97. Telegram From the Embassy in Laos to the Embassy in Thailand1
Tosec 623.2 Re Deptel 950, repeated Bangkok, Tosec 56.3 Following is suggested text of message to Crown Prince Savang Vatthana, for Secretary’s consideration:
“I have recently attended the meeting of the SEATO Council at Karachi, where I pledged the continued moral and material support of the United States toward achieving the goals of the Manila pact and the Pacific charter. The situation in Asia is not one in which the free nations can relax the military vigilance and preparedness which provide the only effective deterrent to resort to military force by those who would destroy freedom.
Since I am unable this year to visit the kingdom of Laos personally, and renew my acquaintance with Your Highness, I take this opportunity to assure Your Highness and the people of Laos that my country is standing, and is determined to continue to stand, firmly behind SEATO and the nations of free Asia. I am confident that the common determination of your government and mine to maintain the security of Laos will accomplish its purpose and will contribute to the peace of Asia.”4
- Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 680. Secret; Priority; Niact. Repeated priority to the Department, which is the source text. Dulles was in Bangkok March 13–14.↩
- In this instance, the marking “Tosec”, indicating that the telegram was intended for the Secretary or his party rather than the members of the Embassy, is used for a telegram which is part of the regular numbered series from Vientiane to Bangkok.↩
- See footnote 3, supra.↩
- In telegram 343 from Saigon to Vientiane, repeated to the Department, the Secretary replied: “You are authorized to deliver as coming from me message reference telegram [Tosec 623] with following change in wording. Delete word ‘military’ appearing before word ‘Vigilance’ in second sentence.” (Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 680) The Secretary was in Saigon March 14–15.↩