- Abbott, George M., 264–265, 288–289, 292–293, 342n, 355n, 400n
- Abdulgani, Ruslan, 269
- Acheson, Dean, 192
- Achilles, Theodore C., 440–442
- Afghanistan, 29, 176, 187, 208–209, 284, 298
- Africa (see also specific countries), 2, 13, 305
- Afro-Asian Conference. See Bandung Conference.
- Albatross (Operation), 264, 269, 300
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 33–34, 734
- Ali, Amjad, 191, 193, 198, 200–202, 310–311, 318
- Ali, Mohammed, 2, 96, 187–188, 193n, 768
- Allen, Francis, 82
- Allen, George V., 94n, 159
- Allison, John M., 224
- Alphand, Hervé, 931
- Amory, Robert, Jr., 413n
- Anderson, Dillon, 241–242, 244–250
- Anderson, Adm. George W., 34
- Anderson, Robert B., 34–36, 363–364, 429, 432, 442–443
- Anschuetz, Norbert L., 166–168, 683–685, 695–698, 795–796
- Antarctica, 130, 144, 269–270, 272, 330–331, 368–369, 396–397
- ANZAM (Australia–New Zealand–Malaya defense area) (see also Malaya: Defense of), 59, 121, 124, 373–375
- ANZUS (Australia–New Zealand–United States defense organization), 56, 58, 100, 130, 133–144, 154–156, 172–174, 262, 264–275, 278, 372, 381–397
- Arab League, 13–14, 29
- Arab states, 83, 159, 268, 272
- Argentina, 397
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 628n, 666, 732
- Army, U.S. Department of the, 670, 701–702, 826
- Ashworth, Robert L., 886n
- Asia (see also
Colombo Plan; Southeast
Asia; specific countries):
- Anti-Western sentiment in, 80, 82, 97
- British policy toward, 80, 373
- Chiefs of Mission conference (East Asia), 62–63
- Chinese People’s Republic influence in, 4, 28, 99, 266
- Committee on Asian Regional Economic Development and Cooperation, 331–338, 353–354, 378–379, 399–400
- Communist bloc economic aid to, 20, 28, 229
- Communist influence in, 97–99, 175, 191–192
- Economic situation, 74–75, 181
- India, relations with, 4, 90–91, 93, 96
- Japanese trade with, 21, 93, 106, 260, 333, 336–338, 379, 398–399
- Simla Conference, 74–75, 85–86, 88–90, 92–93, 105–106, 334
- U.S. economic aid to (see also Colombo Plan; Southeast Asia Treaty Organization: Economic aspects of), 3, 24, 81, 89, 92–93, 105–106, 211–212, 229, 283–284, 305–306, 335
- U.S. forces in, 107–109, 223–227, 258, 376–378
- U.S. information programs, 27–28
- U.S. military aid to, 21, 52
- U.S. policy toward, 32, 99, 100–103
- Asia Development Fund, 197 Associated States. See Cambodia; Indochina; Laos; Vietnam, Republic of.
- Astra (Operation), 300, 360
- Atomic energy, 60–61, 131, 283–284, 335
- Atomic weapons, 51, 53, 129, 298, 300–301
- Australia (see also
ANZAM; ANZUS; Australian subheadings under other subjects), 66, 85, 93n, 95, 99, 130, 142, 189, 192, 316–317, 368–371, 394–397
- Commonwealth membership, 366, 368, 371
- Indonesia, 41, 64, 67, 144, 189, 268, 317, 368, 385–387
- New Guinea, 268–270, 305, 368, 388–389
- Political situation, 125–126, 128, 130, 135–136, 138, 368
- Singapore, 111, 214, 269, 374, 395–396
- SEATO joint maneuvers, 59, 264, 269, 300
- United Kingdom, relations with, 366, 370, 373–374, 396
- United States, relations with, 45, 128, 217–219, 229–230, 270–272, 286, 339–342, 346, 348–349, 363–372, 374
- U.S. military aid to, 33, 59, 65, 69, 72–73, 122, 130, 133, 330, 339–342, 344–352, 367–368
- Austria, 556
- Bacon, Leonard L., 977–978, 987–991, 994–995, 997n
- Baghdad Pact, 14, 156, 162, 171, 175, 205, 273, 279, 286–287, 294n, 310, 536
- Bailey, K.H., 270
- Baldwin, Charles F., 6–8, 89–90, 652
- Bandung Conference, 7, 42, 44, 67, 84, 96, 181, 362, 388, 465, 632
- Arab participation, 2, 4–5, 13–14, 29, 31, 83, 96
- Chinese People’s Republic, role in, 2–4, 12, 14–16, 29, 51–52, 90–91, 95–97, 98n, 104
- Indian position, 2, 13, 31–32, 105
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization and, 3, 32, 42, 61–62
- U.S. influence on, 12, 16n, 29–31, 50–54, 77, 79–83, 94–98, 103–105
- U.S. position, 1–5, 30, 80, 91–92
- Barbour, Walworth, 1, 11, 24, 284–285, 287–288
- Barco, James W., 286
- Barnes, Robert G., 144n, 828n
- Barré, Jean, 557
- Barrington, James, 460–462
- Baxter, William O., 94n
- Bean, Maurice D., 955n
- Beeley, Harold, 379
- Bell, James D., 63, 144n, 145, 149, 156n, 164n, 172n, 265n
- Bennett, W. Tapley, 223
- Berding, Andrew H., 145–147, 185n
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 77n, 450n, 665n
- Bhadravadi, Luang, 321n
- Bishop, Max W., 89n, 277, 290n, 518, 537, 797–799, 910
- Blakeney, F.J., 70, 110, 128, 135, 919n
- Blancké, W. Wendell, 660
- Boggs, Marion W., 790–791
- Bohlen, Charles, 390, 395
- Bon Oum na Champassak, Prince, 604, 923
- Bond, Niles, 104
- Bong Souvannavong, 727n, 728–729, 746, 809, 838, 866n, 881, 933, 965, 973, 1052–1053, 1060 [Page 1069]
- Bonin Islands, 382
- Bonnet, Henri, 30, 42, 45–46, 48, 60, 434–435, 457
- Booker, M.R., 351
- Bottomley, J.R.A., 292
- Bowie, Robert R., 1, 11, 15, 159, 435, 562, 612, 614, 616, 734
- Bréal, Michel G.E., 580–581, 588–589, 594, 605
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, 283
- Brotherhood (Operation), 147, 762, 763n, 927, 946, 973, 1036, 1061
- Brown, Allen, 304
- Brown, Brig. Gen. Rothwell, 939–940
- Brundage, Percifal F., 363–364
- Buddhism, 259, 853–854
- Budget, U.S. Department of the, 239–240, 247–249
- Bulganin, Nikolai A., 187n, 208
- Burfans, Lt. Col. Robert D., 439–440
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 249
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 396, 687, 691
- Burma (see also Burma and Burmese subheadings under other subjects), 2, 159, 186, 234, 309, 311, 338, 460–463, 775
- Burns, R.L., 283n, 291n
- Butler, Richard A., 79
- Byrne, Patricia M., 470n, 513n, 515n, 584n, 597n, 627n, 633n, 636n, 646n, 651n, 661n, 681n, 699n, 706n, 710n, 731n, 738n, 741n, 744n, 765n, 767n, 781n, 788n, 791n, 803n, 805n, 812n, 826n, 828n, 834n, 835n, 844n, 847n, 855n, 867n, 870n, 884n, 885n, 888n, 901n, 906n, 908n, 910n, 912n, 916n, 919n, 921n, 928n, 933n, 935n, 942n, 954n, 955n, 963n, 966n, 986n, 992n, 995n, 996n, 1007n, 1009n, 1029n, 1030n, 1032n, 1041n, 1042n, 1047n, 1049n, 1050n
- Cabell, Lt. Gen. Charles P., 126–127, 131, 413n, 549–550, 677, 823–824
- Caccia, Sir Harold A., 379, 734, 1050–1051
- Cadeaux, Lt. Col., 439
- Cambodia (see also Cambodia and Cambodian
subheadings under other subjects):
- Bandung Conference, 2, 15–16, 29, 465
- Chinese and Vietnamese communities in, 502, 550, 552–556, 561–563, 566, 570
- Chinese People’s Republic, relations with, 266, 316, 483, 498–499, 501, 523–526, 530, 540–541, 556, 560–563, 568–570, 572–573, 575, 767
- Czech economic aid to, 561–562
- Defense of, see SEATO role in defense of below.
- Economic situation, 475, 482–483, 521–522, 562–563
- France, relations with, 405–409, 483–484, 512, 537
- French economic aid to, 316, 405–407, 484, 562
- French military aid to (see also under U.S. military aid to below), 405, 411, 419–420, 422, 437, 439–440, 532, 534
- India, relations with, 460–462, 465, 484–485, 498–499, 512, 514, 539, 562, 563
- Japan, relations with, 556, 562
- Laos, relations with, 484, 579
- Military capabilities, 481, 492n, 521, 529, 532–533
- Neutralism, 186, 475, 499, 503, 510, 524, 542, 549–550
- Philippines, relations with, 556
- Phu Quoc, 446
- Political situation (see also
Internal security
Military aid to
below; Neutralism
above), 44, 190, 419,
488, 502, 550, 571, 579
- Australian position, 41, 269, 316–317
- Buddhism, 476, 479, 486–487, 517, 563, 568
- French position, 42, 189, 316, 406
- ICC position, 479, 485
- Indian position, 444
- New Zealand position, 314
- Sangkum Reastr Niyum (SRN), 478–479, 485n, 488
- Sihanouk role in, 436–437, 477, 503–504, 509, 527, 539, 571
- U.S. military aid and, 453–455, 464, 489, 508
- U.S. position, 39, 247, 267, 383, 436–437, 444–446, 474–480, 485–487, 494, 506, 512, 517, 519, 533, 540, 563, 566, 568, 571, 594
- Vietnam, Republic of, position, 552–556
- Rebel bands, 444–445, 475, 481–482, 493–494, 507, 529, 532
- SEATO membership, 306, 500, 507–508, 513, 515, 563, 572
- SEATO role in defense of, 44, 221, 227–228, 236, 406, 447–448, 563–564
- Soviet Union, relations with, 383, 556, 561–562, 568–570
- Strategic importance of, 405–406, 423, 521, 563–564, 573, 586, 621
- Thailand, relations with, 48–49, 186, 261–262, 482, 485, 511, 513–515, 521, 563, 570
- U.N. membership, 186
- United Kingdom, relations with, 485
- United States, relations with, 550, 556–560
- U.S. economic aid to, 185, 261, 408, 475, 483, 512, 518, 521–526, 530–531, 560, 563, 562, 568–569, 574–576
- U.S.-French relations and, 404–405, 413–415, 418, 422–424, 437
- U.S. military aid to, 234–235, 247, 261,
484, 653
- British position, 499
- Burmese position, 465, 511
- Cambodian position, 417, 419–421, 427, 475, 499–502, 510, 530, 540–541, 544, 551
- Chinese People’s Republic economic aid and, 523–526, 530, 536, 540–541, 572–573
- Chinese People’s Republic position, 461–463, 465, 499–500
- Counterpart funds, 503–504, 508–510, 511n, 530
- Force levels, 422, 489–493, 541, 544, 546, 551, 565–566
- French military aid and, 427–434, 437–438, 448–449
- French position, 418n, 425, 441, 499
- Geneva Accords and, 425, 441, 451–456, 458–461, 463–464, 467–473, 499–500
- Indian position, 454–456, 458–461, 463–465, 466n, 468–472, 499, 563
- Internal security, 445–448, 458, 475, 481–482, 533, 541, 543–544, 546, 550, 560
- Political situation and, 453–455, 464, 489, 508
- Sessions report, 512–513, 520–522, 524, 530–531, 540–542
- Thai position, 573
- U.S.-French relations and, 404–405, 413–415, 418, 422–426, 534–535, 538–539, 545
- U.S. political situation and, 535–536, 548–549
- U.S. position, 404, 418–420, 447, 456–457, 460–464, 466, 505–507, 510, 530–531, 541, 546–547, 560, 562, 568–569, 574–576, 661–663, 837
- USIA role, 447
- Viet Minh activities and, 489, 493, 507
- Vietnam, Republic of, position, 573
- U.S. policy toward, 260, 506–507, 516–520, 525–528, 530, 540, 542, 559–564, 566–576
- Viet Minh activities in, 42, 408, 444–445, 475, 480, 489, 493, 507–508, 520, 550, 554
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, relations with, 563, 571
- Vietnam, Republic of, relations with, 261, 342, 482, 484, 494, 509, 513–515, 521, 550, 553, 554n, 563, 570–571
- Canada. See International Control Commission.
