188. Telegram From the Consulate General at Jerusalem to the Department of State1

375. General Burns gave me following comments March 12 on recent UNTSO developments.

In course his meetings GOE officials during visit Cairo last week2 Egyptians reiterated their willingness accept UNSYG three proposals re El Auja3 and emphasized with considerable relish [Page 344] contrast between their attitude this matter and that of Israelis. With regard shooting along Gaza border Amer indicated he would instruct snipers refrain from shooting at Israeli fixed positions. He could not however help much with regard shooting at motor patrols unless these willing remain 500 meters from D/L. Burns said question Israeli “face” involved. They could not very well withdraw motor patrols under “threat” Egyptian shooting. If Egyptians could keep things quiet for time Burns could again raise subject with Israelis. Amer not very forthcoming about this and Burns left with impression that “nothing much would be done improve situation along D/L”.

Burns had just seen Sharett discuss outcome his trip to Cairo. Sharett maintained position previously reported (Contel 3664) to effect while having “accepted” UNSYG El Auja proposals Israel could not “implement” them unless GOE implemented GAA provisions. Burns left memorandum with Sharett pointing out lack of logic in Israeli arguments subsequent “unconditional acceptance” proposals. Sharett agreed study it with view to another meeting in near future. However Burns has no especial hopes of improvement in GOI attitude. He opined Sharett might wish reach some accommodation but Ben Gurion is dominant and apparently uncompromising factor in situation.

With regard Israeli press accounts that “Israel will ask UN probe massing of Sinai army” Burns said no substantial increase in GOE troops Gaza Strip occurred recently according his information. Forces there now believed consist one brigade plus two battalions. Largest armaments are three inch mortars and 40 mm anti-aircraft guns. As observers not permitted in “non defensive zone” west of El Auja Burns without own sources information situation there. However he understands from military attachés that Egyptians have about two divisions plus an armored brigade in area. He has in mind making some announcement to effect that in view reported military build-up he considers that parties should call for investigation of facts by UNTSO on continuing basis to avoid possibility that troops would be moved away temporarily just before investigation.

Re other matters Burns said on basis information now developed he thinks it probable Israeli police boats on Tiberias were searching for nets of Syrian fishermen when incident March 4 occurred. There had been some earlier minor incidents involving fishing by Syrians. Israelis had discovered them and taken their nets. Syrians retaliated by seizing nets belonging Israeli fishermen… . They could have reported situation and permitted observers pave way for boats recovery without shooting and loss of life.

[Page 345]

I asked Burns for his views incident involving murder Israeli farmer at Moshav Nohim March 9 since refusal chairman HJK–IMAC grant Israel request for emergency meeting causing adverse comment Israel press. Burns said chairman did not consider incident warranted emergency meeting. However past practice had been consider any case of killing as “emergency”. He thought it might have been better for low [long] established precedent in this case but matter could be argued either way.

Summarizing over-all situation Burns said he could perceive “no grounds for optimism” respecting any of matters within purview UNTSO.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/3–1256. Confidential. Received at 3:49 p.m. Repeated to Amman, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, London, Paris, and Tel Aviv.
  2. Burns was in Cairo March 6–9.
  3. See telegrams 395 and 398, vol. XIV, pp. 690 and 702.
  4. Document 154.