64. Editorial Note
The Subcommittee of the United Nations Disarmament Commission held 18 meetings (51st to 68th inclusive) at United Nations Headquarters in New York between August 29 and October 7. The 50th meeting was held in New York on June 1 to assess the work of the subcommittee since it had convened in London on February 25. Verbatim records of all these meetings are in Department of State, IO Files: Lot 70 A 6871, DC/SC.1/PV.50–68. Several proposals, working papers, and memoranda submitted to these meetings are printed in Documents on Disarmament, 1945–1959, volume I, pages 498–516 and 522–528. The Second Report of the Subcommittee of the Disarmament Commission (DC/71), dated October 7, is in Department of State, IO Files: Lot 70 A 6871, DC/1–100. A position paper on disarmament, dated September 7, for the tenth regular session of the General Assembly is ibid., Lot 71 D 440, Position Papers.