- Cannon, Robert M., 748–749
- Capella, 622
- Carney, Adm. Robert B., 34, 63–64, 72n, 124, 154
- Carrington, Peter A.R. (Lord Carrington), 375
- Casey, Richard G., 131–133, 138, 142–144, 192, 268–271, 274, 316–319, 385–389, 394–397
- Cawthorn, Maj. Gen. Sir Walter Joseph, 293–294
- Central African Federation, 13, 29, 34
- Central Intelligence Agency, 77, 239, 743–744, 749, 759
- Cerles, Pierre, 589
- Ceylon, 2, 95n, 147, 160, 211, 388
- Chafkin, Solomon, 283
- Chantaraingsei, Prince, 445
- Chiang Kai-shek, 211, 267, 383, 392
- Chiba, Koh, 356n
- Chiefs of Mission conference, U.S. (East Asia), 62–63
- Chile, 147, 397
- Chin Peng, 169
- China, People’s Republic of (see also Cease-fire
China, Republic of; Chinese
People’s Republic subheadings under other subjects):
- Aggression by, possible (see also Pathet Lao), 81, 101–102, 298, 326
- Australia, relations with, 269, 368, 394–395
- Cambodia, 266, 316, 461, 465, 483, 498–499, 501, 523–526, 530, 556, 560–563, 568–570, 575, 767
- Economic situation, 28, 978
- India, relations with, 28, 96
- Japan, relations with, 39, 44, 337–338
- Korea, 99, 273
- Military capabilities, 266
- Nehru–Chou Five Principles, 12, 42, 51, 53
- New Zealand, relations with, 271, 368, 395
- Political situation, 382–383
- Soviet Union, relations with, 28, 266, 273, 307
- Taiwan Straits, 97–98, 101, 105
- Thai Nationality Autonomous Area, 719
- United Kingdom, relations with, 62
- United States, relations with, 66, 96, 273, 312, 326–327, 368
- China, Republic of, 12, 32, 35, 39, 66, 79, 91, 143, 260, 267, 392, 396
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, 79, 101, 143
- Cho, C.H., 224
- Chou En-lai, 97–98
- Chowdhury, Hamidul Huq, 181
- Christmas Island, 269, 396
- Churchill, Sir Winston S., 632
- Collins, Gen. J. Lawton, 426, 583
- Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic Development in South and Southeast Asia, 4, 9, 18, 20–21, 106, 268, 283–284, 335, 386
- Committee on Asian Regional Economic Development and Cooperation, 331–338, 353–354, 378–379, 399
- Congo, 12
- Congress, U.S., 63
- Acts of:
- Asia, U.S. economic aid to, 89, 93, 306
- Atomic weapons, 249
- Bandung Conference, 95
- Cambodia, U.S. military aid to, 423, 425, 501, 505, 507, 535–536, 548–549
- Laos, U.S. military aid to, 782, 822, 837, 850, 854–855, 916–917, 978
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee (Zablocki Committee), 548
- Southeast Asia defense, 233, 244, 246, 250, 258, 307
- Consultative Committee for Economic Development in South and Southeast Asia. See Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic Development in South and Southeast Asia.
- Cooper, John Sherman, 105–106, 471–472
- Corcoran, Thomas J., 227, 290n, 291–292, 771n, 774n, 777n, 898n
- Cottman, J. Stewart, 131n
- Coty, René, 45
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy (CFEP), 6, 16–17, 24, 26–27, 163, 353–54, 399–400
- Couve de Murville, Maurice J., 30, 424–426
- Cullen, Paul H., 332n
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., 936–937
- Cunningham, Col., 56
- Cutler, Brig. Gen. Robert, 26–27, 347–350, 363–364, 399–400, 634n, 928–930
- Cyprus, 34
- Czechoslovakia, 556, 561–562
- Daniels, Paul, 397
- Daridan, Jean H., 917–918
- Davis, Adm. Arthur C., 409–412, 413n, 450, 669–670
- De Felice, 315–316, 319, 321
- De la Mare, Arthur J., 292, 342–343, 847, 906
- De Paul, Carter, 829, 939
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 77, 87–88, 279, 352, 367, 375–378
- Deshmukh, Sir Chintaman Dwarkanath, 85–86, 87n
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 404–407
- Disarmament, 230, 979
- Dodge, Joseph M., 17–18, 26–27, 334
- Dodge Council. See Council on Foreign Economic Policy.
- Dowling, Walter C., 224
- Drumright, Everett F., 528
- Dufour, René, 630, 659
- Dulles, Allen, 1–3, 11–16, 28, 145, 147–148, 384–387, 389, 391, 393–394, 549–550
- Dulles, John Foster, 60, 78–82, 192–195, 205, 214, 305, 330–331, 387, 389, 398–399
- ANZUS, 87, 134–143, 381–384, 387, 389–391, 393–395, 397
- Asia, 62–63, 98–103, 107–109, 305, 332, 335, 376–378
- Australia, U.S. military aid to, 72, 330, 346–350, 353–354
- Bandung Conference, 1–5, 11–16, 23, 29–30, 31n, 61, 77, 79–83, 91–92, 94–98, 103–105
- Cambodia, 383, 403–404, 416, 436, 465, 529, 549
- Chiefs of Mission conference (East Asia), 62–63
- China, People’s Republic of, 215, 382–383, 395, 462–463, 617–618, 771, 774–778, 804, 819–823, 898
- France, 403–404, 410, 416, 424
- Laos (see also
Pathet Lao
- Chinese People’s Republic, relations with, 771, 774–778, 804, 819–823, 898
- Political situation, 383, 402, 803–805, 823, 826–827, 919–921, 931, 942, 953, 955–956
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 207, 221, 263, 610–615, 617, 773–774, 777, 821, 851
- Thailand, relations with, 706–708, 731, 791, 912–914
- United States, relations with, 604, 610–620, 657–658, 773, 818–823, 827, 850–851, 978–980
- U.S. economic aid to, 778
- U.S. military aid to, 601, 612–613, 615, 652, 665, 677, 741–742, 803–804, 822, 888–890, 978–979, 1042
- Malaya, 63, 65, 67–68, 72, 126n, 169, 379–380, 400–401
- Pathet Lao (see also Laos above), 584–585, 601–602, 665–666, 685–686, 734–735, 778, 790, 820, 901, 992–993, 1007, 1009–1010
- Southeast Asia:
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 100, 140–141, 145–149, 156–158, 164–166, 205–206, 231,
325, 391
- Anti-subversive activities, 49, 61, 68, 323
- Asian members position, 126–127, 133, 285–287
- Council meetings, 38–50, 57, 59–62, 181–203, 205n, 306–329, 330n
- Economic aspects, 24–25, 36–37, 57, 59–60, 197, 306, 312, 313n, 323–325, 329, 394
- Malayan membership, 379–380, 400–401
- Military planning, 48, 54–55, 185, 200–202, 326–327, 390
- Pathet Lao, discussion of, 112–113, 114n, 115n, 148, 402
- Pathet Lao settlement and, 870–871, 886, 1032–1033, 1041–1042, 1049–1051
- Vietnam, Republic of, participation, 290–291, 328, 338–339, 342–343, 355
- Soviet Union, 158, 183–184, 214–215, 307
- Duncan, Adm. Donald B., 34, 413n
- Durand, Henry M., 187n
- Durbrow, Elbridge, 168n, 343n, 358–363, 528
- Dutt, Subimal, 471–472
- Ea Sichau, 479
- Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE), 49, 172, 335
- Eden, Anthony, 44–46, 48–49, 58–60, 62, 79, 169n, 626
- Egypt, 2, 4–5, 14, 84, 96, 190, 396
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 32, 63–65, 69, 103, 109, 211n, 212, 229–230, 242, 244–250, 330, 444n
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 931
- Elliott, William Y., 333
- Ely, Gen. Paul H.R., 426, 434–435, 437, 457
- Engle, Byron, 446, 649
- Engle, James B., 995n
- Erkin, Feridun, 94
- Erskine, Gen. G.B., 537, 677, 743–744, 759–760
- Esman, Milton J., 522
- Ethiopia, 29
- Evans, Allan, 732
- Evatt, Herbert, 125, 128
- Export-Import Bank, 197–198
- Fagan, Barbara, 732
- Faure, Edgar, 423n, 425
- Finger, Max, 660
- Firm Link (Operation), 177–179, 182, 205 , 210–211
- Flemming, Arthur S., 27–28, 246
- Fluker, J.R., 74
- Foreign Operations Administration (FOA), 334, 407, 421, 601, 607, 634, 652–653, 655, 661–663, 669
- Formosa. See China, Republic of.
