424. Telegram From the Embassy in Jordan to the Department of State1

8. Rome for RLG. Burns talk with Hussein has stirred up veritable hornets nest here. King much disturbed (Embtel 62) and many rumors circulating in Jordan re likelihood Israeli attack.

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Number of Legion officers attending July 4 reception last night called out suddenly and Americans returning to homes delayed by troop movements going west through Amman.

Counselor British Embassy3 told me this morning he understood troops involved included first reserve infantry regiment, most of tank regiment and substantial parts of two armored car regiments. Most of these forces reported to have crossed Jordan River, some going towards Jerusalem, others north towards Beisan. He said only one regiment of infantry and a few tanks left at Zerqa.

British Counselor, who handles operational contacts with Legion for Ambassador Duke, also told me he was approached this morning by Issak Assis, Finance Director Arab Legion, with urgent request for approximately one million pounds worth ammunition including rifle and machine gun shells, artillery shells and barbed wire. Counselor indicated he thought HMG would meet such a request within the limits of the subsidy and might go beyond limits of British subsidies to Jordan if latter put up proper financial cover. Jordanians requested material be supplied from British ME stocks on most urgent basis. Counselor’s personal opinion was that British would give favorable consideration so doing if this action would not cut into British global munition supplies.

At start of telephone call to American Consulate General Jerusalem this morning Embassy officer making call instructed by monitor to talk only in Arabic. MA reports all Arab Legion leaves cancelled including administrative staff.

Undersecretary Foreign Office4 confirmed to me extensive Jordanian troop movements taking place towards West Bank. He said Syrians and Egyptians also moving up troops and certain units Iraqi army were standing by near Jordanian border. He said “we have been warned of likelihood of an Israeli attack and we do not intend to be caught unprepared”.

British Ambassador disturbed and has requested British ME Command standby on 48 hour notice in event evacuation becomes necessary. We are alerting chief wardens to possibility activation of warning system may be necessary but not issuing any warnings or instructions to rest of personnel.

Comment: We hope Burns knew what he was doing. If purpose his visit here was to bring calm to border, opposite purpose has been served. Jordanians consider he was alerting them to possibility immediate attack and have overlooked any message he may have carried about restraint and holding back the hotheads. Chances of [Page 776] serious border incident now greatly increased and only slight provocation needed to cause strong reaction by Legion.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.85/7–556. Secret; Priority. Received at 1:48 p.m. Repeated to Ankara, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Dhahran, Jerusalem, London, Rome, and Tel Aviv. Passed to the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force at 2:35 p.m.
  2. Document 421.
  3. Robert Heath Mason.
  4. Azmi Nasashibi.