221. Informal Record of a Meeting, Secretary Dulles’ Office, Department of State, Washington, June 4, 1957, 3:30 p.m.1
- The Secretary
- The Under Secretary
- Mr. Murphy
- Mr. Reinhardt
- Mr. Bowie
- Mr. Smith
- Mr. Beam
- Mr. Stelle
- Mr. Spiers
- Mr. Greene
- The White House
- General Cutler
- Admiral Strauss (part of meeting)
- Disarmament
The meeting discussed remedial measures which might be taken with respect both to the UN Subcommittee, particularly the Soviets, and our NATO allies, particularly the Germans, in the situation created by Mr. Stassen’s May 31 memorandum to Zorin.
The Secretary decided he wanted to speak to the President before sending definitive instructions to Stassen on whether, and if so, how, to extricate himself from the memorandum.
The Secretary expressed his deep concern that Chancellor Adenauer may feel that the US has not kept faith with him in the matter of the European inspection zone, this having been included in Stassen’s proposals to Zorin. He reiterated his doubt that negotiation for a first stage disarmament agreement could include a European inspection zone without becoming enmeshed in vital NATO strategic problems and in the problems of German reunification. Therefore, the Secretary felt that the European nations concerned should have the primary role in determining both whether proposals should be negotiated for a European zone and, if so, in what terms.
The Secretary postponed detailed consideration of instructions to Ambassador Perkins, which could also serve as guidance for Ambassador Bruce, and instructions to Stassen until he had talked to the President.
In this connection, the Secretary similarly wished to defer decision on what, if any thing, to do about paragraphs 25 and 27 of the memorandum to Zorin. He dictated a brief Eyes Only telegram to Stassen, saying that further instructions would be sent him in the morning.2
Admiral Strauss commented on those parts of the memorandum to Zorin which gave him difficulty; these comments are recorded separately.3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 600.0012/6–457. Secret. Drafted by Greene.↩
- Infra.↩
- See Document 226.↩