- Fox, Lt. Gen. Alonzo P., 139n, 154n, 173n
- Fraleigh, William N., 217, 219n
- France (see also France, French, Tripartite, and U.S.-French subheadings under other subjects), 12, 14, 42, 49, 189–190, 193, 315–316, 414–415, 435, 914n, 707
- Fried, Edward W., 628n
- Fritzlan, A. David, 95n
- Fuen, Ronnapakas, 824
- Fujiyama, Aiichiro, 398
- Gage, Berkeley, 114, 119–120, 156–158, 164
- Galloway, William J., 70
- Garcia, Carlos P., 43, 46–47, 49, 60, 182, 186–187, 193, 196, 199, 310, 319, 321
- Gassouin, Olivier, 949, 960–962, 967
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 21
- Geneva Accords, July 1954 (see also International Control Commission; Geneva Accords subheadings under other subjects), 68, 141, 406, 554
- Geneva Conference (see also Geneva Accords; Geneva signatories, appeal to under Pathet Lao), 114, 130, 161, 171
- German, Robert K., 381n
- Ghana, 305
- Gilman, Robbins P., 29–30, 633n
- Gleason, S. Everett, 8, 26–29, 103, 108–109, 240–252, 347–351, 363–365
- Gleysteen, William H., Jr., 24n
- Goa, 80, 143
- Godley, G. McMurtrie, 499–500, 552
- Gold Coast, 13, 29
- Goodpaster, Col. Andrew J., 62n, 432
- Gorce, Pierre, 419–420, 538
- Gordon, Lt. Col. Donald B., 113, 701, 703, 705n
- Government Assistance and Relief in Occupied Areas (GARIOA), 335
- Graves, Sir Hubert A., 156–157, 164–166, 734
- Gray, Gordon, 133n, 145, 223, 226, 248, 252n, 273, 278–279, 364, 494, 670n, 677, 759
- Greene, Joseph N., Jr., 379
- Guibaut, Andre Justin, 659
- Gunewardene, R.S.S., 95n
- Hamilton, William C., 936n
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 272
- Harding, John, 33, 35, 56, 58–59
- Harlow, Bryce N., 332n
- Hart, Parket T., 95n
- Hartshorn, Gen. E.S., Jr., 564–567
- Hatoyama, Ichiro, 224
- Hatta, Mohammed, 384
- Heath, Donald R., 221
- Hedding, Adm. Truman J., 121n, 131–133, 223
- Heiner, Gordon G., 567n
- Hensel, H. Struve, 54, 413–414, 434, 443
- Herries, Adm. D.H., 124, 135
- Herter, Christian A., 351, 363–364, 383, 398–399
- Herz, Martin F., 457–458, 552–556
- Hildreth, Horace A., 2n, 293–294
- Hill, John, 218
- Ho Chi Minh, 362, 581–582
- Hoey, Robert E., 591, 601n, 627n, 633n, 702n, 710n, 738n
- Holliday, Leonard G., 237n, 786, 847, 910, 945–946, 954, 961, 997n, 1006, 1013, 1015, 1049
- Hollister, John B., 247, 280, 282, 335, 520, 928–930, 939
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 10, 34, 45, 67, 72n, 88–89, 92n, 107n, 128–131, 185, 229, 247–248
- Douglas-Home, Alexander, 79, 285, 308, 318–321
- Horsey, Outerbridge, 69n, 70, 110, 131
- Houghton, Amory, 917–918, 940–942, 948, 950–951
- Howe, Fisher, 666
- Humphrey, George M. 214–215, 348–350
- Hungary, 272, 305, 307, 310, 314–315
- Hure, Col., 582
- Hussein, Ahmed, 385
- Hyde, H.S., 522
- India (see also
International Control Commission; Kashmir issue; Simla
Conference; India and Indian subheadings under
other subjects), 80, 159, 170, 174, 334–335, 581–582, 682, 753
- Asia, trade with, 4, 90–91, 93, 96
- Cambodia, relations with, 460–462, 465, 484–485, 498–499, 512, 514, 539, 562
- Chinese People’s Republic, relations with, 28, 96
- Commonwealth membership, 96
- Nehru–Chou Five Priciples, 12, 42, 51, 53
- Neutralism, 159, 293n, 308
- Pakistan, relations with, 177, 205, 211, 293n
- United States, relations with, 171, 243, 334–335, 513–514
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, relations with, 362, 581–582
- Vietnam, Republic of, relations with, 342, 358–359, 361–363
- Indochina. See Cambodia; Laos; Southeast Asia; Vietnam, Democratic Republic of; Vietnam, Republic of; Indochina subheadings under other subjects.
- Indonesia, 14, 99, 147, 155, 264n, 266–269, 338, 366, 368, 386–387, 389
- Interdepartmental Committee on Certain U.S. Aid Programs, 238, 240n, 249
- Interdepartmental Committee on Far East Mobilization (ICFEM), 333–334
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 335, 370
- International Control Commission (ICC) (see also Geneva Accords, July 1954; ICC subheadings under other subjects), 141–142, 188, 190, 577–578, 592
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 225–226, 280–281, 334–335, 356, 512, 520, 527, 539, 547 [Page 1076]
- International Court of Justice (ICJ), 395
- International Junior Chamber of Commerce, 762n, 858
- Iran, 2, 13, 29, 96, 215
- Iraq (see also Baghdad Pact), 80, 83, 95n, 96, 273
- Israel, 4–5, 83, 268, 271
- Japan, 2–4, 29, 39,
44, 93, 99, 337–338, 356–358, 556, 562
- Asia, trade with, 21, 93, 106, 260, 333, 336–338, 379, 398–399
- Asian economic cooperation, 106, 332–333, 335
- Australia, relations with, 268, 368, 370, 395
- Neutralism, 382
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization and, 286, 306, 390
- United States, relations with, 82, 100, 107–109, 223–227, 286, 334–335, 347–349, 377, 381–382, 395
- Jernegan, John D., 1–2, 13–15, 90
- Jha, Chandra Shekhar, 472
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S.:
- Jones, Howard P., 375–378, 528, 828n, 919n, 942n, 955n, 980, 992n, 995n, 996n, 1029n, 1041n, 1042n, 1049n, 1050
- Jones, J. Jefferson, III, 285–286
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 246
- Kalb, Bernard, 556
- Kashmir issue, 143, 174–177, 183, 187–189, 192–194, 205, 285–286, 289, 311
- Katay Don Sasorith:
- China, People’s Republic of, 771, 805, 807, 809, 811, 967
- Health of, 1044, 1055
- Internal security of Laos, 852–854, 855n, 1055
- Pathet Lao, 588, 614–616, 632, 692,
712, 716, 748, 855n, 945, 971
- Government participation, 589n, 594, 793–794, 855n, 871–872, 876, 878–880, 883, 895, 904, 1011, 1015, 1025, 1043–1044
- Joint communiqués, 994, 997, 1003, 1005, 1008
- Negotiations, 580, 588, 600, 602, 604, 608, 625–626, 629, 645–646, 659, 689, 692, 811, 971–972
- SEATO Council discussion, 116n, 117n, 119, 120n, 278
- Political situation in Laos, 593, 659, 823–824, 832,
843, 866n, 915,
918, 920, 1035, 1051–1052
- Cabinet crisis, 925–927, 929–938, 943–944, 948–953, 955–957, 961
- Chinese People’s Republic visit and, 805, 807
- Communist influence, 578–579
- Constitution crisis, 842n, 849
- Dec. 1955 elections, 659, 712, 727n, 728–729, 746–747
- National front, 645
- Overthrow, possible, 602–605, 626, 629, 639
- Souvanna government, Aug. 1957, 963–965, 973–974, 976, 1015, 1017, 1022–1024, 1026, 1028–1029, 1037, 1052
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 116n, 117n, 119, 120n, 222, 278, 851
- U.S.-Laotian relations, 578–579, 763, 765, 772, 850–855, 857–858, 923, 1025
- U.S. military aid to Laos, 583n, 615, 635, 651, 853, 975, 1062
- Kavanaugh, John M., 153n, 172–173, 342
- Kaysone, Phomvihan, 781, 1027
- Kestenbaum, Meyer, 312
- Key, David McK., 1, 3, 11
- Khalil, Hashim, 95
- Kham Ouan, 1058
- Khan, Sardwi Mohammed Daud, 175, 311
- Khim Tit, 454–455, 511
- Khosla, Jagan Nath, 591
- Khrushchev, Nikita, 187n, 188, 208, 265
- King, Bayard, 995n
- Kirk, Roger, 173n, 174n, 177n, 297n
- Kishi, Nobusuke, 356n, 381, 395, 398
- Kocher, Eric, 558n, 813n, 818n, 826n, 834n, 835n, 844n, 850n, 870n, 885n, 898n, 901n, 908n, 919n, 921n, 933n, 935n, 942n, 955n, 992n, 996n, 1007n, 1014n, 1029n, 1030n, 1032n, 1041n, 1042n, 1049n, 1050n
- Kontos, C. William, 522
- Korea, 52, 99, 273
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 5, 266
- Korea, Republic of, 5, 33–34, 59, 123, 130, 215, 306, 384, 392
- Kossamak Nearireat Serey Vathana, 436, 477, 504, 508–510, 512, 514–515
- Kotelawala, Sir John, 96
- Kou Abhay, 895
- Kou Prasith, 863, 905
- La Chambre, Guy Charles, 406, 418, 423n
- Lacy, William S.B., 29, 31n
- Laking, George, 134, 218–219
- Landy, Pierre, 906, 921–922, 1051
- Lansdale, Col. Edward G., 527
- Lantermann, Col. J.V., 354
- Laos (see also
Pathet Lao; Laos and Laotian
subheadings under other subjects):
- Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Laos. See Geneva Accords, July 1954.
