219. Telegram From the Embassy in Cambodia to the Department of State1

325. On first day following 100 percent sweep by Prince Sihanouk’s “Sangkum” of yesterday’s (11th) National elections, in addition to considerations advanced Embtel 319,2 I have had conversations with Prime Minister Leng Ngeth, with Senior Royal Councillor Penn Nouth (who is de facto Prime Minister of this Kingdom), and with Prince Sirik Matak, Minister National Defense. Following salient points emerge:

Prince Sihanouk and his entourage, although elated by complete sweep of Parliamentary seats, have sober second thoughts as to measure of responsibility which they will now bear. Penn Nouth told me that opposition parties will carefully store up any evidence which might be used later on to confound Sihanouk and his Sangkum. When I asked what leadership, other than Prime Minister, yet to be appointed, would direct new Parliament, he said Prince Sihanouk and Royal Councillors were carefully studying list of elected delegates with this much in mind.
Penn Nouth said it was probable that opposition parties, although badly splintered, would go underground and some danger existed they might become more available to Communist influence. This, however, he was presently inclined to discount as he interpreted victory of Sangkum as reaffirmation by Cambodian people of their profound hatred of Commies.
Penn Nouth said Democratic Party had made two fundamental mistakes. First was to permit themselves to be taken over by young intelligentsia recently returned from France who were largely pro-Commie in sympathy, but had made error getting out of touch with the Cambodian peasant who was fundamentally attached to church and throne. Second great mistake of Democratic Party was to attack royal family, which enraged simple and loyal peasants with results which were now obvious.

From other elements in these conversations I gained impression that Sangkum Government which will be formed within next fortnight will be more resolutely anti-Commie and thus by indirection more pro-US than might have been supposed a short while ago. Promising line for VOA and other media to take would be to interpret Sangkum victory as triumph over Commies in SEA with Sihanouk as a champion in this good fight.

There is yet no indication who will be called by King to form new Government.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751H.00/9–1355. Confidential. Repeated to London, Paris, Saigon, Vientiane, and Bangkok.
  2. Supra.