212. Editorial Note
On March 12 in New York, Ambassador Lodge discussed with Secretary-General Hammarskjöld the suggested approach to Nasser described in telegram 689 to USUN, supra. The Secretary-General indicated his approval of the approach, but also suggested that Hare might speak with Nasser along the same lines as had been sent as instructions to Bunche. Hammarskjöld quoted from those instructions:
“We do not question Egyptians legal right. We consider that no steps should be taken which prejudge a settlement of problems mentioned in the Secretary General’s statement in the General Assembly, 22 February/prior to such a settlement. We further consider that if such steps are decided upon they should not be implemented until after the settlement. In the present case we do not deny that a liaison group may be useful or that there should be an Egyptian “administrative’ governor in Gaza, but we consider it politically inadvisable, and in relation to us a serious complication, if such administrative arrangements were to be put into effect before an understanding is reached on the whole set of problems regarding future cooperation. . . . I feel you should strive for … delay in implementation of all administrative measures until after agreement with me [as] essential if Egypt is not [to] blow its cooperation with UN to pieces.” (Telegram 615 from USUN; Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/3–1257. The ellipses are in telegram 615.)
The Department of State forwarded an account of the Hammarskjöld–Lodge conversation, including the quote from Bunche’s instructions, to Ambassador Hare in telegram 2993 to Cairo, March 12. (Ibid.)