275. Telegram 835 from Geneva1
835. From Johnson. Deptel 852.
Communists list 19 Americans “who have committed crimes”. All in jail except Mrs. Bradshaw who apparently removed from jail due deterioration her health, but still held under some sort bond or guarantee arrangement and is therefore under restraint. Wang has never corrected me on use this figure and has in fact used it himself. (My telegram 795, paragraph 20). Her situation with respect to departure is therefore exactly same as 18 others; that is, she cannot depart until favorable review of her “criminal” case. I cannot of course accept Wang’s terminology and my use of “Americans in jail” is I believe reasonably accurate and also seems acceptable to him.
For purposes of any public statement it would be best speak of 18 in jail and one accused of crime and under house arrest.
Note: Copy to Mr. Carwell (FE:DO) 2:50 p.m., 10/7/CWO–JRL
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–855. Confidential.↩