55. Telegram From the Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson1

717. Instructions for September 14 meeting.

Basic position remains as stated second paragraph Deptel 677.2
While discussion concerning Item 2 should be postponed if possible until Item 1 completed and in any event should not be engaged in until it clear Agreed Announcement initiated good faith, important bear in mind necessity avoiding breakdown talks.
It appears to us here that avoidance Item 2 topics can best be accomplished by taking positive position that urgent necessity exists for detailing numerous steps called for on both sides in implementation Agreed Announcement. Progress in effectuating Item 1 necessary preparation discussion Item 2.
You may make extensive statement on US implementation responsibilities it has assumed under its announcement. You will be given enumeration of US steps by separate telegram.3
You should call for corresponding detailed account steps taken by PRC fulfill its responsibilities. This might include report on invitation office of UK Chargé, listing measures facilitate contact American citizens with him, itemization steps taken assure widespread publicity for Announcement in places where it will become known to all detained Americans, whereabouts all Americans who wish to leave, welfare jailed Americans, progress 9 Americans already granted exit permits, status 3 other Americans not in jail who do not yet have exit permits, and movements and approved travel routes Americans enroute out of country or preparing depart.
There is no objection to a recess if desired by Wang, in which case it should be by agreed announcement.
If Wang endeavors obtain priority for his proposed Item 2 topics by prematurely presenting a list to you at next meeting you should counter by telling him that you have Item 2 topic in your pocket also (FYI missing American servicemen), but you are not presenting it yet because time is not yet ripe and same restraint expected from him.
Meetings should not be oftener than twice a week.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9–1355. Secret; Niact; Limited Distribution. Drafted by McConaughy; cleared by Hoover, Murphy, Phleger, and, in draft, by Sebald; approved for transmission by Robertson.

    McConaughy wrote in letter No. 13 to Johnson, September 12, that the Department was concerned about leaks to the press in Washington, which it feared might jeopardize the issuance of the agreed announcement, and was therefore taking steps to reduce the distribution of the telegrams to and from Johnson. He commented, “They have had entirely too wide distribution, up to now having gone not only all over the Department but all over the Government.” (Ibid., Geneva Talks Files: Lot 72 D 415, Geneva—Correspondence Re US–PRC, 1955–1956)

  2. Document 48.
  3. A list of steps taken by the United States was sent to Johnson in telegram 718 to Geneva, September 13. It stated that the Indian Government had been informed of the agreed announcement and formally invited to assume the role described therein, and it outlined steps that had been taken to publicize the agreed announcement. (Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9–1355) The formal invitation to the Indian Government was conveyed in a note of September 12 from the Embassy in New Delhi, which transmitted the text of the agreed announcement, extended a “cordial invitation” to assume the functions described therein, and offered the U.S. Government’s full assistance. (Telegram 576 to New Delhi, September 10, and telegram 487 from New Delhi, September 11; ibid., 611.93/9–1055 and 611.93/9–1155, respectively) A note delivered to the British Foreign Office on September 13 by the Embassy in London inquired whether the British Government would “confirm that it is prepared to assume the specific functions set forth in the Agreed Announcement” as to Americans in China wishing to return to the United States. (Telegram 1392 to London, September 12, and telegram 1018 from London, September 13; ibid., 603.4193/9–1255 and 603.4193/9–355, respectively)