74. Telegram From the Embassy in Iraq to the Department of State1

409. I gave Nuri substance of Department circular 283, October 272 at his home this morning. He was genuinely pleased. “You have come a long way” he said with obvious relief and satisfaction. He would pass the good word on to the King immediately and after talks [Page 180] with Foreign Minister, Under Secretary Foreign Affairs and Chief of Staff he would have some observations to make on nature of liaison and timing of publicity.

Nuri told me agreement has now been reached among all signatories to hold first meeting of Council on November 20 in Baghdad. British, Turks and Pakistanis have given their assent to establishing permanent seat of Council in Baghdad. Iranians have not yet replied on this point but he anticipates their concurrence too.

Nuri’s present thinking is to have first meeting establishing Council on government level and then between meetings on that level to carry on the work through the Ambassadors of member countries accredited in Baghdad.

Nuri is meeting later today with Chief of Staff to discuss various items that he would like to see put on agenda for first meeting. In 2 or 3 days he said he would be able to give me his full views on agenda.

We are formulating our views on nature of liaison that we think should be established and will telegraph them within next few days.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/10–2955. Secret; Priority. Repeated to London, Ankara, Tehran, Karachi, and Paris.
  2. Document 72.