425. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iraq1

374. Baghdad’s 486.2 FYI Col. Hannah’s information regarding FY 1956 MDAP program for Iraq is correct. However, some items programmed in FY 54 are still to be delivered. Ten tanks in FY 56 represent increase over initial program made in face general leveling off MDAP. In view Nuri’s continuing cooperation tentative FY 57 program will provide additional tanks. Determination MDAP level for Pact countries however is still under consideration in light of present circumstances in area. End FYI.

You should attempt avoid any discussions with Iraqis concerning individual fiscal year figures and ultimate level U.S. MDAP. If question is raised, however, you may emphasize:

Decision to supply tanks represents an increase over initial program in view Iraq’s support Free World defense and stand on area problems.
U.S. is now giving consideration further programming of tanks in next financial year.
Portions of program budgeted in any one year will depend on several factors, including world-wide developments and U.S. commitments. U.S. will continue recognize Iraq’s contribution to the stability of the Free World and to area defense in programming of MDAP funds.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 787.5–MSP/11–1755. Confidential. Repeated to London. Drafted by Newsom and approved by Rountree.
  2. In telegram 486, November 17, Gallman reported that Colonel Hannah had told him that he understood that the only MDAP items to be furnished to Iraq during fiscal year 1956 were the 10 Centurion tanks and possibly 59 M–8 armored cars. Gallman requested verification, and stated that any curtailment of the U.S. arms program for Iraq would do “incalculable harm” to U.S.–Iraqi relations. (Ibid.)