205. Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State1

528. Department pass USUN. Before boarding plane for Okinawa this morning Chairman Zablocki2 asked me transmit following statement on UNO membership to Department:

“The apparent US approval of the ‘package deal’ approach on UN applicant was called to the attention of the Far East study mission when the committee was visiting the South Asian countries. Responsible people and officials expressed grave concern regarding US position in this matter. The committee withheld comment or report of its concern and alarm until opportunity to discuss this subject with Ambassador Rankin. Unfortunately he does not have full information on reasons for US position because lack of information from Washington and New York (UN). The members of study mission are further alarmed and desire to report the gravity with which our friends in the Far East view the ‘package deal’ despite their strong desire to see Spain and other free world allies as members of UN. The Far East Sub-committee unanimously wishes to urge that our country not compromise a moral principle and United States historical righteousness for the sake of expediency and what appears to be at present a ‘beneficial’ deal. We hope the Executive Department will reconsider its reported position of approving a ‘package’ admittance of applicants—or at least initiate postponement on this question.

“We believe action on part of US to stand by moral principle and UN Charter provisions is imperative.”

Comment: Above was drafted by Zablocki last night at Sun Moon Lake and subsequently concurred in by all other Congressmen in group (Adair, Byrd, Church, Jarman, Judd and Wigglesworth3). Their opinion was fully formed before arriving Taiwan but talks here with President, Vice President and Foreign Minister probably further encouraged despatch of above message. I was in position to add very little to what they already knew. For example, I was unable to explain why on November 13 Lodge statement specifically dismissed any possibility of Outer Mongolia’s entering UN, and hence any package including that state, while few days later US was [Page 435] pressing GRC to accept Outer Mongolia, at least tacitly, as essential part of package.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/12–655. Confidential; Priority. Repeated to Hong Kong.
  2. Representative Clement J. Zablocki (D-Wisc.).
  3. Representative A. Ross Adair (R-Ind.), Representative Robert C. Byrd (D-W. Va.), Representative Marguerite Stitt Church (R-Ill.), Representative John Jarman (D-Okla.), Representative Walter Judd (R-Minn.), and Representative Richard B. Wigglesworth (R-Mass.).