432. Telegram 1465 to Geneva1

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1465. For Johnson.

Guidance for January 12 meeting.

We believe at next meeting you should review at length course of discussions on renunciation of force issue. Such review will serve to summarize our position for record and refute Wang’s accusations past several meetings that US has been stalling.
In opening, you should state that you are dealing with this subject now, only because at last meeting you agreed to comment on Communist counterproposal. Otherwise because of Communist public statements since last meeting, you would have devoted this meeting solely to presenting protest to Communist misrepresentation of Agreed Announcement and its failure to implement it. This you will deal with later.
You should emphasize that US first introduced subject of renunciation of force, and repeat your introductory statement October 8. Point out that Communists waited three weeks, then on October 27 introduced draft which not only fell far short of meeting US proposal, but introduced extraneous elements. Point out that on November 10, two weeks later, US presented draft which incorporated all points made when you introduced [Facsimile Page 2] subject and also legitimate portions of Communist draft and should have been acceptable. Read draft. However, this not accepted by Communists, who after another three-week interval, on December 1 presented counterdraft which represented some improvement over their first proposal, but failed to meet essential requirements including that announcement apply to Taiwan area and provide for legitimate self-defense.
You should avoid linking your presentation directly to Wang’s accusations that US stalling. You should not be on the defensive, but rather take the offensive, taxing Communists with undeniable fact that for three months they have refused to agree to reasonable proposal made by US and intended to prevent hostilities in Taiwan area.
Conclude your presentation with statement that US willing to make further effort to reach agreement on this issue and to this end introduces revision of Communist counterproposal repeat counterproposal of December 1. Then present draft Deptel 1466. This identical with that previously approved for your use, except word “means” [Typeset Page 629] substituted for word “negotiations” in paragraph D in order broaden meaning and give more flexibility. This phrasing in line with language in Communist December 1 draft paragraph C.
You should then proceed to statement on implementation, stressing that you protest in strongest terms Communists attempt to claim that Agreed Announcement does not apply to imprisoned Americans, pointing out that [Facsimile Page 3] their names were actually before parties and were being discussed when unequivocal statement regarding their expeditious repatriation was drafted and made public. These imprisoned Americans were ones about whom we had for previous weeks been actually making representations. Also protest failure of Communists to live up to their announcement and point out that this cannot but have serious effect on success of discussions. Obvious that progress depends upon good faith performance of agreements already reached.
FYI Deptel 1455 contains substance O’Neill’s report on receipt of communications from five imprisoned Americans since last meeting.
Material for use in replying Communist charges Liu Yung-ming case and others telegraphed separately.
Do not agree on earlier date for next meeting than January 19.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/1–956. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Clough and Phleger; cleared by McConaughy and in draft by Dulles and Sebald.