8. Telegram From the Office of the High Commissioner for Austria to the Department of State1
1947. Figl and Kreisky today gave Western HICOMs text of Austrian memorandum which they expect telegraph to Bischoff Wednesday noon for earliest delivery. Text follows in my next telegram.2
I objected to extent to which text implied willingness Western powers to negotiate on question Austrian neutrality. As a result of discussion words “with the powers concerned” were dropped from last sentence of point two.
Austrians appeared take realistic views of Soviet tactics, but considered they could not fail to explore situation on slight possibility that Soviet move was not mere propaganda. Kreisky said he had impression Soviets were unhappy that world spotlight was on Far East where Chinese are pursuing somewhat independent policy and that they may wish restore European theatre to first place in world affairs. Both Ministers made clear Austria did not wish play Soviet propaganda game and Figl pointed out that this would be the third time Austrians had gone back to Soviets with request for clarification.