228. Telegram From the Chief of the Military Assistance Group, Cambodia (Lodoen), to the Commander in Chief, Pacific (Stump)1
Penh, March 24,
302. (Army Message) Reference your 212554Z.2
- 1.
- Do not believe recommendation for reduction in United States assistance would serve best interests United States in Cambodia or SEA.
- 2.
- Time Magazine article is essentially accurate from factual standpoint but is decidedly slanted by judicious quotes out of context for verbose Sihanouk. Only error is Sihanouk used French word “Companion”, not “Comrade”. Implication that he is turning pro-Communist is not correct conclusion to draw from his action and impetuous public statements of recent weeks. He has publicly stated and all his advisers have repeated that he has adopted certain outward trappings of Communists such as bicycles for Ministers not as sign he believes Communists’ doctrine but rather strengthen monarchy here and remove from Communists any possible propaganda targets. Believe more accurate conclusion would be that in age-old Cambodian game of playing against each other all countries with interest [Page 502] in Cambodia, in effort to increase Cambodia’s take, Sihanouk overplayed game and misjudged American reaction. Actually, through prompt and strong Embassy reaction, coupled with that of United States press, he was well aware his misjudgment several days before Time Magazine article here appeared. He is now publicly and privately contrite for his anti-American statements and we may be able turn his mistake our advantage in obtaining better cooperation in developing military potential of which Cambodia is capable.
- 3.
- Look upon his Peking trip as nothing more than desire advertise his naive neutralist policy and chance play the aforementioned game. Most unfortunate result trip will be additional and unnecessary internal problem in Cambodia, namely reaction to his trip of opportunistic but powerful Chinese population who until now have been ostensibly pro-Formosa or nonpolitical. This, however, appears be controllable problem. Despite Sihanouk’s naiveté regarding the merits neutralism and world-wide aims international Communism, he is well-aware disastrous result if he permits Communism gain foothold in his country. He does not hesitate proclaim publicly, even in Peking, that Communism is not for Cambodia.
- 4.
- In summary, Cambodia is still politically solid, solidly anti-Communist, and potential strong spot in SEA. On balance, I do not feel we should take any precipitate action because of few ill-considered words and actions on part Prince during this period when he was testing United States reaction. Particularly I am convinced that if the administration, as distinct from the legislature were to reduce military aid to Cambodia at this particular time it would be welcome ammunition for the Communists and neutralists (such as Indians here) to bolster their current theme United States uses aid only as weapon pressure small nations and would cite this action as punishment for Cambodia not joining SEATO. I see some benefit, however, in using Sihanouk’s recent mistakes keep him mildly frightened until he displays more active cooperation with our military mission. My recommendation, therefore, is that he be made aware through diplomatic channels that United States military and civil authorities are taking long hard look at Cambodian aid for next year and will be influenced henceforth not only by his words but also the active attitude of cooperation he and his government display toward fulfillment of USMAAG’s mission in Cambodia.