur Lansdale visit despite fact Jerome French, a civilian on Lansdale staff, was free wheeling around Saigon shortly after coup.3 French came here ostensibly discuss purely MAAG matters. After talking with MAAG he took leave of his military escort officer in mid-town saying he needed no more assistance. I learned later by chance he had talked with Thuan and he was seen having lunch with Vo Van Hai, Diem’s personal secretary. French made no effort contact me or any political … officers so I am unaware his real mission or what he learned.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.5811/11–2760. Limited Official Use; Limit Distribution. Repeated for information to Manila, Phnom Penh, Vientiane, Bangkok, and CINCPAC PolAd.
  2. Telegram 821, November 23, reads as follows:

    DOD desires Brig. Gen. Lansdale travel near future to addressee posts to appraise conditions and make recommendations concerning further efforts DOD might make contributing to stability in area. He would be available for discussion each country period 3 to 7 days. Request your reaction.” (Ibid., 790.5811/11–2360)

  3. See infra.