107. Telegram From the Embassy in Laos to the Department of State1

1635. Re Deptel 1260, Bangkok 3889.2 Departing for France June 21 Crown Prince again thanked me for Secretary’s message and said his reply had been forwarded to Lao Embassy Washington for delivery. He had passed this Embassy’s copy through Prime Minister as he preferred operate through government channel (Embtel 1615).3 [Page 220] Later in day Prime Minister handed me signed copy, assuring me of Laos resolve become strong and defend herself in common interest. Translation of French original follows:

“In your last message Your Excellency was good enough again to assure me of constant and firm support for the Kingdom of Laos, on the part of the SEATO powers and in particular of the US, in her efforts to defend her security.

I am fully aware of the value of the SEATO forces. Despite the fact that Laos received a guarantee of protection which was decided on without her participation, she has confidence in the immediate intervention of SEATO in the event of foreign aggression.

Laos, although firmly and by her ideals attached to peace, has been the victim of several invasions and has known the horrors of war. Therefore the Royal Government holds itself always ready to maintain close contact with the Government of the US to adopt the measures necessary to safeguard the security of the country. It intends thus to contribute to peace in Asia. Signed: Savang, Crown Prince of Laos.”

Will pouch French text.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 790.5/6–557. Secret; Priority. Repeated to Bangkok.
  2. See the editional note, supra.
  3. In telegram 1615 from Vientiane, June 18, the Chargé reported in part: “Prince thanked us for Secretary’s message which most helpful. He was circulating translation among Government leaders and would have reply ready soon.” (Department of State, Central Files, 033.51G93/6–1856) No record of the exact date of delivery of the Secretary’s message has been found in Department of State files.
  4. Transmitted in despatch 179 from Vientiane, June 22, not printed. (Ibid., 790.5/6–2256) On July 2 the Department received from the Lao Embassy a version the first paragraph of which differed slightly in substance. An English translation of this paragraph reads: “In your last message Your Excellency again assured me of the constant, firm support of the Kingdom of Laos by the powers of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization and, in particular, by the United States of America.” (Text dated June 26, attached to Lao Embassy note No. 350/AW dated June 29 from Ambassador Ourot R. Souvannavong to Secretary Dulles, both filed with the Department’s English translation, ibid., 790.5/6–2956)