28. Telegram From the Delegation at the SEATO Council Meeting to the Department of State1
Secto 34. For Acting Secretary from Secretary. At meeting Friday noon with Casey and Macdonald, Casey informed me of following four points which Prime Minister Menzies intends to take up with President during visit March 15.2
[Page 59]- 1.
- There is proposed ANZAM air and naval defensive exercise off Malayan coast to take place tentatively June or July. Australia likes this idea but would wish broaden it to eight power Manila Pact maneuver. Australia hopes US will support eight-power basis.
- 2.
- Quadripartite planning. UK, Australia and New Zealand have done lot of planning re defense Malaya but Australia feels this is conducted in vacuum without knowing US views. Australia would like greater insight into US view how Malaya defense fits into defense Southeast Asia.
- 3.
- Deficiency equipment for Australian forces. Australia has more men than it can equip in case of need. This involves question of standardization. Australia would be willing buy enough for two divisions if possible.
- 4.
- Forces in Korea. Australia would like reduce its forces and redeploy them for defense Malaya.
On fourth point, Secretary said Eden had raised this Thursday night with him. He and Secretary agreed this should be worked out among Commonwealth members. Eden would like keep flag in Korea but couple this with reduction Commonwealth forces. Secretary said today he saw no reason against this in principle if it can be worked out. He informed Casey and Menzies Admiral Stump and Field Marshal Harding will talk this over.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–BA/2–2555. Secret. Repeated to Canberra.↩
- Prime Minister Menzies was at Blair House as the guest of the President March 13–16, and remained in Washington on a private visit until March 20. See Document 33.↩