431. Telegram 1338 from Geneva1

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1338. From Osborn.

Following is English text letter addressed Johnson delivered by representative CHICOM Consulate General to Consul General Gowen 3:25 today. As in case December 28 letter (Geneva’s 1320) neither English nor Chinese text bears Wang’s autograph. Signature is typed. Dated Geneva January 5.


I have asked you, in letter of December 28, to investigate serious matter regarding Chinese student [name not declassified] who is prevented from returning to China, and give me satisfactory reply. I still wait your reply.

I have received 7 more letters from families of Chinese students in USA. It is mentioned in these letters that 7 Chinese students are prevented from returning to China as follows:

[text not declassified]


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  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/1–556. Confidential; Priority. Repeated to Prague Priority for the Ambassador as telegram 21.