- Bandung Conference, 2, 15–16, 29, 632
- Burma, 579
- Cambodia, relations with, 484, 579
- Chinese People’s Republic, relations with, 210, 754–755, 838
- British position, 776–777
- French position, 776–777
- Laotian political situation, 801, 805, 807, 809, 822
- Katay visit to Peking, 228, 763–765, 767–772, 774–778, 785–787, 789, 791–792, 798, 801, 803, 811–812, 814–816, 819
- Laotian position, 804, 807, 815–818, 824
- Pathet Lao settlement and, 789, 836, 877, 915
- U.S. military aid and, 772, 775–776, 785, 801, 803, 807, 811–812, 834–835, 955, 1046, 1048
- U.S. position, 805–808, 814, 817, 1003, 1048
- Chinese People’s Republic economic aid to, 266, 767, 803
- Colombo Plan aid to, 755–756, 821
- Defense of (see also
Internal security
- French role, 216–217
- SEATO role, 44, 206–207, 209–217, 219–222, 227–228, 236–237, 261, 263, 406, 684, 696, 723, 752, 755, 763, 772–777, 796, 799–800, 803–804, 807, 809, 810n, 816–817, 821, 851
- Thai role (see also Thailand, relations with below), 210, 213, 216, 683–685, 687–688, 696, 763
- U.S. role, 276, 684, 696, 700, 706, 708–709, 731, 799, 807, 862, 958
- Economic situation, 584, 590n, 671, 683, 751–752, 754, 760, 924, 1065
- France, relations with, 209–210, 212, 405, 579, 616, 768, 823, 918, 925
- French economic aid to, 405–407, 584, 590, 756, 821
- French military aid to, 582, 600, 616, 622–623, 696–698, 706, 838, 857
- ICC withdrawal, 860–861, 865, 870n, 930, 974, 995, 1045, 1066
- India, relations with, 682, 753
- Internal security(see also Defense of above and U.S. economic aid to and U.S. military aid to below): [Page 1078]
- Lao Issara, 592n, 673, 902, 1001
- Military capabilities (see also Laotian military action, possible under Pathet Lao), 886–888
- Neutralism(see also Political situation below), 206, 210, 213,
216, 639, 646
- Australian position, 316
- British position, 789–790, 827, 941–942
- Chinese People’s Republic economic aid and, 898n
- Commonwealth position, 789
- Katay visit to Peking and, 768
- Pathet Lao settlement and, 753, 784–785, 787–790, 831, 836, 849, 907, 909, 987, 992, 1033
- U.S.-Laotian relations and, 659, 813
- U.S. military aid and, 799–800, 802, 809–810
- U.S. position, 235, 247, 261, 602–603, 805–810, 827, 903, 943
- Operation Brotherhood, 147, 762, 763n, 858, 927, 946, 973, 1036, 1061
- Philippines, relations with, 762, 930
- Poland, relations with, 977
- Political situation (see also
above), 746–747, 857–858, 879
- British position, 190, 308–309, 626, 933n, 934n
- Buddhism, 853–854
- Cabinet crisis, 922, 925–927, 929–938, 942–944, 948–953, 956–957
- Chinese People’s Republic position, 973
- Communist influence, 120, 190, 310, 641–644, 659
- Constitution revision crisis, 842, 849, 963–964, 973, 976
- French position, 316, 406, 626, 918, 974, 1052–1054
- French role, 948–949, 960–962
- Katay overthrow, possible, 602–605, 626, 629, 639
- Katay visit to Peking and, 801, 805, 807, 809
- National front, 637, 639, 645, 658
- New Zealand position, 314
- Pathet Lao and, 603, 609, 615, 625, 648, 679, 682, 832, 842–843, 845, 861
- Souvanna government, Aug. 1957, 963–966, 973–974, 976, 1012–1018, 1021–1029, 1037, 1052–1053
- Souvanna overthrow, May 1957, 843, 860–861, 866, 883, 898–899, 915, 918, 922, 926, 945
- Thai influence, 148, 578, 593, 603, 605, 639, 645
- Thai position, 44, 120, 310, 578, 824
- U.S. military aid and, 641–644, 659, 823, 927, 974, 1041
- U.S. position, 40, 247, 383, 578, 593, 712–713, 727–729, 745–746, 750–751, 801, 823–824, 839–840, 843, 849, 866–867, 919–920, 972–973, 1051
- USIS role, 1060–1062
- Western orientation, 752–753, 806–807
- SEATO membership (see also Defense of above), 210, 213, 237, 306, 603, 753, 755, 787, 817
- Seno base, 792, 808, 810n
- Soviet Union, relations with, 266, 977, 1048–1049
- Strategic importance of, 584, 586, 621, 634, 654, 680, 928, 1037
- Thailand, relations with, 605, 614, 801
- Joint military planning, 261, 690–691, 695–701, 772, 775, 795–800, 957–960
- Laotian position, 579, 1009n
- Police training, 48–49, 596, 611, 613–615, 641, 696–697, 723, 791
- U.S.-guaranteed defense agreement, 769, 772, 775–776
- U.S. position, 261–262, 694, 753–754, 762, 930, 1065
- U.S.-Thai discussions, 910–914
- Tribal minorities, 724–725, 760–762, 976
- U.N. membership, 186, 717, 755
- United States, relations with, 263, 578, 591–592, 657–660, 778, 753–755, 758, 762, 773, 807, 850–855, 857–858, 923–924
- U.S. economic aid to, 613, 671, 683,
- Australian position, 317
- Civic action program, 643, 873–875, 888–890, 896–897, 899–900, 902, 927, 946, 983–984, 1036, 1057–1059, 1061, 1065
- Pathet Lao reindoctrination centers, 825, 828, 833, 967, 986
- President’s Fund for Asian Economic Development, 283–284
- U.S. position, 185, 210, 261, 643, 724, 756–758, 772, 778, 802, 900, 942, 978–979
- Vietnam, Republic of, position, 395
- U.S.-French relations, 423, 605, 659, 948–951, 955–956, 961–962, 966–967, 971
- U.S. military aid to (see also
Forces integration
Pathet Lao; Internal security above), 210, 601, 664,
- Air force, 710, 740
- Australian position, 269, 1049
- British position, 848, 1049
- Canadian position, 1049
- Chinese People’s Republic relations and, 772, 775–776, 785, 801, 803, 807, 811–812, 834–835, 955, 1046, 1048
- Civil Air Transport contract, 701–703, 705, 710
- Civilian personnel, 585–586, 606–607, 621–622, 635, 654–655, 669–670
- Force levels, 583, 585–587, 596–598, 607, 620, 634–636, 654–656, 720, 724, 735–742, 940
- French military mission and, 585–586, 606–607, 621–622, 634, 647–649, 723, 741
- French position, 1049
- Geneva Accords and, 585, 598, 606–607, 611, 615, 617, 629, 655, 669, 678, 723, 756
- Indian military aid and, 682
- Indian position, 715
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 585–587, 606, 620–621, 634n, 635–636, 654
- Laotian political situation and, 641–644, 659, 823, 927, 974, 1041
- Laotian position, 213, 613, 615, 617, 827n, 829–830, 853, 857, 878, 943, 975, 979
- Laotian relations with the West and, 752
- Monetary issues, 857, 859–860, 862, 866, 899, 905, 975, 986, 1036, 1038–1039, 1046, 1064–1065
- Neutralism and, 799–800, 802, 809–810
- Pathet Lao military situation and, 248, 590n, 599, 601, 617, 638, 656–657, 665, 698, 717, 736, 740
- Pathet Lao negotiations and, 596
- Pathet Lao settlement and, 809–810, 822, 834–837, 850, 854–855, 858–860, 886, 931–933, 943–944, 1029, 1036–1037, 1047–1051
- Police forces, 641–644, 649, 682, 721–724, 802, 808, 823, 838, 852–853, 855, 903, 929, 940, 967, 1055–1057
- Thai helicopter loan, 677–678, 682–683
- Thai police training, 48–49, 596, 611, 613–615, 641, 696–697, 723, 791
- U.S. military aid to Cambodia and, 653
- U.S. position, 210, 213, 234–235, 261, 582–586, 592, 595–598, 621–623, 646–649, 651–653, 661–663, 755–756, 928–930, 939–940, 978–979
- Vietnam, Republic of, relations with, 763, 791, 801
- Vietnamese Democratic Republic, relations with, 210, 753–754, 789, 801, 811, 817, 836, 861, 877, 1066
- Laspeyres, Pierre-Jean, 555
- Lay, James S., Jr., 16–17, 232, 252–253, 344, 365
- Leaum Insisiengmay, 747, 794, 805, 866, 876, 938, 952, 963
- Lebanon, 13, 80–83, 95–98
- Lebel, Claude A., 917, 947, 950–951
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 223–227, 882
- Leng Ngeth, 418–419, 433–434, 441, 448, 451, 468n, 477–478, 486, 488
- LeRoy, Col. Jean, 457
- Letourneau, Jean, 406
- Libya, 14
- Lightner, Allen, 223–224
- Lim Yew Hock, 269, 309, 395
- Lloyd, Selwyn, 79, 169–171, 192, 734–735
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 286
- Lodoen, Brig. Gen. George, 428, 435, 450, 457, 500–502, 505, 511, 545, 551
- Loeung Nal, 552
- Lon Nol, 496, 538
- Luang Bhadravadi, 38
- Lucet, Charles, 931
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 78–81, 144n, 156n, 164n, 273–274, 332–333, 356n, 377, 422n, 771n, 812n
- McAuliffe, Eugene V., 1n, 11n
- McBride, Philip A.M., 340–341, 351–352
- McCardle, Carl W., 1, 11, 16n, 610
- McCauley, John, 125, 173n, 274–275
- McClintock, Robert:
- McDiarmid, Orville, 74
- MacDonald, Malcolm, 824
- Macdonald, Thomas L., 44, 58, 271, 313–315
- McFeaters, Marvin C., 522
- McGuire, E. Perkins, 149–151, 223–224, 226, 491
- Macmillan, Harold, 79, 158n, 170–171, 463–464, 467
- Macomber, William B., 158n
- Magsaysay, Ramon, 558
- Mai Van Ham, 360
- Maiwandwal, Mohammed Hashim, 208
- Makins, Sir Roger, 2, 5, 79–82, 114–116, 179–180, 734
- Malaya (see also
Singapore), 76, 78, 99, 152, 169–170, 186, 269, 305, 310, 368, 396
- Defense of:
- ANZUS role, 122, 262
- Australian position, 59, 63–64, 67–70, 72–73, 76, 124, 156, 373–374
- Australian role, 33–35, 59, 65, 84, 110–111, 125–126, 128, 132–133, 285, 366, 373–375
- British position, 8, 33–35, 285, 373–374
- Commonwealth position, 33–35
- Commonwealth role, 123, 262, 373–374
- New Zealand position, 156
- New Zealand role, 33–34, 285, 314, 366
- SEATO role, 122, 129, 152, 262
- Southeast Asia defense and, 59, 122, 129, 132, 153, 156
- Thai role, 67, 70–72, 76–77, 78n, 84, 123, 129, 683
- U.S. position, 35, 65, 121–122, 129
- U.S. role, 8, 33, 59, 64, 69, 72–73, 76, 122, 262
- Political situation, 44–45, 169–170, 190, 269, 309, 387
- SEATO membership, 149, 263
- United Kingdom, relations with, 36, 65, 169–170, 189–190, 262, 292, 308, 314, 317
- Defense of:
- Malik, Charles H., 82–84, 95–98
- Manila Pact. See Southeast Asia Treaty Organization.
- Manus Island, 270
- Mao Tse-tung, 498n
- Marshall, David S., 170, 931n
- Matlock, Clifford C., 356n
- Mc. See Mac.
- Mehta, G.L., 31–32, 74–75
- Mendès-France, Pierre, 403–407, 410, 416, 424, 426
- Mein, John G., 339–342, 351, 381n
- Menon, Krishna, 361, 456, 459, 461, 465, 467, 539
- Menzies, Robert G., 58–59, 66–68, 125, 229, 231, 304–305, 374–375, 395
- Merchant, Livingston T., 5, 30, 72, 73n, 78n, 87–88, 134, 159, 422n, 424, 457
- Mexico, 147
- Meyer, Armin H., 208–209
- Mikoyan, Anastas Ivanovich, 506
- Millet, René, 422–423
- Miner, Robert G., 134
- Minnich, L.A., Jr., 211n
- Mirza, 293, 294n
- Mitra, 458
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, 265
- Monireth, Prince, 551
- Moore, Col., 457, 466
- Morocco. See North Africa.
