292. Telegram 900 to Geneva1

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900. For Johnson.

Chicom propaganda on international issues during past week continued maintain hostile attitude toward US, accusing US of obstructing Geneva talks and pursuing policies in Far East contrary spirit of Geneva. US said to be still relying on force to achieve objectives. NCNA commentary on Dulles Legion speech October 10 asserts US request for Chicom renunciation of force tantamount demand Chicom renounce sovereignty over Taiwan.

Geneva talks received more attention than previous week. People’s Daily “Observer” editorials October 12 and 13 accused US of obstructing talks and failing take “any steps conforming to Geneva spirit.” October 13 editorial focused on question US military personnel missing in Korea. Editorial charged publicity given this subject in US press raises question US willingness abide by agreement on press release procedures, and hinted if issue is raised by US, Chinese side will have “ample reason” raise issue of 14,000 POWs “forcibly detained” by US.

Peiping publicized return from America October 8 of jet propulsion expert Chien Hsueh-sen and Li Cheng-wu. Alleged Chien and Li [Typeset Page 407] had been “illegally arrested” in 1950 and “searched” by US officials on exit from US Sept. 17. Couple feted in Canton October 9.

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Comment on Taiwan during week relatively slight, consisting largely of broadcasts beamed to Taiwan, concerning US “exploitation” of Taiwanese. NCNA Oct. 8 noted Taiwan press reports of build-up in MAAG staff Taiwan and stepped-up US training program. Peiping commentary on Dulles speech October 10 charged US holding Taiwan “by force,” while demanding China renounce force. Reiterated usual line that “liberation” internal affair, while US “use of force” in Taiwan area an international issue requiring negotiation.

Commentaries on Hoover trip noted pace of Japanese rearmament being quickened at US instigation and accused US of plans send Japanese troops abroad, to further US “aggression” in Asia.

Question of “normalizing” relations between China and Japan apparently discussed at some length by Mao and Chou in interviews with Japanese Diet members visiting Peiping, October 3. Account of interviews given in Hong Kong and Japanese press indicate Chicoms now seeking restoration “normal relations” prior discussion outstanding issues. Chou reported to have offered “normalized” relations, without conditions, and to have taken conciliatory line on question Japanese relations with Taiwan, stating Peiping would not insist on rupture prior to talks. Mao reported to have promised release of Jap “war criminals,” once state of war ended with Japan. Mao and Chou also reported to have suggested inauguration of talks on “normalization” of relations, at ambassadorial level, or higher, and Chou reported to have renewed invitation to Hatoyama visit Peiping. NCNA October 13 accused Japanese government of turning deaf ear to Peiping’s efforts to normalize Sino-Japanese relations.

Daily editorial October 12 hailed withdrawal six Chicom divisions from Korea as “major contribution to promotion peaceful settlement Korea question.”

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–1755. Confidential. Drafted by Dawson; approved in IAD and CA.