86. Letter From President Eisenhower to Chancellor Adenauer1

Dear Mr. Chancellor: Thank you for your letter of December 42 and for the kind sentiments which you expressed in it.

I agree with you that the major objective of the Soviet Union is to control all of Europe. I think that Americans generally believe, as I do, that the freedom of our own country is bound to the maintenance of the freedom of Europe. The events which have taken place in other parts of the world recently in no way affect our fundamental relationship of interdependence.

With kindest personal regards,


Dwight D. Eisenhower
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.62A/12–1256. Secret; Presidential Handling. Transmitted to Bonn in telegram 1624, December 12, which is the source text, with the instructions that it be delivered to Adenauer as soon as possible.
  2. Document 83.
  3. Telegram 1624 bears this typed signature.