795B.5/6–354: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea1

limit distribution

984. Seoul’s 12922 repeated Tokyo 769 Geneva 151. Regret following information not provided earlier messages this subject.

We will be glad exchange ratifications and bring unchanged Treaty into effect at any time but do not wish urge it upon ROK now that we have made offer and any delay is their responsibility.

Do not believe August 8 agreed statement need be considered in this connection. It reads “between now and date when Mutual Defense Treaty can be expected to come into force and effect” ROK armed forces will be subject to UNC. That commitment ran out about end of March. Later paragraph in August 8 agreed statement says ROK “has agreed take no unilateral action unite Korea by military means for agreed duration political conference”. Presumably that commitment runs out when conference ends. However whether or not there exists explicit commitment retain ROK forces under UNC we believe factors mentioned second and third paragraphs your 12593 operate.

  1. This telegram, drafted by McClurkin and cleared by Drumright, was repeated to Tokyo as telegram 2688 and to Geneva as telegram Tosec 342.
  2. Not printed, but see footnote 1, supra.
  3. Dated May 28, p. 1800.