- Morrison, Clinton, 458, 661
- Moyer, Raymond T., 282, 458, 549
- Munro, Sir Leslie, 134, 137, 139, 271–272
- Murphy, Robert D., 24–25, 92n, 107n, 128, 131, 159, 223–227, 378, 413n, 414–415
- Naim, Prince Sardar Mohammed, 208
- Naka, Funada, 224
- Nasser, Gamal Abd’ul, 272, 505
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems, 21
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Council (NSC):
- Actions:
- Ad Hoc Committee on Asian Economic Grouping, 6, 9, 16, 24
- Asia, U.S. economic aid to, 6–11, 16–22, 26–29, 399–400
- Australia and New Zealand, 344–351, 363–372
- Documents:
- Geneva Conference, 103
- Laos, 652, 790–791
- Meetings:
- Southeast Asia, U.S. policy toward, 232–263
- U.S. forces redeployment, 108–109
- Navy, U.S. Department of the, 177–178, 670
- Neal Phleng, 433
- Near East (see also Arab states), 33–35, 80, 268, 271–272, 274, 298–299
- Nehru, D.K., 89
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 2, 80, 82, 90–91, 96, 105, 170, 205, 505, 539
- Neo Lao Haksat. See Pathet Lao.
- Nepal, 29, 284
- Netherlands, 267, 368, 388
- Neutralism (see also under specific countries), 171, 234–235, 239, 241–246, 256–257, 293, 308, 329, 487, 505–507, 799–800
- New Guinea, 64, 68, 130, 268–270, 305, 368, 388–389
- New Zealand (see also ANZAM; ANZUS; New Zealand subheadings under other subjects), 33–34, 44, 61, 93n, 99, 188–189, 271, 285, 313–314, 366, 368–371, 385, 395–397
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 206n, 384, 392, 395, 514, 558, 573, 717, 791, 912
- Ngo Dinh Nhu, 359, 361
- Ngo Hou, 413, 415–417
- Ngo Trong Hieu, 552–556
- Ngon Sananikone, 843, 894, 904, 952, 984, 1052, 1061
- Nguyen Dinh Thuan, 327–328, 360–361
- Nhouy Abhay, 728, 747, 805, 809, 843, 845, 859–863, 876–877, 898, 963
- Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., 9–10, 24–25, 89–90, 652, 654–656, 661
- Nong Kimny, 498–500, 504, 511–512, 514–515, 525, 531
- Noon, Firoz Khan, 285–287, 289, 293–294
- North Africa, 3, 12, 83, 348
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 80, 98–103, 378, 392
- Nuclear weapons. See Atomic weapons.
- O’Connor, Roderick L., 1n, 11n, 31n, 82n, 633n
- O’Daniel, Lt. Gen. John W., 409–411, 704
- Office of Defense Mobilization (ODM), 239–240, 248–249, 333
- Offroy, Raymond, 158
- Okinawa (see also Japan), 100, 223, 382, 395–396
- Operation Albatross, 264, 269, 300
- Operation Astra, 300, 360
- Operation Brotherhood, 147, 762, 763n, 858, 927, 946, 973, 1036, 1061
- Operation Firm Link, 177–179, 182, 205n, 210–211
- Operation Phiblink, 390
- Operation Ridhee, 300
- Operation Sealink, 361
- Operation Teamwork, 300, 360
- Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 29, 89, 163, 331, 444, 494, 528, 532, 559–562
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 92
- Ouan Ratrikoun, Col., 726, 729–730, 797, 823, 864, 889, 1003, 1036, 1057
- Oudom, 880, 963
- Oudone Sananikone, 1058
- Ouk Chhoun, 415
- Oun Hueun, 594, 876
- Ounthone, Gen., 861
- Ourot R. Souvannavong, 227–228, 813, 816, 818, 850, 852, 978, 980
- Pacific Charter, 13n, 16n, 30, 44, 61, 82–83, 182, 185
- Paddock, Paul E., Jr., 620–623
- Page, Lewis M., 446, 649n
- Pakistan, 2, 43, 80, 96, 174–175, 181–183, 191–193, 200, 271, 298–299, 310–311, 318
- Palewski, Jean-Paul, 406
- Parelman, Samuel T., 652
- Parizot, 894–895, 923, 947, 961
- Parsons, Howard L., 223–224
- Parsons, J. Graham, 528, 537
- Laos:
- Chinese People’s Republic of, relations with, 776, 785–787, 792n, 811–812, 967, 1066
- Internal security, 802, 858, 873–875, 896–897, 899–900, 902–903, 975–976, 1054–1060
- Neutralism, 800–803
- Political situation, 787, 823–824, 842–843, 848–849, 857, 860–861, 863–864, 866–867, 879, 914–916, 1051–1052, 1060–1062
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 236–237, 277–278
- Soviet Union, relations with, 977, 1066
- Thailand, relations with, 797–798, 911
- United States, relations with, 827n, 837, 849, 923–924, 978, 980, 1062–1063
- U.S. military aid to (see also Internal security above), 800, 802, 829–830, 848, 857, 859–860, 905, 928, 939–940, 975, 1064–1065
- Pathet Lao (see also under
U.S. military aid
above), 780–781, 811,
846, 849–850, 898–905, 976, 983,
- Auto-defense, 788, 861–864, 976, 1057–1059, 1061
- Forces integration, 779–780, 783–785, 825–826, 833–834, 838–839, 882–883, 891–894, 984
- Government participation, 842–844, 856, 865, 876, 878–880, 944–947, 984, 1012–1018, 1022–1023, 1033–1035, 1044–1045
- Joint communiqués, 784–788, 793–795, 868–869, 871–872, 982, 998–1006, 1008–1011, 1019–1022, 1024, 1026–1029
- Laos:
- Parthasarathi, Gopalaswami, 451–452, 455, 458, 466n, 468–469, 608
- Pate, Gen. Randolph M., 413n
- Pathet Lao (see also
- Armed invasion, possible, 248, 640, 672,
713, 715–716, 969–970
- French position, 832
- Australian position, 41
- Auto-defense (popular uprisings), 745, 831, 861, 1057–1059, 1061
- Chinese People’s Republic intentions, 719–720, 725–726, 737–738, 767, 921
- Chinese People’s Republic support for, 610, 624, 678
- Communist nature of, 113, 117n,
- French position, 119, 580–581, 590, 918
- Indian position, 681
- Laotian position, 267, 580, 588, 600, 609–610, 616, 618–620, 678, 692, 716–717, 747–748, 831–832, 840–841, 846, 849, 855n, 880, 913, 915–916, 921, 970–971, 981–982, 1000–1001
- Thai position, 120
- U.S. position, 266, 580, 597, 608–609, 623–624, 631, 666–668, 671–672, 674–676, 713–715, 718–719, 841, 845–846, 849–850, 885, 926
- Communist powers negotiations, 659–660, 680, 693
- Defections, possible, 581, 588, 608, 616, 704, 712, 725, 991
- Elections, participation in, 595, 672–673, 676, 685n, 686–687, 689–690, 692–693, 711, 714–716, 719
- Forces integration, 784n, 878,
- British position, 934n
- ICC proposal, 141, 685n, 687
- Joint communiqués, 784–785, 990, 988, 993, 998, 1020, 1030n
- Laotian position, 712, 779–780, 783, 827n, 833–834, 838–839, 864, 891–892, 971–972, 983, 989–990, 1002
- Military agreement, Oct. 1957, 1030, 1036–1037, 1045, 1063
- Pathet Lao position, 594, 870, 884
- U.S. position, 581, 594, 629, 687, 689–690, 763, 766, 778–780, 782–783, 808–809, 822, 825–826, 828, 829n, 833–834, 836, 838, 860, 871, 892–893, 933–934, 944, 983–984, 1029
- Geneva Accords, 114
- Geneva signatories, appeal to, 608, 631–632, 638, 644, 679–682, 690, 692, 694, 724, 764n, 984–985
- Government participation, 856, 878–879, 904
- British position, 847–848, 904, 916, 932, 933n, 934n, 941–942, 945–946, 1024, 1026, 1044, 1050–1051, 1063
- Civil war, possible, 861–864, 894
- French position, 916–918, 921–922, 942, 946–947, 1026, 1044, 1063
- Geneva Accords, 593n, 594, 862, 902
- Joint communiqués, 784, 793–795, 869, 987–988, 992–993, 998, 1002–1003, 1008
- Laotian position, 589n, 593n, 594n, 820–822, 838, 840–841, 843, 860–861, 880–881, 895, 971, 983, 1054
- Pathet Lao position, 672, 675–676, 831, 838, 884, 895, 907, 909, 916, 981
- Political agreement, Oct. 1957, 999–1001, 1009–1011, 1028–1031, 1033–1035, 1036–1037, 1042–1045, 1063–1065
- Souvanna government, 1012–1018, 1022–1025, 1027
- U.S. military aid and, 809–810, 822, 834–837, 850, 854–855, 858–860, 886, 931–933, 943–944, 1029, 1036–1037, 1047–1051
- U.S. position, 402, 589n, 593n, 594, 629, 686, 763, 786, 788, 808, 826, 843–850, 854, 855n, 865, 876–877, 885–886, 919, 921, 933–935, 984–986, 995–996
- ICC responses (see also
below), 590, 645, 668,
681, 690, 715
- British position, 114–115, 626, 629, 633n
- Demarcation line proposal, 733–734, 745
- French position, 581, 589, 626
- Indian position, 974
- Laotian position, 580, 603, 611, 617, 632, 641, 675, 678–679, 692, 711, 725
- New Zealand position, 189
- Settlement proposals, 685–686, 730, 734, 738, 744–745, 764n, 778
- U.S. position, 115, 118, 141, 588–591, 597, 600, 608, 626, 628–629, 631–632, 638, 644, 646, 648, 694, 711, 724
- Indian intercession, possible, 581, 608, 629, 638, 644, 659, 678, 680, 682, 705, 724
- Joint communiqués, 784–786, 868–869, 987–990, 992–993, 995–1000, 1004–1006, 1009–1010, 1015–1021, 1024, 1026–1030
- Katay visit to Peking and, 764, 767, 770, 775–776, 785–786, 789, 804, 815, 819
- Laotian-Chinese People’s Republic relations and, 228
- Laotian economic situation and, 584
- Laotian military action, possible (see also
- Airborne attack proposal, 701–703, 705n
- British position, 625, 627, 631–633, 675, 679, 704, 712, 726, 832
- Canadian position, 704
- Chinese People’s Republic position, 705
- French military support, 623, 626–627, 631, 672, 701, 704n, 727, 832
- French position, 589–590, 599–600, 625, 627, 632–633, 636, 675, 679, 704, 712, 726
