245. Memorandum on the Substance of Discussion at a Department of State-Joint Chiefs of Staff Meeting, The Pentagon, Washington, November 18, 1960, 11:30 a.m.1
5. Ambassador Durbrow’s Philosophy Vis-à-vis Attempted Coup in Vietnam (JCS Initiative)
General Lenmitzer said he had been disturbed by the implications in Ambassador Durbrow’s messages from Saigon during the recent rebellion, particularly the indications that the Ambassador wished to encourage Diem to stop the fighting. The most important question was that of the Ambassador’s attitude toward “bloodshed”. General Lemnitzer said, “We are against bloodshed as much as anyone but when you have rebellious forces against you you have to act forcibly and not restrain your friends”. He said the main point was sometimes bloodshed couldn’t be avoided and that those in power must act decisively.
Mr. Knight said the situation was underscored because the rebels were composed only of three companies of troops.
General Lemnitzer said that Diem had had a very close call on this one and that after all he had proven himself to be a good leader in Vietnam. In 1954 no one would have given a plugged nickel for Vietnam’s chances of remaining free and on the side of the West. It was this that caused him to be amazed at the Ambassador’s “good offices” offer.
Mr. Merchant said he hadn’t gotten the impression from the telegrams that the Ambassador had been trying to weaken Diem’s position but that he would review the telegrams again.
- Source: Department of State, State-JCS Meetings: Lot 70 D 328. Extract. Top Secret. A typed note indicates that the memorandum was prepared in the Department of State but not cleared with participants. The other topic at the meeting discussed at JCS initiative was Soviet oil. The Congo, Cuba, East Pakistan relief, and CENTO were all discussed at the instance of the Department of State. All of the Joint Chiefs attended except General White, who was represented by Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Curtis E. LeMay. Deputy Under Secretary Merchant headed the State contingent. Knight represented ISA, Lay the NSC, and Robert Amory and Richard Helms the CIA.↩