847. Telegram 332 from Prague1

[Facsimile Page 1]

332. Re paragraph 2 Deptel 199.

Announcements of next meeting customarily are to effect “two ambassadors will meet again . . .”. As such statement would clearly be inaccurate believe it may be preferable for me take initiative in proposing announcement state “for administrative reasons” Martin will be US representative next meeting handling question CHICOM representative [Typeset Page 1456] according to developments at meeting. In view of New York Times December 1 Washington story Department “contemplating” my transfer to Bangkok have received inquiries on future meetings with Wang from press representatives at Geneva and must expect flat inquiries after December 12 meeting even if question hedged or avoided in formal announcement of next meeting. Therefore, while I would have preferred further postpone news my departure from Prague, under circumstances believe it preferable for news Martin designation frankly be announced following December 12 meeting and matter be interpreted in context and manner our choosing by statement subsequently to be made by Department rather than permitting it leak out in piecemeal and probably distorted form. In reply to press inquiries following meeting would informally confirm I expected transfer from Prague but had no firm information on new assignment. Any additional information would have to come from Washington. If Wang does not accept Martin designation, asks time to receive instruction or otherwise no agreement is reached between us I will attempt obtain his agreement to simple statement that announcement concerning next meeting will subsequently be made [Facsimile Page 2] or unilaterally make such announcement myself giving no information to press on expectation my transfer from here or our proposal for Martin’s designation. However, in this event must anticipate considerable press speculation.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/12–657. Confidential; Limit Distribution. Repeated to London for Martin only as telegram 17.