- Geneva Accords and, 597, 632, 862
- Indian position, 609, 679, 704, 712
- ICC position, 609, 618, 726
- Laotian position, 580, 589–590, 600, 603, 609–612, 617–620, 623, 637, 703, 712, 714, 886n
- Laotian-Thai military planning and, 696, 698–699
- Mobilization, 580, 590, 600, 617, 638, 644, 689, 692
- SEATO guarantee and, 609–615, 617, 619, 633, 700, 705, 714, 717
- U.S. position, 581, 601–603, 619, 626–628, 630–632, 636–637, 646, 672, 675–676, 679, 699, 704–705, 716, 735, 969
- Viet Minh-Chinese People’s Republic response, 623–624, 672, 676, 699–700, 704, 714, 716–717, 725, 727, 888, 969–970
- Laotian political situation and, 603, 609, 615, 625, 648, 679, 682, 832, 842–843, 845, 861
- Military situation, 113, 581, 584n, 585, 597, 674, 679, 681–682, 714–715, 822, 913, 944–945
- Negotiations (see also
Joint communiqués
above), 578, 689, 811
- British position, 625, 971
- French position, 119, 625, 971
- Indian position, 659, 678, 971
- Katay-Phoumi negotiations, 645
- Laotian position, 580, 588, 594–595, 603, 620, 641, 678, 681, 692, 703, 712, 764n, 770–771, 839, 914–915, 955
- Laotian public opinion, 969–970, 1024–1025
- Souvanna-Souphanouvong meeting, 689, 692, 764n, 770–772, 780–781, 786, 824
- U.S. military aid and, 596
- U.S. position, 120, 581, 588, 595, 600, 604, 608, 625–626, 629, 637–638, 641, 672, 674–675, 693, 765–767, 778, 831–832, 912–913, 969–972
- U.S. role, 898–905
- Vietnamese Democratic Republic position, 977–978, 990
- Northern provinces administration (see also
Takeover threat above and
Partition, possible
below), 784n, 1042–1043
- British position, 114, 934n
- French position, 599–602, 611–612
- Geneva Accords and, 114–115, 119–120, 141, 577, 581, 591n, 592n, 602n, 610, 671–674, 719, 730, 821, 845, 909, 980–981, 1001–1002
- ICC position, 686, 744
- Joint communiqués, 784, 789, 860, 865–866, 880, 987–988, 997
- Laotian political situation and, 603
- Laotian position, 588, 591n, 592n, 610, 971, 983, 985
- Pathet Lao position, 686, 689, 711, 719, 870
- Political agreement, Oct. 1957, 999–1001, 1033–1035, 1043
- U.S. position, 40, 600, 602n, 609, 629, 640, 689–690, 934, 944, 1029–1030
- Partition, possible, 581–582, 584, 588–589, 597, 609, 693, 705, 714, 734, 745
- Petsarath recall proposal, 747–748
- Popular attitudes toward, 589, 674, 725, 861–862, 894–895, 900, 941, 976, 1036, 1045
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization and, 112–121, 129, 277–278, 402,
638, 640
- Australian position, 119
- Bangkok meeting discussion, 581, 589–592, 597, 599n, 600–601, 608–609, 613–614, 617
- British position, 112, 114–118, 147–148, 158
- French position, 112, 116, 118–121, 147–148, 402
- Laotian position, 681, 715, 725, 861
- New Zealand position, 119
- Pakistani position, 119–120
- Philippine position, 119, 402
- Thai position, 119–120, 277, 402
- Thai role, 112–115
- U.S. position, 147, 680, 691, 713, 715, 903, 913, 1002
- Soviet policy, 608, 659–660, 721
- Thai position, 44, 186, 715, 717
- Tripartite discussions, 584, 626–627, 646, 659, 699, 901, 905–910, 940–942, 1006, 1028–1029
- United Nations, appeal to, 638, 644, 724–725, 861, 903, 945, 984, 1002
- Viet Minh control of. See Communist nature of above.
- Vietnam, Republic of, position, 715, 717
- Vietnamese settlement and, 734
- Armed invasion, possible, 248, 640, 672,
713, 715–716, 969–970
- Patterson, Bradley H., Jr., 91–92
- Pearson, Lester B., 66, 685–686
- Peaslee, Amos J., 124–126
- Penh Nouth, Samdech, 414, 416, 458, 488, 504, 524
- Peru, 147
- Pescadores, 80, 101
- Peterson, Avery F., 304
- Petsarath, Prince, 605, 809, 823–824, 831, 866n, 914–915, 918–921, 947, 973, 1005
- Peurifoy, John E., 77, 79n, 112–114, 117n, 119–121
- Pham Van Dong, 646
- Phanomyong Pridi, 43
- Phao, Gen. Sryiyanon, 393, 485, 593, 645
- Pheng Phong Savang, 895, 915, 953, 1011, 1052
- Phiblink (Operation), 390
- Phibun. See Pibulsonggram, P.
- Philippines (see also Philippine subheadings under other subjects), 99, 137, 193, 211, 298, 338, 396, 556, 762, 930
- Phleger, Herman, 270
- Pho Proeung, 433
- Phoui Sananikone, 590n, 613–614, 646, 967, 974, 978–986, 1027
- Phoumi, Col. Vongvichit, 645, 692, 727, 728, 781, 926, 1043n, 1051
- Pibulsonggram, P. (Phibun Songkhram), 62, 142, 186, 509, 684, 910, 912–913
- Pineau, Christian, 182, 189–191, 193, 195–196, 198, 200, 206
- Poland (see also International Control Commission), 307, 556, 977
- Portugal, 80
- Powell, Adam Clayton, 77
- Prasit, 592–593
- President’s Fund for Asian Economic Development (AEDF), 9–10, 74–75, 90, 92n, 105–106, 161, 283–284, 334–335, 356–358, 378–379
- Price, C. Hoyt, 494n, 496, 522, 530n, 548n, 558n
- Pridi. See Phanomyong Pridi.
- Prochnow, Herbert V., 159
- Prochnow Committee, 238, 240n, 249
- Purnell, Lewis M., 417n, 448n, 463n
- Pushtunistan issue, 174–177, 183, 187, 189, 192–193, 205w, 208
- Puth, Chhay, 445
- Quarles, Donald A., 349, 376–378
- Quinin, Pholsena, 746, 915, 965
- Quinn, John, 128, 135
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 87n, 94, 107n, 109, 122
- Cambodia, 404, 409–411, 413–414, 431–432, 492–493, 496, 535–537, 549
- Laos, 147, 217, 585–586, 665, 691, 725, 733, 740–741, 760n, 791, 795
- Southeast Asia regional defense, 34–36, 72n, 121–124, 129–133, 135, 138, 151, 153, 233–236, 243–247, 249, 276
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 8, 127, 132–134, 145–148, 234–236, 243–244, 536
- Rahman, Amir Abdul, 187n
- Rahman, Ismail bin Dato’ Abdul, 388
- Rahman, Tunku Abdul, 169–170, 309, 375, 401
- Raj, James S., 939
- Rak, Panyarachun, 277, 309–310, 319
- Randall, Clarence B., 331–333, 353–354, 399
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 304, 394, 511, 537, 552
- Rhee, Syngman, 211, 224, 392
- Richards, Arthur L., 383
- Richards, James P., 977
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 413n
- Ridhee (Operation), 300
- Robertson, Reuben B., Jr., 107n, 127, 133n, 223, 225–227, 242–244, 249–250, 665, 677
- Robertson, Walter S., 36, 114n, 115n, 117n,
121n, 134, 154n, 159, 173n, 400n, 417n, 422n, 470n, 530n, 584n, 627n, 636n, 702n, 706n, 710n, 731n, 765n, 767n, 774n, 777n, 803n, 826n, 828n, 835n, 870n, 885n, 912n, 919n, 933n, 935n, 966n, 992n, 995n, 996n, 1007n, 1008n, 1009n, 1030n, 1032n, 1041n, 1049n
- Asia, U.S. policy toward, 6, 375
- Australia, 339, 342n, 346
- Bandung Conference, 1–3, 11–14
- Burma, 248, 267
- Cambodia, 459n, 498–499, 505, 511, 513–514, 527, 556, 558–559
- Chinese People’s Republic, 94, 273
- Indonesia, 143–144, 267, 386–387
- Laos, 221, 227–228, 910
- Chinese People’s Republic, relations with, 266, 771–773, 804, 814–816, 820, 822, 834, 835n
- Pathet Lao, 141, 266–267, 666, 681, 734–735, 882–885, 906, 907n, 908–909, 944–945, 981–986, 993, 1014, 1042–1044
- Political situation, 803–805, 834, 835n, 942–944, 963, 980
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 221, 227–228
- United States, relations with, 610, 612, 614, 616, 812–816, 818, 820–823, 978, 980
- U.S. military aid to, 633–636, 651, 661, 665, 738, 803–804, 822, 867, 984, 986, 1050–1051
- Southeast Asia:
- Defense of, 67, 128, 139n, 149, 221, 227–228, 393
- Political situation, 266–268
- U.S. military aid to, 237–240, 248, 252n
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 145, 147–148, 172, 221, 227–228, 264n, 273, 278, 279n, 282n, 304, 390
- Thailand, 268, 910
- U.S. military command structure, 223–227
- Vietnam, 141–142, 267
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 27
- Romulo, Gen. Carlos P., 31–32, 96, 103–105
- Roosevelt, Kermit, 1–2, 11, 14
- Rountree, William M., 379
- Roux, Jacques, 440–441
- Rowland, John, 290n
- Sakoun Sananikone, 1061–1062
- Sales, Pierre L., 828n
- Salisbury, Lord, 79
- Sam Sary, 454–455, 477–478
- Sandys, Duncan, 373–375
- Sarasin, Pote, 112n, 177n, 384, 401, 573
- Sarit Thanarit, 390, 393, 683, 688, 795
- Satterthwaite, Joseph C., 528
- Saudi Arabia, 84, 96
- Savang Vatthana, 768–772, 775–776, 814–822, 977
- Pathet Lao, 117, 592, 625, 682, 693,
748, 770–771, 975–976, 1004–1005,
1008–1011, 1021
- Auto-defense, 644, 656n, 725–727, 729–730, 732, 737–738, 976
- Communist nature of, 589, 610, 619–620, 880
- Forces integration, 838–839, 892–893
- Government participation, 820, 838, 876, 879–882, 884, 894–895, 919, 1027, 1045–1046
- Laotian military action, possible, 600, 609, 611–612, 619–620, 636n
- Northern provinces, control of, 591n, 592n, 900
- Political situation in Laos, 625, 645, 659, 728–729, 746, 823–824, 838–840, 842, 857, 863, 866n, 919–920
