499. Telegram 1547 from Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

1547. From Johnson.

Four and one half hour meeting this morning. No progress whatsoever.

Renunciation took familiar lines for three and half hours with discussion becoming very diffuse Wang reiterating usual lines of foreign versus domestic nature dispute Taiwan area. Also tried hard to sound me out 1) on U.S. willingness hold FonMin meeting as “practicable and feasible means” mentioned in declaration and 2) on linked question whether any flexibility our position re status quo Taiwan. Context this [Typeset Page 789] line carried implication they concerned our intent is to regard declaration end in itself in maintaining status quo and relieving US any obligation continue seek “relaxation tensions Taiwan area”.

I replied along lines our firm intent fully carry out all terms declaration and that under last para draft did not exclude any “means” but at same time entirely unwilling agree FonMin meeting only such means. In any event such discussion was premature and CHICOM attempt establish unacceptable condition precedent to declaration.

Did not meet my reiterated characterization self-defense clause as unilateral reservation by each right self-defense along lines it took at last meeting. He also refused my repeatedly proffered opportunities deny their intent [Facsimile Page 2] in demanding withdrawal self-defense clause was motivated by desire represent this as renunciation by US its position with respect Taiwan, sticking to line this required them recognize our position there. Characterized our insistence on self-defense clause as raising question whether U.S. really wanted any declaration. Some suggestion they now unwilling include specific reference to Taiwan.

He led off on implementation with brief statement giving me three more names and I replied with long statement along usual lines stressing not single fact or solid evidence showing any Chinese obstructed in departure from U.S. He again pushed prisoner question implying knowledge “more than hundred” Chinese in U.S. prisons.

Next meeting Thursday March 1.

Departing for Prague Saturday morning, returning Tuesday.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/2–2456. Confidential; Priority; Limit Distribution.