173. Telegram From the Ambassador in the Republic of China (Rankin) to the Department of State1
978. Series of telegrams past week between Far East Air Force, Taiwan Defense Command, CINCPAC and CNO, indicated Department Air Force contemplates deployment 1 flight Matador missiles on Taiwan. Flights to be rotated from Matador squadron to be stationed Japan February 1957.
Appears plan will include stationing 20 officers 240 airmen Taiwan and will require construction semi-permanent installations at or near one or more airfields. Land will be required for launching sites, motor pools, assembly and storage areas. No indication in telegrams of how these projects to be financed.
Although USAF seems anxious to station Matador flight on Taiwan and announce fact before discussing deployment squadron in Japan with Japanese Government, they are withholding further planning this end pending consultation with State Department. Following comments submitted for Department’s use:
- 1.
- I believe Chinese would welcome this addition to Taiwan arsenal;
- 2.
- Presence this unit on Taiwan would have substantial psychological value as deterrent to Communist invasion plans;
- 3.
- Matadors would provide effective means counter-attack mainland airfields in event of Communist strikes on Taiwan;
- 4.
- I urged careful advance planning on land and building requirements and funding for permanent sites for this project;
- 5.
- I understand rotated squadrons will be attached to 13th ATF now on Taiwan and that initial (temporary) deployment can be effected without substantially increasing requirements for land or buildings. In connection with permanent plans for procuring and financing [Page 357] land, buildings and housing, since this will apparently be solely US project, recommend Defense be prepared supply all necessary funds.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 711.56393/5–456. Top Secret. Sent to the Department with an instruction to pass to FEAF for information.↩