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 117, 206–207, 209–213, 215–216, 219–220, 221n, 227–228, 263, 592, 600, 817, 821
- U.S. military aid to Laos, 892–893, 975, 1031–1033, 1044, 1046
- U.S.-Lao relations, 591–592, 812–823, 837–838
- Pathet Lao, 117, 592, 625, 682, 693,
748, 770–771, 975–976, 1004–1005,
1008–1011, 1021
- Savut, Ilhan, 94–95
- Schow, Maj. Gen. Robert A., 987
- Scott, Sir Robert A., 139, 168n
- Scott, Walter K., 34n
- Seager, Cedric, 74
- Sealink (Operation), 361
- Sebald, William J., 156n, 292, 558n, 803n, 805n, 812n, 826n, 828n, 835n, 844n, 885n, 898n, 906n
- Selby, Richard R., 144n
- Sen, Samar, 692, 811, 865, 876
- Sessions, Edson O., 522, 524, 530–531, 540–542
- Sessions report, 512–513, 520–522, 524, 530–531, 540–542
- Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 224–225
- Sihanouk, Norodom, 228, 447, 465, 485–486, 514, 533, 540, 554, 574
- Chinese People’s Republic, 498–499, 501, 523–525
- Neutralism, 513, 527, 563, 570
- Political situation in Cambodia, 269, 436–437, 464, 474–481, 488, 503–504, 509, 512, 517, 539
- U.S.-Cambodian relations, 506–507, 512, 517, 527–528, 556–560, 567–568
- U.S. military aid to Cambodia, 404, 410, 415, 419–420, 433, 453–455, 458, 469, 496–497, 499–502, 538, 573
- Simbolon, Col., 384–385
- Simla Conference, 74–75, 85–86, 88–90, 92–93, 105–106, 334
- Singapore (see also Malaya), 36, 46, 111, 169–170, 214, 262–263, 292, 314, 317, 374, 395–396
- Sirik Matak, 420–421, 433, 488–489
- Sisavang Vong, King, 602–603, 823, 842, 950, 952
- Sisouk Na Champassak, 781, 849
- Smith, Gen. Walter Bedell, 423
- Somsanatharia, Gen., 861
- Somsanith, Prince, 849, 858, 964
- Son Ngoc Thanh, 436, 445, 464, 478–480, 485
- Son Sann, 503–504, 509
- Sopsaisana, Chao, 812, 861–863, 876, 879
- Soulie, Gaston, 785, 790, 832, 880, 895
- Sounthone, Gen., 727, 864
- Souphanouvong, Prince, 592, 779, 809, 823, 832–833, 837, 866n, 904, 967–968, 982
- Chinese People’s Republic economic aid to Laos, 898n, 915, 1038, 1050
- Communist affiliation of, 588, 747, 820–821, 840, 846, 849–850, 918, 1001
- Joint communiqués, 792–795, 987–988, 990–992, 995, 1005, 1010, 1019–1021, 1027
- Pathet Lao government participation, 809, 821, 833, 838, 840, 846, 849–850, 879–880, 895, 918, 919n, 1043n
- Souvanna, meeting with, 689, 692, 764n, 770–772, 780–781, 786, 824, 868–869
- South Africa, 12, 34, 80
- Southeast Asia (see also
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization; specific countries):
- British economic aid to, 165, 171
- Buddhism, 259
- China, Republic of, trade with, 260
- Communist influence in, 44, 160, 254, 292
- Defense of, 64, 152
- ANZUS discussion, 155, 173–174
- Atomic weapons, use of, 33–35, 123, 180, 231, 249, 279, 373n, 392–393
- Australian position, 231, 374–375, 391–393
- Australian role, 369
- British position, 33–35, 180, 292–293, 373n
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 34–35
- Malaya defense and, 59, 122, 129, 132, 153, 156
- New Zealand role, 369
- SEATO role, 129, 131n, 132, 155, 244–246, 250, 256, 258, 273, 276, 292, 297, 374–375, 391
- U.S.-Australian discussions, 128–133, 135–138, 149–153
- U.S. role, 8, 33, 40, 123, 132, 136–138, 155, 232–234, 244–246, 250, 256, 258, 273, 276, 393
- Indian influence in, 293
- Japan, trade with, 260, 398–399
- Neutralism in, 158–160, 170–171, 255–256, 292–293, 316, 318
- Regional association, 255, 257
- Overseas Chinese communities (see also Chinese and Vietnamese communities under Cambodia), 254, 259, 268, 315, 318, 475
- Soviet economic aid to, 159–160
- Soviet initiative in, 156–160, 176, 186, 189–190, 192, 200, 254, 314
- Soviet military aid to, 243
- Strategic importance of, 233, 241, 250, 254, 256, 292
- U.S. economic aid to, 254–255, 258–260, 280–282, 321, 324
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization and, 24–25, 36–37, 49–50, 57, 184–185, 197–198, 257, 272, 280–282, 306, 394
- U.S. military aid to, 37, 165–166, 186–187, 200–202, 234–235, 239, 241–244, 247, 249–252, 254–255, 257, 543, 546, 572
- U.S. policy toward, 238, 255, 259, 528, 537
- U.S. trade relations with, 258–259
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 13n
- Afghan position, 208
- Anti-subversive activities, 43, 48–49, 146, 148, 189, 204, 320
- ANZUS and, 56, 58, 122, 173
- Asian members position, 3, 126–127, 133–134, 142, 145, 156–157, 160–162, 167, 171, 285–286, 392, 699, 714–716, 718
- Australian participation (see also Malaya: Defense of), 125, 132–133, 196, 198–199, 391
- Australian position, 36, 40, 46–47, 59, 129, 135, 181, 231, 269, 274–275, 293–294, 304, 318, 320, 367
- Baghdad Pact and, 286–287
- Bandung Conference and, 3, 32, 42, 61–62
- Bangkok Council meeting, see Council meetings below.
- British participation, 45, 215, 309
- British position, 36, 44, 46–47, 147–148, 157–158, 164, 166, 172, 178–179, 182, 190, 274, 284–285, 292
- Burma, 238–239, 264–265, 274
- Cambodian membership, 306, 500, 507–508, 513, 515, 563, 572
- China, Republic of, membership, 306
- Council meetings, 36, 44, 46–47, 57
- Cultural activities, 61, 187, 197, 319–322, 325–326
- Economic aspects of (see also
Southeast Asia: U.S.
economic aid to), 60, 161, 182,
200, 310, 327, 361
- Australian position, 24–25, 49, 60, 149, 181–182, 312–313, 320, 391
- British position, 59–60, 158, 165, 172, 320
- Colombo Plan and, 24–25, 37, 49–50, 60, 172, 272, 320
- Economic experts meeting, 24–25, 60, 149
- French position, 49, 60, 158, 182, 191, 195–196, 199, 204–205, 315, 319, 321
- Pakistani postion, 24–25, 49, 60, 181, 198, 312–313, 320–321
- Thai position, 24, 44, 182, 195, 199
- U.S. position, 36–37, 49–50, 57, 59–60, 160–161, 171–172, 197, 246–247, 323–325, 329, 394
- French participation, 42, 206, 209–210, 215, 315
- French position, 42, 46, 48, 61, 189–191, 198, 315–316, 319, 321, 326, 355
- Geneva Accords and, 42, 199, 234, 237, 291, 317, 343, 359
- Global war planning, participation in, 264, 274–275, 278–279, 298–299
- Indian position, 80, 205–206, 513–514
- Indochina, defense of, 44, 55, 221, 227–228, 236–238, 406, 447–448, 563–564
- Information activities, 164, 171, 189–191, 197, 316, 318, 325
- Japanese membership, 286, 306
- Joint maneuvers, 59, 146, 148, 264, 269, 300
- Kashmir and Pushtunistan issues, 174–177, 183, 187–188, 192, 205n, 289
- Korea, Republic of, membership, 306
- Laos, defense of, 206–207, 209–217, 219–222, 227–228, 236–237, 261, 263, 684, 696, 723, 752, 755, 763, 771–777, 796, 799–800, 803–804, 807, 809, 810n, 816–817, 821, 851
- Laotian membership, 210, 213, 237, 306, 603, 753, 755, 787, 817
- Laotian position, 206, 209–210, 215–216
- Limiting reservations, 288–289, 293–294
- Malaya, defense of, 122, 129, 152, 262
- Malayan membership, 149, 263
- Manila Pact Working Group, 24n, 37–38
- Membership expansion, 42, 44, 147, 149, 160, 181, 190, 257, 305–306
- Military planning, 37–38, 54–57, 126–127, 139, 151, 203, 295–304, 390–391
- Ministerial meeting proposal, 140–141, 146
- Near East, 274
- New Zealand position, 36, 44, 46, 182, 188, 197, 204, 319, 367, 388, 400–401
- Organization of (see also Military planning), 46–47, 62, 127, 140, 156–157, 161–163, 165, 172, 197, 199–201, 319–321
- Pakistani position, 46, 54–55, 134n, 179, 181, 200–202, 285–289, 293–294, 299, 312–313, 320
- Pathet Lao and, 112–121, 129,
402, 638, 640
- Australian position, 119
- British position, 112, 114–118, 147–148, 158
- French position, 112, 116, 118–121, 147–148, 402
- Laotian position, 681, 715, 725, 861
- New Zealand position, 119
- Pakistani position, 119–120
- Philippine position, 119, 402
- Thai position, 119–120, 277, 402
- Thai role, 112–115
- U.S. position, 147, 680, 691, 713, 715, 903, 913, 1002
- Philippine position, 32, 46–47, 54–55, 57, 60, 126–127, 134n, 146, 182, 187, 196, 310
- Public relations, 142, 145–149, 156–158, 160, 187, 199, 204, 231, 301, 319, 325
- Research service center, 195–197
- Security considerations, 129, 153, 320, 391
- Thai participation, 391–392, 792
- Thai position, 43–44, 47–49, 134n, 182, 195, 201–202, 310, 319, 390, 401n
- Thailand, defense of, 796
- U.S.-British relations, 166–168
- U.S. military aid and, 37, 165–166, 186–187, 200–202, 234–235, 239, 241–244, 247, 250–252, 257, 543, 546, 572
- U.S. position, 47, 100, 136, 140, 150, 198, 207, 210, 256–257, 286, 288n, 289, 307–308, 536
- Vietnam, Republic of, participation, 44, 291–292, 306, 327–328, 338–339, 355, 358–363n
- Souvanna Phouma, Prince, 592, 697n, 797–798, 810n,
947, 969, 1057–1058, 1060
- Chinese People’s Republic, Laotian relations with, 228, 763–765, 767–768, 770–772, 774–776, 785–787, 791–792, 801, 810n, 811–812, 815, 819, 967
