247. Telegram From the Consulate General at Jerusalem to the Department of State1

397. Serious incidents Gaza area and related developments report in this and immediately following Niact telegrams.

Following is substance UNTSO report UNHQ April 5 incidents Gaza area on April 4 and 5. On April 4 Israeli MAC delegation alleged that at 1300 local time an Israeli army patrol came under machine gun and light mortar fire in Nuseirat area. Two Israeli killed and third has died of wounds. Reinforcements sent to scene were able evacuate dead and wounded by heavy firing.

At 1245 local time April 4 (according to statement of Egyptian delegate) Israeli position in Deir El Balla area (MR 942905) opened automatic fire on Egyptian position which lasted until 1700 hours. One Egyptian soldier killed. In a second complaint Egyptians claimed that at 1820 hours artillery fire was directed at Egyptian controlled territory. 38 shells said to have landed in Deir El Balla village and vicinity.

Four more complaints were lodged by Israelis, one alleging that unexploded mine was found, three alleging firing across D/L by Egyptian position at Israeli patrols.

Only results investigation concerned second Egyptian complaint. Observer found 48 impacts in Deir El Balla village and vicinity and some noses of 25 pounder shells. On April 5 at 1320 local time shelling began in vicinity hill 86 at MR 892878 in Egyptian territory. At 1520 observer stationed in observation post reported concentrated shelling of Deir El Balla village. At 1639 mortar shells reportedly landing Gaza town. Several casualties were reported there together with firing on several places along D/L, with mortar shells landing Gaza main street, MAC chairman requested both parties order immediate cease-fire. At 1714 heavy firing still heard south of Gaza. Chairman estimated some 8 mortar shells landed in Gaza town. At 1928 he again requested cease-fire effective 2000 local time. Later reported all quiet.

Colonel Hommel of UNTSO informed me at 2300 April 5 that according Egyptian statement 42 persons killed in Gaza, of whom 17 were children. In addition 102 reportedly wounded. These figures [Page 479] not confirmed, but Hommel expects further record from MAC chairman very shortly.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/4–656. Official Use Only; Niact. Received at 11:18 p.m., April 5. Repeated priority to Amman, Beirut, Damascus, Cairo, and Tel Aviv.
  2. Cole reported that afternoon that Colonel Hommel of UNTSO had informed him that the Egyptians, as of 11 a.m., were claiming that the Israelis’ bombardment had killed 46 civilians and had injured 104. Cole also observed that “firing on civilians in Gaza town and in villages appears represent departure more recent Israeli policy of confining retaliation efforts to members armed forces and is evidently largest attack directed against civilian population since Qibya incident. Unclear why Israelis have chosen present moment for this large-scale ‘retaliation’.” (Telegram 400 from Jerusalem, April 6; Ibid.)

    Cole later reported that the latest UNTSO figures of Egyptian casualties showed that 55 civilians had died and 102 had been wounded, and that 1 soldier had been killed and 4 had been wounded. Verified Israeli casualties totaled 4 civilians and 2 soldiers wounded. (Telegram 401 from Jerusalem, April 6; Ibid. )