422. Telegram From the Consulate General at Jerusalem to the Department of State1

2. Re Department telegram 237.2 In absence Burns in Amman and Cairo, have consulted Hommel, Vigier, and Bayard on Kibbutzim El Auja DZ and marking DL.

No new Kibbutzim established in DZ. One new Kibbutz built immediately north of DZ on Beersheba Road, two others in planning stage further north on road. Bayard thinks all three military installations. June 30 UN observer reported partial erection three barrack–type buildings in tent camp at Birein in DZ. Camp in existence since February, water pipeline recently completed, tested once but not in use. This site probably part of projected Negev settlements reported Consulate telegram 421.3 Camp is strategically located, strongly fortified with extensive mine fields. Though permanent Kibbutz not yet established, Hommel says prefab buildings could go up over night, and recent construction may indicate imminence establishment Kibbutz.

UN observers do not have right visit settlements or military positions in DZ. They are confined to “main roads” in DZ, have been fired at several times as warning not approach certain areas. However, Hommel and Vigier say observers can see all they need from distance.

On marking DL, Israelis refuse permit UNTSO personnel do marking. They insist joint marking be done through agreement selves and Egyptians, or will allow Egyptians erect markers their side DL. According Hommel, Burns pointed out Israelis agreed to UN marking with UNSYG. Israelis replied many subjects discussed with SYG but not agreed on. When asked for copy verbatim report of SYG’s negotiations, Israelis replied it “being edited”. Bayard believes Israelis desire Egyptians mark DL to impress refugees, Israelis holding that marking primarily designed stop infiltration. UN holds marking primarily necessary to enable military positions both sides determine if crossing DL by civilians or military patrols has actually occurred. Bayard says even UN observers have mistakenly alleged [Page 773] crossings, as present Israeli ditch invisible from many positions. Vigier sees no early prospect Israeli agreement to marking by UN.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/7–356. Secret; Priority. Received at 4:09 p.m. Repeated to Cairo, Damascus, and Tel Aviv.
  2. Telegram 237 to Jerusalem, June 29, transmitted a report by the Army Attaché in Tel Aviv that the Israelis had established two new kibbutzim in the demilitarized zone and were refusing to permit U.N. marking of the demarcation line. (Ibid., 674.84A/6–2956)
  3. Telegram 421, April 14, informed the Department of Burns’ report to the United Nations that the Israelis were preparing to begin establishing new settlements near the El Auja demilitarized zone. (Ibid., 784A.00/4–1456)