- Pathet Lao:
- Auto-defense, 644, 656n, 788
- Communist nature of, 588, 831–832, 849–850, 918, 1000–1001
- Forces integration, 779–780, 782–785, 833–834, 841, 892–893, 989–990
- Government participation, 842–849, 856, 859, 876, 879–881, 883, 915, 919, 954, 1032, 1042–1043
- Joint communiqués, 784–785, 788, 793–794, 868–869, 981, 987–988, 990–993, 996–999, 1001–1003, 1005, 1008, 1010, 1019–1021, 1026, 1029, 1031
- Laotian military action, possible, 616–618, 703, 712, 725–726, 832
- Negotiations, 689, 692, 764n, 770–772, 780–781, 786, 824, 831, 837–838, 868–869, 904–905, 971–972, 1036
- Petsarath recall proposal, 747–748
- Political situation and, 625
- Political situation in Laos, 625, 727–729, 746–747, 805, 809, 823, 839–840, 842–844, 857, 919–920
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 215, 221n, 222n, 236–237, 402, 804, 810n
- U.S.-Laotian relations, 650–651, 735, 827, 829–830, 857, 860n, 923–924, 967, 1062–1063
- Soviet bloc, 39, 270, 274
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet and Soviet Union
subheadings under other subjects), 13,
91, 96, 159, 174–175, 183–184, 192–193, 230, 264–267, 270–272, 310
- Afghanistan, relations with, 159, 174–177, 187, 192, 208, 211, 310–311
- Antarctica, 144, 269–270, 330–331, 396–397
- Burma, relations with, 159, 239, 309, 775
- Cambodia, relations with, 383, 556, 561–562, 568–570
- Chinese People’s Republic, relations with, 28, 266, 273, 307
- Foreign policy, 183–184, 190, 214–215, 229, 238, 265–266, 307
- Japan, relations with, 39, 44, 337–338
- Laos, relations with, 266, 608, 659–660, 721, 977, 1048–1049
- Near East, 159, 184, 186, 189, 307, 315
- Political situation, 38–39, 271, 307–308, 313
- Spain, 556
- Spender, Sir Percy, 68, 214, 231
- Sprague, Mansfield D., 352n, 393, 929–930
- Springsteen, George S., 331–338
- Stassen, Harold E., 49, 59–60, 74–75, 245, 249, 334–335, 598, 634n, 654
- Stelle, Charles C., 1, 11
- Stettner, Walter F., 522
- Stevens, Lemuel M., 351
- Streibert, Theodore C., 131, 145–147
- Strom, Carl W., 552–553, 556–558, 564, 566–576
- Stump, Adm. Felix B., 130, 142, 377, 396
- Subandrio, 386
- Sudan, 29
- Sugden, Gen. Cecil Stanway, 8
- Suhrawardy, Husayn, 289, 293–294, 312–313, 768n
- Sukarno, Ahmed, 267, 384–387
- Sullivan, Charles A., 34, 84–85, 145, 264, 413n, 414
- Sumual, Ventje, 385
- Suramarit, Norodom, 477, 504, 508–510, 512, 514–515
- Syria, 84, 96, 98
- Taiwan Straits, 97–98, 101, 105
- Talbot, Milo John Reginald, 116, 588, 630
- Tane, 999, 1010–1011
- Tange, Arthur Harold, 67, 70–72, 73n, 125, 304
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 691
- Teamwork (Operation), 300, 361
- Tep Phan, 458
- Thacher, Nicholas, 174n
- Thailand (see also Thai and Thailand subheadings under
other subjects), 44–45, 60–61,
78, 85, 142, 182, 192, 243, 358, 392, 914n
- Bandung Conference, 2, 4, 29, 80, 104
- Burma, 186, 234, 243–244, 309
- Cambodia, relations with, 48–49, 186, 261–262, 482, 485, 511, 513–515, 521, 563, 570
- Defense of, 35–36, 137, 152, 276, 393, 796, 799
- Laos, relations with, 605, 614, 801
[Page 1094]
- Joint military planning, 261, 690–691, 695–701, 772, 775, 795–800, 957–960
- Laotian position, 579, 1009n
- Police training, 48–49, 596, 611, 613–615, 641, 696–697, 723, 791
- U.S.-guaranteed defense agreement, 769, 772, 775–776
- U.S. position, 261–262, 694, 753–754, 762, 930, 1065
- U.S.-Thai discussions, 910–914
- Malaya, relations with, 76, 78, 186, 310
- Neutralism, 186, 268
- Political situation, 43, 67, 310, 384, 390
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 25, 49, 234–236, 281, 359, 362, 391–392, 792, 796
- U.S. economic aid to, 10, 182, 186, 281, 283–284
- U.S. military aid to, 25, 234–236, 249–250, 261, 393, 423, 496
- Tiao Somsanith, 1055
- Tiao Souk, 964
- Tioulong, Gen. Nhiek, 445, 503–504
- Tomlinson, F.S., 287–288
- Totten, Robert, 733–734
- Touby, Lefong, 657
- Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 239, 247
- Tunisia. See North Africa.
- Turkey (see also Baghdad Pact), 2, 13, 29, 80, 94–96, 104, 209, 273
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 173n, 413n, 708–709
- U Nu, 105, 460–463, 465–466, 765
- U Thant, 460, 462
- Uhao Phoun, Maj., 781
- United Kingdom (see also ANZAM; British, Tripartite, and United Kingdom subheadings under other subjects), 62, 78–79, 81, 85, 169, 192, 269, 300, 308–309, 342, 360
- United Nations (see also U.N. and United Nations
subheadings under other subjects), 310
- African-Asian participation, 97, 305
- Burma, 239
- Cambodian membership, 186
- Chinese People’s Republic membership, 12, 51, 96, 273, 312, 368, 394
- Commission on Atomic Radiation, 131
- General Assembly Resolution 1064 (XI), 305
- Kashmir issue, 177, 188, 192–193, 285–286, 289
- Korea, 52, 273
- Laotian membership, 579, 1009n
- Malayan membership, 305
- New Guinea issue, 269–270, 388–389
- New Zealand Resolution, 79
- Pathet Lao, 638, 644, 724–725, 861, 903, 945, 984, 1002
- Southeast Asia defense and, 244–245, 250–251, 256, 258, 260–261, 276
- U.S. Information Agency, 272, 408, 447, 539, 579, 643, 724, 873–875, 888–890
- U.S. Information Service, 1060–1062
- Vichitsonggram, Gen. Jira, 56, 798
- Viet Minh (see also Pathet Lao; Southeast Asia: Defense of; Vietnam, Democratic Republic of; Viet Minh subheadings under other subjects), 43, 189–190, 254, 328, 887–888
- Vietnam (see also Viet Minh; Vietnam, Democratic Republic of; Vietnam, Republic of), 104, 189–190, 215, 317, 360, 405–406
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of (see also Viet Minh), 29, 263, 314, 317, 362, 495–496, 563, 571, 581–582, 668, 719, 978
- Vietnam, Republic of (see also Vietnam,
Republic of subheadings under other subjects), 141–142, 147, 267, 269, 315–317, 384, 392, 446
- Australia, relations with, 142, 269, 317, 395
- Bandung Conference, 2, 15–16, 29
- Cambodia, relations with, 261, 342, 482, 484, 494, 509, 513–515, 521, 550, 553, 554n, 563, 570–571
- Defense of, 48–49, 137, 155, 221, 227–228, 236, 276, 406
- France, relations with, 405–407, 423
- Geneva Accords, 141, 554, 613
- India, relations with, 342, 358–359, 361–363
- Laos, relations with, 763, 791, 801
- Political situation, 39, 41–42, 44, 141–142, 188–190, 211, 214, 235, 262, 267, 310, 314–315, 317, 328
- Strategic importance of, 317, 579, 586, 621
- U.S. economic aid to, 39, 42, 185, 283–284, 384
- U.S. military aid to, 39, 42, 234–235, 249, 393, 423, 613
- U.S. policy toward, 262, 407
- Vietnamese People’s Volunteers. See Viet Minh.
- Villard, Henry S., 82
- Voravong, 938
- Vu Van Mau, 359
- Wade, Hunter, 134
- Wan, Prince, 60–61, 104, 192
- Watson, Adam, 5
- Watt, Alan, 36
- Waugh, Samuel C., 24–25, 27n
- Weir, Gen. Cyril E., 173n, 354, 391, 393
- Wells, Gen. Henry, 130, 135, 387, 390–391, 393, 396
- West, George, 457
- White, Lloyd, 219n, 288, 289n
- Whittington, Floyd L., 954n
- Wilcox, Francis O., 855n
- Wilson, Charles E., 107, 109n, 173n, 211n, 214–215, 276, 364, 585, 740
- Wilson, George F., 339n
- Wisner, Frank G., 77, 145, 148, 666
- Withers, Charles D., 95n, 313n
- Wouhak, 812
- Wright, Thomas K., 528
- Yarborough, Col., 551
- Yemen, 29
- Yost, Charles W., 765n, 767n
- Laos, 579, 641–644, 751–752, 756–757, 760–762
- Political situation, 578–579, 593, 602–605, 637, 639–641, 645, 658–659, 712, 727–729, 750–751, 803n
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 206–207, 209–217, 591, 600, 608, 680
- Thailand, relations with, 579, 694, 697n, 698–699, 707, 753–754
- United States, relations with, 578, 591–592, 610, 614, 616, 618, 659–660, 754–755, 758
- U.S. information programs, 643, 658–659
- U.S. military aid to, 582–584, 595–599, 635, 637–638, 650–651, 656–657, 664, 735–738, 740, 755–756
- Pathet Lao, 591, 594, 600, 608, 626,
659, 678, 680, 686–687, 694, 747–748, 917–918
- Auto-defense, 644–645, 656–657, 725–727, 729–730, 737–738
- Communist nature of, 588, 678, 713
- ICC action, 589–591, 608, 626, 638, 645–646, 659, 679, 711
- Laotian military action, possible, 589–590, 599–601, 609, 616, 618, 623–627, 630–632, 636n, 637, 698–699, 703–706, 711–712
- Negotiations, 580–582, 588, 594–595, 603–604, 608, 625, 629, 637–638, 678–679, 692–693, 703, 705, 712
- Laos, 579, 641–644, 751–752, 756–757, 760–762
- Young, Kenneth T., Jr., 103n, 426n, 429n, 448n, 584n, 633n, 765n, 774n, 803n, 812n, 826n, 835n, 912n, 921n, 933n, 935n, 942n, 954n, 992n, 995n, 996n, 1007n, 1009n
- Yugoslavia, 556
- Zablocki, Clement J., 548n
- Zhukov, Marshal Georgiy K., 265
- Zieng Mao, 747
- Zimmerman, Robert W., 231n, 319n, 355n, 402n