593. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State1

2814. To Acting Secretary from Ambassador. For President and Secretary. Macmillan came to residence tonight at his request. My telegram no 27912 appears to have been correct in every detail. Eden has had physical breakdown and will have to go on vacation immediately, first for one week and then for another, and this will lead to his retirement. Government will be run by triumvirate of Butler, Macmillan and Salisbury. While Macmillan did not say so specifically, I gather that eventual setup will be Butler Prime Minister, Macmillan Foreign Secretary, Lloyd Chancellor of Exchequer, with Salisbury remaining Lord President of Council. Possibly Macmillan might be Prime Minister. First action after Eden’s departure for reasons of health will be on withdrawal of British troops from Egypt. Macmillan said, “If you can give us a fig leaf to cover our nakedness I believe we can get a majority of the Cabinet to vote for such withdrawal without requiring conditions in connection with location of United Nations Forces and methods of re-opening and operating Canal, although younger members of the Cabinet will be strongly opposed.”

Macmillan is desperately anxious to see the President at earliest possible opportunity and apparently consideration being given to appointment of Macmillan as Deputy Prime Minister during Eden’s absence in order that such meeting might take place at once after withdrawal British troops.

Situation moving with great rapidity. Macmillan left me to see Eden and as he was leaving he asked me if I would be available to him at any minute, day or night. I replied that that was what I was here for and that I would deem it a great privilege if he would keep constantly in touch with me. Obviously, Macmillan asked me not to communicate all of this to anyone at this moment and I am therefore sending this message in utmost confidence.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 974.7301/11–1956. Top Secret; Niact. Received at 7:34 p.m. A copy in the Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Dulles–Herter Series bears the handwritten notation: “Noted by President.”
  2. Document 588.