13. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 22. US draft resolution Deptel 1792 was shown to Crosthwaite and Ramsbotham (UK) today. Their preliminary reaction was negative. They pointed out that our first operative paragraph goes considerably beyond their language (Usun 283),3 which merely refers to desirability of holding conference at an appropriate time, and that it will prove controversial. We stressed that our proposal would enable preparatory commission, bearing in mind [Page 28] need for auspicious international circumstances, to defer fixing exact date and if necessary merely to request extension its mandate at 11th session.

UK feels however that it is undesirable to take firm decision in principle now or to orient preparatory commission toward early decision as US draft would do.

There was inconclusive discussion of possibility adding language along lines “when international circumstances are auspicious” to our first operative paragraph. UK also indicated they prepared consider modifying their proposal so as to require report of Advisory Committee by XIIIth rather than XVth session. Question was also raised as to need obtain decision of SC under our proposal since it constitutes decision as specified Article 109(3), whereas presumably UK proposal does not require Council action.

Before USDel discusses US text with other delegations, believe Department may wish review US text in light probability UK will continue take negative view, which we believe is shared by a number of other delegations.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.1/9–655. Confidential.
  2. Supra.
  3. See footnote 2, supra.