147. Telegram From the Delegation at the SEATO Council Meeting to the Department of State1

Secto 17. Department pass CINCPAC. Nguyen Dinh Thuan2 arrived Canberra March 11.

Australian Department External Affairs arranged meeting and accommodation. Mister Casey urged SEATO delegates meet and discuss to degree possible. Believe Thuan has met and talked with all chief delegates.

March 12 he spent hour with Admiral Stump during which made three points:

Diem concerned at rumors current SEATO meeting would involve shift from SEATO major effort on military planning and activities to emphasis in economic field. Diem much concerned that such shift would put cart in front horse. Urged strongly not only continuance major SEATO emphasis on military effort but desire to see even greater military planning in treaty area. Diem believes Vietnam highly vulnerable Communist aggression and subversion and regrets he not kept better informed of SEATO developments and policy.
Diem requested through Thuan Admiral Stump’s intervention in problem of raising Vietnam Army manpower ceiling by 10,000. This flexibility would permit conscription without discharging equivalent number regulars with resultant dislocation Vietnamese economy.
Also requested Stump’s intervention toward having economic and military aid items which presently imported, be procured locally to degree possible. Includes shoes, uniforms and tea.

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Admiral Stump assured Thuan of United States intent maintain strong mobile military forces capable of taking effective action in treaty area. Stump said in response Thuan’s statement that Viet Minh firepower now three times that of Republic of Vietnam’s that Diem should take into account massive SEATO military potential for countering aggression against Vietnam.

Secretary received Thuan later in day and remarked that during course SEATO delegates review of the security of the treaty area all had been gratified at growth Vietnamese stability. Secretary remarked that governments who a few years ago had opposed Diem now, without admitting their previous poor judgment, were strongly in support of him. Secretary gave Thuan copy ChiCom policy statement (unnumbered circular telegram repeated SecState Secto 73).

Following meeting with Secretary, USDel members and Embassy officials gave Thuan briefing on military and economic aid criteria, a subject on which he seems to be little informed.

Thuan attended reception given by External Affairs Minister Casey and is invited attend reception given by guest delegates on thirteenth. Appears highly pleased with result of visit and with contacts made with all SEATO delegates. Understand majority expressed hope to Thuan that Vietnamese participation in SEATO would continue to increase.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–CA/3–1357. Confidential; Priority. Repeated to Saigon.
  2. Director of Cabinet in the Vietnamese Department of Defense.
  3. Dated March 12, not printed. (Department of State, Central Files, 896.1–CA/3–1257)