108. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Laos1

1311. Embtels 16182 and 1635.3 To set record straight you should when opportunity presents itself remind Crown Prince Prime Minister and FonMin that US consulted with Laos, as well as Cambodia and Vietnam, prior Manila Conference 1954 re possibility SEATO might contain appropriate clauses to afford protection Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam against overt aggression.

Asst. Secy Robertson first consulted with Laotian Chargé4 Washington August 26, 1954 (Deptel 18 Aug 26, 19545). This was followed by conversation between Amb. Heath6 and Laotian FonMin in Vientiane August 30, 1954 (Vientiane’s 22 Aug 31, 19547).

Above two telegrams will show that8 SEATO protocol covering Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam is not as Prince asserted “simply great power decision taken without consulting Laos.”

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 790.5/6–2156. Secret. Drafted in C; cleared by MacArthur, Bowie, Kenneth Young, and Howard Jones; and approved by Robertson. Repeated to Bangkok.
  2. In telegram 1618, June 18, Blancké reported discussing with the Prime Minister (on June 16) and Prince Savang (on June 18) several aspects of Lao security. The telegram reads in part: “I reminded Prince of SEATO, which as Secretary’s message had made clear covered Laos. Prince said of course Laos was grateful for SEATO, but Laos was not signatory; this was simply great-power decision taken without consulting Laos, not a bilateral agreement. I said, still Laos was covered, and ChiCom knew it.” (Ibid., 751G.5/6–1956)
  3. Supra.
  4. Apparently Inpeng Suryadhay.
  5. For text, see Foreign Relations, 1952–1954, vol. XII, Part 1, p. 802.
  6. Donald R. Heath was Minister to Laos, August 1950–October 1954.
  7. For text, see Foreign Relations, 1952–1954, vol. XII, Part 1, p. 826.
  8. Between the words “that” and “SEATO”, the source text shows deletion of the following: “Laotians did in effect express desire that proposed Treaty cover Laos against overt aggression. Hence”.