129. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 51. For Wilcox. Re: Membership. Dixon (UK) at his initiative called yesterday to discuss number of questions including membership. I reviewed for Dixon previous conversations with Kuznetsov and Nutting (Delgas 30, 35 and 412) and added that Tsiang (China) that afternoon told me if there was general agreement among the big powers not to use veto, he would also agree.

Dixon stressed importance determining before-hand “what is it with respect to new members we want to have happen?” I indicated first step was to get agreement among big powers on non-use veto, and added I felt Russians should tell us what they want to have happen on membership question, and then we can give consideration next step.

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Dixon of view that no progress can be made on membership problem without French, and we must therefore await return Alphand in order raise with him French position regarding non-use of veto. I assured Dixon that after I had had opportunity talk to French about forbearance use of veto we could consult with UK again on what we might next say to Soviets.

Dixon asked what we might tell others who raise questions regarding membership. I suggested we could inform them we are trying to get agreement among big powers not to use veto on membership problem.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/10–455. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution.
  2. See Document 126.