282. Editorial Note
On April 12 in London, the British Delegation submitted to the Executive Group of the Suez Canal Users Association a draft resolution, supported by the United States, which recommended that governments should advise their shipowners that dues paid to the Egyptian Canal Authority should be paid under protest and without prejudice to existing legal rights or to the terms of a future Suez Canal settlement. The French Delegation opposed the amendment on the grounds that it was premature to suggest a procedure whereby ships associated with SCUA members would use the Canal and that such a decision would prejudice the negotiations underway and fortify Nasser in his intransigence. The Italian Delegation also objected to the draft resolution, because it wished to do nothing which might cause Egypt to deny transit to Italian shipping. Consequently, no action was taken on the draft resolution. (Telegram 5598 from London, April 12; Department of State, Central Files, 974.7301/4–1257) Following this meeting, United States officials lobbied on behalf of the British draft resolutions with the Governments of France, Iran, and Italy. Documentation concerning these approaches is ibid., 974.7301.