279. Telegram 865 to Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

865. For Johnson. Your 837, Section 1.

Re your mention paragraph 2 of cases which QUOTE were to be expeditiously reviewed UNQUOTE, Department prefers that you [Typeset Page 387] adhere strictly to language of Agreed Announcement that Americans may QUOTE expeditiously UNQUOTE exercise their right return U.S. Department aware that Wang made frequent mention of review of cases in discussion leading up to Agreed Announcement but this has no bearing on obligations of PRC under Agreed Announcement. Endeavor avoid any statement which might be construed as implying U.S. tacitly recognizes Wang’s talking points as modifying in any way explicit PRC commitments under Agreed Announcement.
FYI. We have informed British Embassy we do not repeat not wish O’Neill to follow up on his tentative suggestion that he might press PRC Foreign Office for expedited notification of trial of remaining Americans and reduction of sentences. Our reason for rejection this suggestion same as above.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–855. Secret; Limit Distribution. Repeated to London. Drafted by McConaughy; cleared by Phleger.