600. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1
3665. Eyes only Ambassador from Acting Secretary. Urtel 28142 was read with much interest and reviewed today at highest level. We do not believe meeting with Butler and Macmillan would be feasible until possibly week of December 3. We now have under active review probable time table of events in Europe and Middle East which may affect timing of meeting.3 Would appreciate your comments and views.
We remain firm in our conviction that withdrawal of troops is of prime urgency and must be moving toward accomplishment before other important questions can be considered.
Foregoing for your background information only.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 974.7301/11–1956. Top Secret; Priority. Drafted by Hoover and approved by Greene who signed for Hoover.↩
- Document 593.↩
- At 4 p.m., November 21, the President met with the National Security Council and other key government officials to discuss the Department of State’s short-term and long-term plans in the Middle East. Documentation on the meeting and on development of the Eisenhower Doctrine is scheduled for publication in volume XII.↩