127. Memorandum From the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group in Vietnam (Williams) to All MAAG Advisers in Combat Units1


  • Notes on Anti-Guerrilla Operations
[Page 360]
On 7 September 1958, the attached paper prepared by Chief MAAG,2 setting forth a few basic principles and concepts based on US doctrine, was submitted to GVN for information and guidance.
In view of the current situation I desire that each Advisor now on duty with a Combat Unit and all Liaison Officers study the attached notes and then discuss them fully and at length with their Counterparts, allowing them to translate them into their own language if they so desire.
It is apparent that some Senior Commanders have failed, to a degree, to emphasize to their junior officers, particularly new Platoon and Company Commanders, in their Regimental Schools and in field training, many of the basic principles of small unit tactics. Advisors will continue to urge that this be corrected.
S.T. Williams
Lt General, USA
  1. Source: Department of State, Durbrow Files: Lot 68 D 404, Vietnam. Confidential.
  2. Entitled “Notes on Anti-Guerrilla Operations”, the attachment is a nine-page exposition of doctrine and tactics for the successful pursuit of guerrilla warfare. The last paragraph reads as follows: “A very limited amount of instruction has been given on this subject at the Vietnamese Staff College, and also at the Commando School, Nha Trang. However, to be more completely successful all forces (Army, Navy, Marines, Civil Guard, Self Defense Corps and Police) should establish effective indoctrination and training courses in anti-guerrilla warfare.”