227. Telegram From the Commander in Chief, Pacific (Stump) to the Chief of the Military Assistance Group, Cambodia (Lodoen)1
212254Z. (Navy Message) Current press reports Noradom Sihanouk is now promoting pro-Communist policies, has accused US of plot to “ensnare” him in SEATO Pact, is complaining US has given Philippines heavy farm machinery and hospitals whereas all Cambodia got was “fancy automobiles and refrigerators”, appears in pictures [Page 501] in friendly attitudes with Chinese Communist leaders and apes their title of Comrade. See Time of 19 March.
Is this a true representation of Sihanouk’s position toward US aid and is it a factual report of his actions? If so, I consider this antagonistic attitude will threaten damage to entire US assistance program, particularly Southeast Asia.
Just today US Congress Committee starts hearings on entire aid program. Indignation of Congress may cut deeply into funds essential to military and economic strength of free nations to resist Communist aggression.
Considering these factors would appreciate estimate of possible courses of action US might adopt to counter this unfavorable reaction to US aims and programs. What are your personal comments and recommendations to include the desirability of a CINCPAC recommendation to Washington for reduction in US assistance to Cambodia?
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751H.5–MSP/3–2156. Secret. Also sent to the Department of State, which is the source text.↩