481. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (Allen) to the Secretary of State1


  • Canadian F–86 Aircraft for Israel; “Operation Stockpile”


Ambassador Merchant has reported (Tab B)2 that the points we instructed him to make to the Canadian Foreign Minister (Tab C)3 have had considerable effect. Mr. Merchant recommends: 1) Communicate to the Canadians the general content of the statement to be made on “Operation Stockpile”; 2) Approve and announce the issuance of export licenses for at least some helicopters, machine guns, and scout cars for Israel; 3) Take some action to satisfy Canadian requirements for Western consultation on this matter— either through the Ambassadorial committee in Washington or private talks with a Canadian emissary in Washington.

We believe we should move forward with the Canadians and with the Stockpile announcement.

[Page 876]


That you sign the attached telegrams to Ottawa (Tab A).4
That, subject to Canadian acceptance of our course of action, NEA be authorized to proceed with the quiet and piecemeal release to Israel of 5 helicopters, 400 machine guns, and 130 White Scout Cars (half-tracks).
That, provided there is nothing in Hammarskjold’s report regarding his trip to the Near East which would militate against such action, we proceed with preparations to make the announcement of “Operation Stockpile” about August 1.5
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 784A.5622/7–2056. Top Secret. Drafted by Bergus and Burdett; initialed by Rountree for Allen.
  2. Tab B is printed supra.
  3. Tab C is Document 471.
  4. Not attached to the source text. Presumably telegrams 33 and 34, infra and Document 483.
  5. A note at the bottom of the source text reads: “See Eyes Only telegram 33 to Ottawa.”