276. Telegram 836 from Geneva1
Geneva, October 8, 1955, 5
836. From Johnson.
- 1.
- Today’s meeting held no surprises except at amount of time Wang devoted to answering my charges on implementation. Contrary to my expectation he was prepared for violent debate with me on this. However I believe our tactics worked out well. They threw him off balance and at the same time permitted us make our point without becoming involved in possibly counterproductive discussion.
- 2.
- Should have noted in Mytel 833 that during course of complaints our implementation to effect we have not given him names of Chinese departing from US for Far East he stated they were going to ask Indians investigate matter. Presumption was were going request Indians obtain from US names of Chinese departing for Far East “so that they could check.” I did not pick up this obvious effort enlarge Indian functions beyond scope agreed announcement as I thought it preferable to see whether GOI attempts to act on request. If GOI acts believe we should be prepared immediately and categorically point out to GOI request for such info beyond agreed scope GOI functions. If feasible would believe it preferable informally intimate this to GOI before any request received and attempt encourage GOI turn down request on own responsibility.
- 3.
- As far as next meeting is concerned believe my tactic must be to do everything possible keep issue focused on renunciation of force as first and essential question. If his reply to my statement today shows any flicker of [Facsimile Page 2] constructive response I would endeavor pin down and clarify by questions but avoid any substantive reply. If he repeats old line on Taiwan I would propose point to today’s statement that renunciation of force essential foundation and preliminary to success discussion this or any other his matters under item two.
- 4.
- Handling of implementation will depend on what if anything has developed in Peiping by time next meeting.
- 5.
- I do not for time being propose use statement on missing military personnel but will be alert immediately do so if it appears could not safely be further postponed.
Note: Copy to Mr. Carwell (FE:DO) 2:50 p.m., 10/7/CWO–JRL
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–855. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution.↩