168. Telegram 693 to Geneva1
693. For Johnson. Your 682 and 684.
1. You should stand firm on retention phrase “in any such case”.
2. Department accepts your reasoning on decreased significance of word “now”. Would still like inclusion “now” in PRC section and [Typeset Page 220] would be agreeable to having it in both sections but would not repeat not find acceptable having this word in U.S. section only.
Under present circumstances we would acquiesce, upon Wang’s request, in deletion of word “now” from both sections in order to come to agreement.
3. Believe foregoing provides basis for reaching agreement at 14th meeting September 10. You will be in strong position to press acceptance of “in any such case” on Wang, particularly with our concession on deletion of “now”.
4. You should make every effort to have announcement agreed upon and released September 10. Press for agreement then without further reference to principals. Immediately announcement released by you in Geneva we plan to issue Departmental press release here referring to your announcement in Geneva. Simultaneously background briefing of press here would be undertaken by Robertson. In order to schedule press release and background briefing [Facsimile Page 2] at reasonable hour here, you should seek Wang agreement to release of Agreed Announcement in Geneva at 3 PM local time (10 AM Washington time).
5. If agreement on text of announcement reached, you should notify Department by fastest possible means, using both Niact plain language telegram and international telephone. Have circuits open on stand-by basis if feasible.
6. Talking paper which Robertson will use in background no-attribution briefing of press being telegraphed separately.
7. Cable your considered estimate of likelihood that agreement on foregoing basis can be reached and released on September 10.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9–655. Secret; Priority. Drafted by McConaughy and Sebald; cleared in draft by Phleger and Suydam (P).↩