61. Telegram From Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson to the Department of State1

767. 1. As expected today’s meeting became very acrid. I opened with long statement along lines my 758,2 closing with statement when PRC has “by its action, demonstrated that it is expeditiously carrying out terms of agreed announcement, way will be cleared for discussion issues each side wishes bring up under item two”. Hoped PRC will act promptly so can quickly proceed to those discussions.

2. Wang replied by “formally informing” me that on September 22 note was sent to UK Chargé Peiping in reply to note received from him stating “UK had accepted US invitation” and way therefore cleared for UK act in PRC.

3. Ignored remainder my questions, general line being all these matters now for third power, agreed announcement disposed agenda item one, PRC will faithfully implement, and launched into strong attack on my mention of 19, no Americans detained, only criminals in jail, have admitted crimes of espionage and subversion, do aliens in US have freedom carry out subversive activities, etc., etc., and then at some length flatly accused US of raising these issues deliberately in order to stall on discussion item two, difficult understand since US had made original July 25 proposal, etc.

4. He then continued with statement replying to my statement last meeting on higher level meeting (text by separate tel).3 There [Page 100] was then much vigorous give and take during which I ignored his reply on higher level meeting and while acknowledging his statement UK now finally able function, concentrated entirely on our dissatisfaction with implementation announcement. Of 29 Americans in jail when these talks began 19 still there, this not “expeditious” release, no replies our request for specific assurance each American in jail had been informed of agreed announcement, freedom of communication with UK Chargé, and ability UK interview. These all problems of PRC implementation and not for UK Chargé. Stalling had been by PRC which unwilling to accept our original proposal way to resolve item one was simply permit civilians return.

5. He expressed dissatisfaction I unwilling say anything this meeting on item two and pressed me hard for commitment to discuss item two next meeting, to which I expressed my strong dissatisfaction his lack of replies on implementation announcement and refused make any commitment on discussion item two. At close of meeting he stated that if at next meeting we still refused discuss item two, “they would have to consider making a public unilateral statement”.

6. Agreed on press communiqué identical with last meeting (mytel 743)4 except for substitution “they continued to exchange information” first portion second paragraph.

7. Next meeting Wednesday September 18.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9–2355. Confidential; Niact; Limited Distribution.
  2. See footnote 2, supra.
  3. Johnson reported in telegram 773 from Geneva, September 23, that Wang had maintained that item two had never been intended to exclude discussion at a higher level of those practical matters which their talks were not able to solve but that “on the contrary, it was the function of these talks to make arrangement for practical and physical channels through which these practical matters might be solved”. (Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9–2355)
  4. See footnote 4, Document 58.