436. Telegram From the Embassy in the Philippines to the Department of State1

1439. There has been a sharp reaction in the Manila press to an AP story datelined New York quoting Newsweek story on US views Laurel, Jr., in almost all leading dailies. Recto’s headquarters has denounced article as example American interference in elections. A further news report states Nacionalista Party leaders planning formal protest to Embassy and Laurel family reported considering libel suit against Newsweek.

Unfortunate part of story is that it directly refers to “US diplomatic observers in Philippines” and cites directly unnamed “US top official” for derogatory personal and political references to Laurel, Jr. Heretofore, Embassy had been successful in establishing posture of complete noninterference in present election and there had even been complimentary references to this fact by some Filipino columnists. In reply to inquiries yesterday and today we have been merely stating that story did not originate in US Embassy; that insofar as we are aware no Newsweek correspondent or stringer has been in Manila and certainly no representative of Newsweek has been in contact with Embassy for discussion of election scene or other purpose. Therefore, Embassy has no knowledge or responsibility for this story.

It is too soon yet to determine whether this will be one day sensation or whether charges of American interference with direct implication of Embassy because of wording of Newsweek story will become major theme. At moment we will continue to reply to questions and informal conversations along line indicated above without any formal public statement from Embassy. However, if this issue develops it may become necessary for us to make more formal statement. We are watching situation closely and if necessary Embassy will issue brief statement as follows: [Page 730]

“An Embassy spokesman said today that the attribution to ‘US diplomatic observers in the Philippines’ in Newsweek story of October 15 of views concerning one of the candidates for high office in the current election is completely unfounded. Insofar as the Embassy is aware no correspondent of Newsweek has been in Manila and certainly none have called at the Embassy in recent months.”

It will be noted that denial is directed entirely to attribution “US diplomatic observers in Philippines” and does not go into substance of comments on Laurel, Jr. nor does it attempt to deal with alleged statement “top US official”, which from context would appear to be in Washington although here this is regarded as reference to myself. We feel, however, brief denial if necessary along above lines is preferable to more direct comment or statement.

Hope also Department in reply to inquiries will take similar line.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 796.00/10–1757. Confidential; Priority.