131. Telegram From the Embassy in Syria to the Department of State1

792. After consulting with UK and French colleagues,2 who had no instructions but who expect them on basis reports they have had from Washington, I saw Prime Minister Foreign Minister Ghazzi February 25, gave him orally substance appropriate parts Deptel 6383 and left aide-mémoire. Ghazzi stated this was matter requiring consideration and he would let me know Syrian reaction later.4

In course conversation, Ghazzi expressed satisfaction with Secretary’s February 24 statement before Senate Foreign Affairs Committee.5

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.85322/2–2756. Secret. Received at 8:02 a.m. Repeated to Amman, Beirut, Cairo, London, Paris, Tel Aviv, Baghdad, Jidda, Ankara, and Jerusalem.
  2. Sir John Gardner and Achille Marie Clarac, respectively.
  3. Printed as telegram 2000, Document 120.
  4. Ambassador Gallman, in telegram 874 from Baghdad, February 28, informed the Department that Ghazzi had told the Iraqi Minister at Damascus that the United States “had seized upon rumors of war in area to press for implementation Johnston Plan. He had, however, told US Ambassador Syrian Government not prepared accept Johnston Plan.” (Department of State, Central Files, 683.84A/2–2856)
  5. On February 24, Dulles testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. For text of the Secretary’s prepared statement, see Department of State Bulletin, March 5, 1956, p. 368.