196. Telegram From the Military Attaché in Cambodia (Burfans) to the Department of the Army1

OARMA 28–55. In consequence of visit by Mr. Kenneth Young,2 Department of State, it appears that policy-making agencies in Washington should carefully appraise exact status of Royal Khmer army with respect both to function of French military mission and negotiation of MAAG bilateral. Purpose this message is to restate certain salient truisms governing ARK at this time.

French military mission in Cambodia is not a training mission. French personnel have not been integrated within ARK combat formations since dissolution GOBM and GM Khmer Hqs in fall 1954. Only integration today, excepting technical services, are one Lt. Col. advisor to Chief of Staff and one Captain advisor to G–4, both working in and with General Staff. Lt. Col. Cadeaux, C/S advisor, makes infrequent visits to field units and then only in company with high ARK officer, usually [garble]. Exact figures carefully concealed, but estimate not more than 20–25 percent French mission strength engaged in training activities, that is to say, military schools. Balance of mission concerned advising or operationally managing technical services.
There is no comprehensive training program in ARK. Bn commanders mostly inexperienced captains, do not receive General Staff training guidance. The individual bn programs stress physical training by ceremonies and road marches. Recent reorganization of subordinate commands into seven military sectors plus city of Phnom Penh is not expected to provide necessary supervision of field battalions. This because sector commanders are themselves inexperienced and uninstructed by General Staff on broad training objectives.
French mission unable to guide ARK via schools control except by shaping military education of raw material going to field units as replacement. French doctrine and training methods are applied by competent French instructors at officer producing military school, infantry, artillery, armoured and training NCO and recruit centers of instruction. Once individual reaches unit this training ceases. French attempting to increase level of ARK military education by means newly-opened staff school, which opened prematurely in [Page 440] order for French to have another fait accompli in school structure when and if USMAAG arrives on scene.
Measured by requirements of situation there is nothing to prevent installation Korean-type MAAG in Cambodia. However, French do not desire MAAG that would place training officers with units. But any training activity neglect in unit guidance and training must fail to halt present ARK drift. Simultaneously General Staff must be taken in hand by skilled US officers and put on effective footing. It must operate as policy instrument and supervisor agency. These functions are now largely inoperative. The concept of US guidance of General Staff and units, French guidance of schools and services, while an interim measure, could work for up to two years if it could be sold. But in the long run, major permanent improvement will be found only in US-supervised schools, teaching US concepts, procedures, and weapons, and ARK self-operated technical services. Failure to provide French phase-out in the bi-lateral will only prolong the agony. Down grade to secret 19 October 1955. Signed Burfans.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751H.5–MSP/3–2055. Top Secret; Priority. The source text is the copy sent to the Department of State for transmission to the Army.
  2. Young was on an extended visit to Southeast Asia following conclusion of the SEATO Council meetings.