124. Telegram From the Embassy in Thailand to the Department of State1

2132. SEATO. In informal luncheon conversation yesterday, Acting Foreign Minister Rak speculated might be useful consider consultation in SEATO under Article IV (2) if situation in Laos deteriorated further but such consultation should not be publicized. While desirability formal consultation under Article IV (2) would depend on outcome current developments in Laos, would suggest it highly advisable to inform our SEATO partners within organization framework of U.S. assessment of situation there and of any significant changes U.S. policy. In any event, Laos situation will probably come up during Council’s exchange views at Canberra meeting2 and Secretary will doubtless be expected by other members to address himself to it.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 790.5n–2457. Secret. Repeated to Vientiane.
  2. The Third Meeting of the SEATO Council had by this time been scheduled for March 11–13 in Canberra.