45. Telegram From Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson to the Department of State1

642. Although not received until this morning I in fact very closely followed line in first para Deptel 6482 at dinner with Wang last night.

I indicated had nothing further to add to what I had said previously, no enthusiasm for again covering same ground, and hope he had something new. However, Wang insisted on again going over their position in considerable detail and much earnestness thinking of which followed general line given first portion second para mytel 623.3

Chinese in US brought up in context number much greater than number Americans in China and therefore as set forth by Chou [Page 71] problem latter much more easily resolved. Implication may be that problem former resolved only by workings representation arrangement and that proportion Chinese students in US who go ChiCom territory is one test “improvement relations” and “facility” with which “problem remaining Americans” resolved. Again repetition theme unilateral release flyers had resolved what we had made major issue and therefore now “our turn” make gesture. Also brought up release flyers as example how impossible forecast when remainder could be released but at same time how quickly this could happen following favorable developments (sic).4 Their “many concessions”, no list Chinese US, representation arrangement not satisfactory but willing agree, our form “agreed announcement” accepted etc.

I worked briefly but hard at theme we had agreed discuss return civilians, way to resolve issue was permit them return, dragging out releases not conducive “improvement relations”, but produces opposite effect, “let’s get it finished”, again brought up possibility travel by correspondents if all released (said was speaking personally could make no promises) our very adverse reactions to linking releases Americans to “improvement relations” etc He rose to correspondent bait and was obviously interested. His replies reinforced my feeling that they unable see anything reprehensible in linking releases to “improvement relations”. They start from premise that imprisoned persons have “committed crimes” and that commutation sentences for other than “good behavior” is political act for political purposes.

However unable detect any signs whatever any shift their position and do not believe I gave him any grounds for believing we were going shift. When he made mention at beginning conversation gap until next meeting I said he should realize their position was facing us with “very serious situation”.

During preceding dinner table conversation again much talk by Wang on economic backwardness China (steel production now three million tons only three and one-half million by 1957 etc). Economy would long be primarily agricultural and therefore complimentary to advanced industrial economy US thus providing good basis economic relations, US industry very advanced—by implication better than USSR (Soviet autos not good, low powered and old fashioned, wanted US cars etc), wanted send students to US, China and US long been good friends should be friends again etc.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/8–2955. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution.
  2. Telegram 648 to Geneva, August 27, drafted by McConaughy and Sebald and approved by Sebald, was sent to Johnson after he reported in telegram 631 from Geneva, August 26, that he had accepted a dinner invitation from Ambassador Wang for August 28. Telegram 648 suggested that Johnson intimate that he had received no new instructions, that the Department apparently expected the two Ambassadors to dispose of the first agenda item on the basis of the complete right of all civilians to return to their homelands, and that such a solution would be the most effective way to decrease tension and establish a proper atmosphere for the consideration of agenda item two. (Both ibid., 611.93/8–2655)
  3. Document 41.
  4. As on the source text.